This is the command reference for AvaIre. You can find more elaboration on each of the commands currently implemented here.
If you need for any further info, you can use the help command for the bot to get info about command throttling limits, permission requirements and so forth. Got any questions? Check out #support in AvaIre Central.
All commands uses the exclamation mark(!) as their prefix by default, you can change the prefix for all commands categories, or each category individually using the !prefix command.
Displays a list of available command categories, commands in a given category, or information about a specific command.
Using the help command with no additional arguments will display a list of all the categories.
Listing all commands in a category can be done by using the help command followed by the name of the category.
!help <category>
{tip} It is not required to type out the full name of the category, just typing a few characters will still list the commands in the category that starts with the given characters.
For example listing all the commands in theAdministration
category can be done by doing!help a
for short.
Displaying a given command's information can be done by using help
followed by the command you want to get information about.
!help <command>
{tip} Command aliases can be used as well, for example
!help sid
will display help for the!serverid
Adds a role to the leveling up table, roles on the table will be given to users once they level up and meet the requirements for the role.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!alr <level requirement> <role>
- Adds to role to users when they level up and meet the level requirement.
!alr 5 Regular
- Adds the Regular role to the level up table, users who are level 5 and up will get the role when they level up.
Adds a reaction emote to the last message sent in the channel, and attaches a role to the emote, users can then reaction to the message using the emote to get the role linked with the emote. Note: reaction emotes has to belong to the server the message is created on, you can't use global emotes or emotes from other servers.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
The bot needs Manage Roles permission to run this command.
!arr <emote> <role name>
- Creates a reaction role with the given emote and role name.
!arr :avaPotato: Potato
- Gives users the Potato role when the reaction with the :avaPotato: reaction.
Adds a role to the self-assignable roles list, any role on the list can be claimed by users when they use :prefixiam <role>
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!asar <role>
- Adds the mentioned role to the self-assignable roles list.
!asar DJ
This command can be used to give, take, or reset a users XP, on a per-server basis. Note: This does not affect the global leaderboard.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggle Level Command
- Rank Command
- Add Level Role Command
- List Level Roles Command
- Remove Level Roles Command
!experience reset <user>
- Resets the users XP.
!experience add <user> <amount>
- Adds the given amount of XP to the user.
!experience take <user> <amount>
- Takes the given amount of XP from the user.
!experience server-reset
- Resets the XP for everyone on the entire server in one go.
!experience reset @Senither
!experience add @Senither 9999
!experience take @Senither 1337
!experience server-reset
Toggles the AI(Artificial Intelligence) on/off for the current channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggles the AI on/off for the current channel.
Creates and maps a custom alias for a pre-existing command. Provide no alias to remove an existing alias.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
!alias <alias>
- Deletes the alias if it exists.
!alias <alias> <command>
- Creates an alias for the given command.
!alias !ava !repeat **Website:**
Automatically assigns a specified role to every user who joins the server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot needs Manage Roles permission to run this command.
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
- Displays the current auto assignable role if one is set.
!autorole <role>
- The role that should be auto assignable.
!autorole disable
- Disables the auto assignable role.
!autorole @Member
Bans the mentioned user from the server with the provided reason, all messages the user has sent in the last 7 days will also be deleted in the process, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Ban Members permission to run this command.
!ban <user> [reason]
- Bans the mentioned user with the given reason.
!ban <user id> [reason]
- Bans the user with given ID and for the given reason.
!ban @Senither Spam and acting like a twat
Shows status of all command categories in the current or mentioned channel, both for globally and per-channel.
!categories [channel]
- Displays the status of the command categories in the mentioned channel, or the current channel if no channel was mentioned.
!categories #general
Sets the prefix that should be used for all commands in a given category, if no prefix is provided the category prefix will be reset back to the default instead, each category in AvaIre can have a different prefix, or you can choose to change them all at the same time.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!changeprefix <category>
- Resets the category prefix back to its default prefix.
!changeprefix <category> [prefix]
- Sets the category prefix to the given prefix.
!changeprefix fun
- Resets the prefix back to default for the `fun` commands.
!changeprefix admin /
- Sets the prefix to `/` for all admin commands.
!changeprefix all a!
- Sets the prefix for all the categories to `a!`.
Toggles XP rewards on or off for the mentioned channel, if no arguments is given the channels that currently has their channel rewards disabled will be displayed instead, the command can be used to prevent rewarding users experience in certain channels like #spam channels. Note this command requires that the leveling system is enabled for the server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggle Level Command
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Rank Command
!channellevel <channel> [status]
- Toggles the level feature on/off.
- Lists channels with their XP status disabled.
!channellevel #spam off
- Disables XP gains in the #spam channel.
!channellevel #sandbox
- Toggles the XP gains on/off for the #sandbox channel.
- Lists all the channels that currently has their XP status disabled.
Toggles the goodbye messages on or off for the current channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggles the goodbye messages on/off for the current channel
Sets the message that should be sent when a user leaves the server, this command can only be used if the goodbye module is enabled for the current channel. The goodbye message has support for placeholders, allowing for customizing the message a bit more for each user.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Resets the goodbye back to the default message.
!goodbyemessage <message>
- Sets the goodbye message to the given message.
!goodbyemessage embed
- Disables embed messages.
!goodbyemessage embed <color>
- Enables embed messages with the given color.
!goodbyemessage <user>
- If a valid username, nickname or user was mentioned, an example message will be sent for the given user.
!goodbyemessage Goodbye %user%!
- Sets the message to "Goodbye @user".
!goodbyemessage embed #ff0000
- Enables embed messages and sets it to red.
!goodbyemessage @Senither
- Tests the goodbye message using the mentioned user.
Gives you the role with the given name if it is in the self-assignable list of roles.
!iam <role>
!iam DJ
Removes the role with the given name from you if it is in the self-assignable list of roles.
!iamnot <role>
!iamnot DJ
Kicks the mentioned user from the server with the provided reason, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Kick Members permission to run this command.
!kick <user> [reason]
- Kicks the mentioned user with the given reason.
!kick @Senither Spamming things
Show a list of available languages or set a language that should be used for the server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!language [page]
- Displays a list of languages, 10 languages per page.
!language [code]
- Sets the language to the given language code.
!language 2
- Displays the languages on page 2
!language english
- Changes the language of the bot to English
Toggles the Leveling alerts system on or off for the current server or channel.
This command requires the Levels & Experience
feature to be enabled for the server!
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Channel Level Command
- Toggle Level Command
- Rank Command
- Toggles the level alerts feature on/off
!levelalerts <channel>
- Toggles the level alerts feature on for the given channel
!levelalerts #general
Toggles the Leveling system on or off for the current server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Channel Level Command
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Rank Command
- Administrate Experience Command
- Toggles the level feature on/off
Level Hierarchy determines if level roles give to users should be removed once they level up and get the next role, or if they should keep all of their roles, when the level hierarchy is enabled and a user levels up to get the next role, all other level roles they have will be removed, if they level up to a level without a level role, nothing will happen to them, the feature can be toggled on and off using this command.
- Add Level Role Command
- Remove Level Roles Command
- List Level Roles Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Channel Level Command
- Toggle Level Command
- Administrate Experience Command
- Displays the current level hierarchy status.
!levelhierarchy <on/off>
- Toggles the feature on or off.
!levelhierarchy on
- Toggles the feature on.
The level modifier allows a server to set a custom level and experience modifier, allowing a server to fine tune the amount of XP required to level up by either making it harder or easier than default.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Administrate Experience Command
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Channel Level Command
- Toggle Level Command
- Rank Command
!levelmodifier <percentage>
- Sets the level modifier to the given percentage.
!levelmodifier reset
- Resets the level modifier back to the default value.
!levelmodifier 500%
- Sets the modifier to 500%
!levelmodifier 0.01%
- Sets the modifier to 0.01%
!levelmodifier reset
- Resets the modifier back to default.
Lists all the existing command aliases.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Lists all the aliases for the server.
List all the leveling roles and the level require to get them.
- Lists all the roles you can get for leveling up.
List reaction messages with a snippet of the message, along with what roles and emotes are linked to the message.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!lrr [page]
- Lists all the reaction role messages on the server.
List all the self-assignable roles, 10 per-page.
- List all the self-assignable roles for the server.
Displays the modlogging status for the server if no arguments is given, you can also mention a text channel to enable modlogging and set it to the mentioned channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Displays the current state of the modlog module for the server.
!modlog <channel>
- Enabled modlogging and sets it to the mentioned channel.
!modlog disable
- Disables the modlogging module for the server.
!modlog #modlog
- Enables modlogging and sets it to the modlog channel.
!modlog disable
- Disables modlogging for the server.
Displays the modlog history for the mentioned user, this will display all past warnings, bans, soft bans, kicks, and voice kicks.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Messages permission to run this command.
!modloghistory <user>
- Displays the modlog history for the mentioned user.
!modloghistory @Senither
- Displays all the bad things Senither has done.
Pardons the given modlog case ID, removing it from the users modlog history log and locking the message so it can't be edited. Server admins can pardon any modlog cases, while everyone else can only pardon modlog cases they themselves are the cause for.
Note: This command does not revert the action for the modlog case, so if the user was banned, they will not be unbanned using this command.
- Modlog History Command
- Warn Command
- Soft Ban Command
- Ban Command
- Unban Command
- Kick Command
- Voice Kick Command
!pardon <modlog id> [reason]
- Pardons the given modlog case ID with the given reason.
!pardon 9 Whoops, was a mistake
Sets the reason for an old modlog case, this command requires the server has a modlog channel set using the !modlog
You can only set modlog reasons for old modlog cases if you were the moderator for the case.
!reason <case id> <reason>
- Sets the reason for the given ID
!reason 9 Advertising stuff in #general
- Sets the 9th modlog case to "Advertising stuff in #general"
Displays the NSFW status of the current channel, additionally on/off can be passed to the command to change the channels NSFW status.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Manage Channels permission to run this command.
- Displays the NSFW status of the current channel.
!nsfw <on | off>
- Changes the NSFW status of the current channel.
!nsfw <channel>
- Displays the mentioned channels NSFW status
!nsfw <channel> <on | off>
- Changes the NSFW status of the mentioned channel.
!nsfw on
!nsfw #nsfw-stuff
!nsfw #general off
Deletes up to 100 chat messages in any channel, you can mention a user if you only want to delete messages by the mentioned user.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Messages permission to run this command.
The bot needs Manage Messages and Read History permissions to run this command.
- Deletes the last 5 messages.
!purge [number]
- Deletes the given number of messages.
!purge [number] [user]
- Deletes the given number of messages for the mentioned users.
!purge 56
!purge 30 @Senither
Remove a role from the leveling up role table.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!rlr <role>
- Removes the role from the leveling up role table.
!rlr <level>
- Removes the role that is assigned to the given level from the role table.
!rlr Member
!rlr 10
Removes a reaction message and all of its reaction roles, or removes just a single reaction role from a reaction message.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!rrr <reaction message id>
- Deletes the reaction message with the given ID, along with all reaction roles attached to the message.
!rrr <reaction message id> <emote>
- Deletes the reaction role attached to the given emote from the given reaction message ID.
!rrr 3
- Removes the reaction message with an ID of 3.
!rrr 2 :avaPotato:
- Removes the :avaPotato: emote from the reaction message with an ID of 2.
Removes a role from the self-assignable roles list, any role on the list can be claimed by users when they use :prefixiam <role>
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!rsar <role>
- Removes the mentioned role from the self-assignable roles list.
!rsar DJ
Disables the slowmode or enables it with the given limit, users with the Manage Messages or Manage Channels permissions are exempt from slowmode limits.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Manage Channels permission to run this command.
!slowmode [channel] <off>
- Disables slowmode for the current channel.
!slowmode [channel] <seconds>
- Enables slowmode, allowing one message per user every given second.
!slowmode off
- Disables slowmode.
!slowmode #general off
- Disables slowmode in the general channel.
!slowmode 5
- Enables slowmode, allowing one message every five seconds.
!slowmode #slow-chat 30
- Enables slowmode in the slow chat channel, allowing one message every 30 seconds per user.
Bans the mentioned user from the server with the provided reason without removing any of the messages they have sent, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Ban Members permission to run this command.
!softban <user> [reason]
- Bans the mentioned user with the given reason.
!softban <user id> [reason]
- Bans the user with given ID and for the given reason.
!softban @Senither Being a potato
This command allows you to toggle command categories on/off for the current channel or the whole server in one go, this is useful if you like some features in the bot but not others.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!togglecategory <category> <channel/global> [status]
- Changes the command category status for the mentioned channel or globally if specified.
!togglecategory fun global off
- Disables all the fun on the server D:
!togglecategory util #general off
- Disables all the utility commands in the general channel.
Unbans the user with the given ID from the server if they are banned, if a modlog channel is setup, the unban will be logged to the channel as well.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Ban Members permission to run this command.
!unban <user id> [reason]
- Unbans the user with given ID and for the given reason.
!unban 88739639380172800 Wasn't actually a twat
Kicks the mentioned user from the voice channel they're currently connected to, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Kick Members permission to run this command.
The bot needs Manage Channels and Move Members permissions to run this command.
!voicekick <user> [reason]
- Kicks the mentioned user with the given reason.
!voicekick @Senither Yelling at people
Warns a given user with a message, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Messages permission to run this command.
!warn <user> [reason]
- Warns the mentioned user with the given reason.
!warn @Senither Being a potato
- Warns Senither for being a potato.
Toggles the welcome messages on or off for the current channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggles the welcome messages on/off for the current channel
Sets the message that should be sent when a user joins the server, this command can only be used if the welcome module is enabled for the current channel. The welcome message has support for placeholders, allowing for customizing the message a bit more for each user.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Resets the welcome message back to the default message.
!welcomemessage <message>
- Sets the welcome message to the given message.
!welcomemessage embed
- Disables embed messages.
!welcomemessage embed <color>
- Enables embed messages with the given color.
!welcomemessage <user>
- If a valid username, nickname or user was mentioned, an example message will be sent for the given user.
!welcomemessage Welcome %user%!
- Sets the message to "Welcome @user".
!welcomemessage embed #ff0000
- Enables embed messages and sets it to red.
!welcomemessage @Senither
- Tests the welcome message using the mentioned user.
Adds a role to the leveling up table, roles on the table will be given to users once they level up and meet the requirements for the role.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!alr <level requirement> <role>
- Adds to role to users when they level up and meet the level requirement.
!alr 5 Regular
- Adds the Regular role to the level up table, users who are level 5 and up will get the role when they level up.
Adds a reaction emote to the last message sent in the channel, and attaches a role to the emote, users can then reaction to the message using the emote to get the role linked with the emote. Note: reaction emotes has to belong to the server the message is created on, you can't use global emotes or emotes from other servers.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
The bot needs Manage Roles permission to run this command.
!arr <emote> <role name>
- Creates a reaction role with the given emote and role name.
!arr :avaPotato: Potato
- Gives users the Potato role when the reaction with the :avaPotato: reaction.
Adds a role to the self-assignable roles list, any role on the list can be claimed by users when they use :prefixiam <role>
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!asar <role>
- Adds the mentioned role to the self-assignable roles list.
!asar DJ
This command can be used to give, take, or reset a users XP, on a per-server basis. Note: This does not affect the global leaderboard.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggle Level Command
- Rank Command
- Add Level Role Command
- List Level Roles Command
- Remove Level Roles Command
!experience reset <user>
- Resets the users XP.
!experience add <user> <amount>
- Adds the given amount of XP to the user.
!experience take <user> <amount>
- Takes the given amount of XP from the user.
!experience server-reset
- Resets the XP for everyone on the entire server in one go.
!experience reset @Senither
!experience add @Senither 9999
!experience take @Senither 1337
!experience server-reset
Toggles the AI(Artificial Intelligence) on/off for the current channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggles the AI on/off for the current channel.
Creates and maps a custom alias for a pre-existing command. Provide no alias to remove an existing alias.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
!alias <alias>
- Deletes the alias if it exists.
!alias <alias> <command>
- Creates an alias for the given command.
!alias !ava !repeat **Website:**
Automatically assigns a specified role to every user who joins the server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot needs Manage Roles permission to run this command.
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
- Displays the current auto assignable role if one is set.
!autorole <role>
- The role that should be auto assignable.
!autorole disable
- Disables the auto assignable role.
!autorole @Member
Bans the mentioned user from the server with the provided reason, all messages the user has sent in the last 7 days will also be deleted in the process, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Ban Members permission to run this command.
!ban <user> [reason]
- Bans the mentioned user with the given reason.
!ban <user id> [reason]
- Bans the user with given ID and for the given reason.
!ban @Senither Spam and acting like a twat
Shows status of all command categories in the current or mentioned channel, both for globally and per-channel.
!categories [channel]
- Displays the status of the command categories in the mentioned channel, or the current channel if no channel was mentioned.
!categories #general
Sets the prefix that should be used for all commands in a given category, if no prefix is provided the category prefix will be reset back to the default instead, each category in AvaIre can have a different prefix, or you can choose to change them all at the same time.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!changeprefix <category>
- Resets the category prefix back to its default prefix.
!changeprefix <category> [prefix]
- Sets the category prefix to the given prefix.
!changeprefix fun
- Resets the prefix back to default for the `fun` commands.
!changeprefix admin /
- Sets the prefix to `/` for all admin commands.
!changeprefix all a!
- Sets the prefix for all the categories to `a!`.
Toggles XP rewards on or off for the mentioned channel, if no arguments is given the channels that currently has their channel rewards disabled will be displayed instead, the command can be used to prevent rewarding users experience in certain channels like #spam channels. Note this command requires that the leveling system is enabled for the server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggle Level Command
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Rank Command
!channellevel <channel> [status]
- Toggles the level feature on/off.
- Lists channels with their XP status disabled.
!channellevel #spam off
- Disables XP gains in the #spam channel.
!channellevel #sandbox
- Toggles the XP gains on/off for the #sandbox channel.
- Lists all the channels that currently has their XP status disabled.
Toggles the goodbye messages on or off for the current channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggles the goodbye messages on/off for the current channel
Sets the message that should be sent when a user leaves the server, this command can only be used if the goodbye module is enabled for the current channel. The goodbye message has support for placeholders, allowing for customizing the message a bit more for each user.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Resets the goodbye back to the default message.
!goodbyemessage <message>
- Sets the goodbye message to the given message.
!goodbyemessage embed
- Disables embed messages.
!goodbyemessage embed <color>
- Enables embed messages with the given color.
!goodbyemessage <user>
- If a valid username, nickname or user was mentioned, an example message will be sent for the given user.
!goodbyemessage Goodbye %user%!
- Sets the message to "Goodbye @user".
!goodbyemessage embed #ff0000
- Enables embed messages and sets it to red.
!goodbyemessage @Senither
- Tests the goodbye message using the mentioned user.
Gives you the role with the given name if it is in the self-assignable list of roles.
!iam <role>
!iam DJ
Removes the role with the given name from you if it is in the self-assignable list of roles.
!iamnot <role>
!iamnot DJ
Kicks the mentioned user from the server with the provided reason, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Kick Members permission to run this command.
!kick <user> [reason]
- Kicks the mentioned user with the given reason.
!kick @Senither Spamming things
Show a list of available languages or set a language that should be used for the server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!language [page]
- Displays a list of languages, 10 languages per page.
!language [code]
- Sets the language to the given language code.
!language 2
- Displays the languages on page 2
!language english
- Changes the language of the bot to English
Toggles the Leveling alerts system on or off for the current server or channel.
This command requires the Levels & Experience
feature to be enabled for the server!
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Channel Level Command
- Toggle Level Command
- Rank Command
- Toggles the level alerts feature on/off
!levelalerts <channel>
- Toggles the level alerts feature on for the given channel
!levelalerts #general
Toggles the Leveling system on or off for the current server.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Channel Level Command
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Rank Command
- Administrate Experience Command
- Toggles the level feature on/off
Level Hierarchy determines if level roles give to users should be removed once they level up and get the next role, or if they should keep all of their roles, when the level hierarchy is enabled and a user levels up to get the next role, all other level roles they have will be removed, if they level up to a level without a level role, nothing will happen to them, the feature can be toggled on and off using this command.
- Add Level Role Command
- Remove Level Roles Command
- List Level Roles Command
- Level Modifier Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Channel Level Command
- Toggle Level Command
- Administrate Experience Command
- Displays the current level hierarchy status.
!levelhierarchy <on/off>
- Toggles the feature on or off.
!levelhierarchy on
- Toggles the feature on.
The level modifier allows a server to set a custom level and experience modifier, allowing a server to fine tune the amount of XP required to level up by either making it harder or easier than default.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Administrate Experience Command
- Level Hierarchy Command
- Level Alerts Command
- Channel Level Command
- Toggle Level Command
- Rank Command
!levelmodifier <percentage>
- Sets the level modifier to the given percentage.
!levelmodifier reset
- Resets the level modifier back to the default value.
!levelmodifier 500%
- Sets the modifier to 500%
!levelmodifier 0.01%
- Sets the modifier to 0.01%
!levelmodifier reset
- Resets the modifier back to default.
Lists all the existing command aliases.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Lists all the aliases for the server.
List all the leveling roles and the level require to get them.
- Lists all the roles you can get for leveling up.
List reaction messages with a snippet of the message, along with what roles and emotes are linked to the message.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!lrr [page]
- Lists all the reaction role messages on the server.
List all the self-assignable roles, 10 per-page.
- List all the self-assignable roles for the server.
Displays the modlogging status for the server if no arguments is given, you can also mention a text channel to enable modlogging and set it to the mentioned channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Displays the current state of the modlog module for the server.
!modlog <channel>
- Enabled modlogging and sets it to the mentioned channel.
!modlog disable
- Disables the modlogging module for the server.
!modlog #modlog
- Enables modlogging and sets it to the modlog channel.
!modlog disable
- Disables modlogging for the server.
Displays the modlog history for the mentioned user, this will display all past warnings, bans, soft bans, kicks, and voice kicks.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Messages permission to run this command.
!modloghistory <user>
- Displays the modlog history for the mentioned user.
!modloghistory @Senither
- Displays all the bad things Senither has done.
Pardons the given modlog case ID, removing it from the users modlog history log and locking the message so it can't be edited. Server admins can pardon any modlog cases, while everyone else can only pardon modlog cases they themselves are the cause for.
Note: This command does not revert the action for the modlog case, so if the user was banned, they will not be unbanned using this command.
- Modlog History Command
- Warn Command
- Soft Ban Command
- Ban Command
- Unban Command
- Kick Command
- Voice Kick Command
!pardon <modlog id> [reason]
- Pardons the given modlog case ID with the given reason.
!pardon 9 Whoops, was a mistake
Sets the reason for an old modlog case, this command requires the server has a modlog channel set using the !modlog
You can only set modlog reasons for old modlog cases if you were the moderator for the case.
!reason <case id> <reason>
- Sets the reason for the given ID
!reason 9 Advertising stuff in #general
- Sets the 9th modlog case to "Advertising stuff in #general"
Displays the NSFW status of the current channel, additionally on/off can be passed to the command to change the channels NSFW status.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Manage Channels permission to run this command.
- Displays the NSFW status of the current channel.
!nsfw <on | off>
- Changes the NSFW status of the current channel.
!nsfw <channel>
- Displays the mentioned channels NSFW status
!nsfw <channel> <on | off>
- Changes the NSFW status of the mentioned channel.
!nsfw on
!nsfw #nsfw-stuff
!nsfw #general off
Deletes up to 100 chat messages in any channel, you can mention a user if you only want to delete messages by the mentioned user.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Messages permission to run this command.
The bot needs Manage Messages and Read History permissions to run this command.
- Deletes the last 5 messages.
!purge [number]
- Deletes the given number of messages.
!purge [number] [user]
- Deletes the given number of messages for the mentioned users.
!purge 56
!purge 30 @Senither
Remove a role from the leveling up role table.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!rlr <role>
- Removes the role from the leveling up role table.
!rlr <level>
- Removes the role that is assigned to the given level from the role table.
!rlr Member
!rlr 10
Removes a reaction message and all of its reaction roles, or removes just a single reaction role from a reaction message.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!rrr <reaction message id>
- Deletes the reaction message with the given ID, along with all reaction roles attached to the message.
!rrr <reaction message id> <emote>
- Deletes the reaction role attached to the given emote from the given reaction message ID.
!rrr 3
- Removes the reaction message with an ID of 3.
!rrr 2 :avaPotato:
- Removes the :avaPotato: emote from the reaction message with an ID of 2.
Removes a role from the self-assignable roles list, any role on the list can be claimed by users when they use :prefixiam <role>
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!rsar <role>
- Removes the mentioned role from the self-assignable roles list.
!rsar DJ
Disables the slowmode or enables it with the given limit, users with the Manage Messages or Manage Channels permissions are exempt from slowmode limits.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Manage Channels permission to run this command.
!slowmode [channel] <off>
- Disables slowmode for the current channel.
!slowmode [channel] <seconds>
- Enables slowmode, allowing one message per user every given second.
!slowmode off
- Disables slowmode.
!slowmode #general off
- Disables slowmode in the general channel.
!slowmode 5
- Enables slowmode, allowing one message every five seconds.
!slowmode #slow-chat 30
- Enables slowmode in the slow chat channel, allowing one message every 30 seconds per user.
Bans the mentioned user from the server with the provided reason without removing any of the messages they have sent, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Ban Members permission to run this command.
!softban <user> [reason]
- Bans the mentioned user with the given reason.
!softban <user id> [reason]
- Bans the user with given ID and for the given reason.
!softban @Senither Being a potato
This command allows you to toggle command categories on/off for the current channel or the whole server in one go, this is useful if you like some features in the bot but not others.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
!togglecategory <category> <channel/global> [status]
- Changes the command category status for the mentioned channel or globally if specified.
!togglecategory fun global off
- Disables all the fun on the server D:
!togglecategory util #general off
- Disables all the utility commands in the general channel.
Unbans the user with the given ID from the server if they are banned, if a modlog channel is setup, the unban will be logged to the channel as well.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Ban Members permission to run this command.
!unban <user id> [reason]
- Unbans the user with given ID and for the given reason.
!unban 88739639380172800 Wasn't actually a twat
Kicks the mentioned user from the voice channel they're currently connected to, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Kick Members permission to run this command.
The bot needs Manage Channels and Move Members permissions to run this command.
!voicekick <user> [reason]
- Kicks the mentioned user with the given reason.
!voicekick @Senither Yelling at people
Warns a given user with a message, this action will be reported to any channel that has modloging enabled.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Messages permission to run this command.
!warn <user> [reason]
- Warns the mentioned user with the given reason.
!warn @Senither Being a potato
- Warns Senither for being a potato.
Toggles the welcome messages on or off for the current channel.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Toggles the welcome messages on/off for the current channel
Sets the message that should be sent when a user joins the server, this command can only be used if the welcome module is enabled for the current channel. The welcome message has support for placeholders, allowing for customizing the message a bit more for each user.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Resets the welcome message back to the default message.
!welcomemessage <message>
- Sets the welcome message to the given message.
!welcomemessage embed
- Disables embed messages.
!welcomemessage embed <color>
- Enables embed messages with the given color.
!welcomemessage <user>
- If a valid username, nickname or user was mentioned, an example message will be sent for the given user.
!welcomemessage Welcome %user%!
- Sets the message to "Welcome @user".
!welcomemessage embed #ff0000
- Enables embed messages and sets it to red.
!welcomemessage @Senither
- Tests the welcome message using the mentioned user.
I will get a random 100% true, real facts about Chuck Norris for you using the "Internet Chuck Norris Database".
!chucknorris [name]
- Gets a random fact for you, if a name is given "Chuck Norris" will be replaced with the given name.
!chucknorris @Senither
Flips a coin heads or tails.
- Flips a coin for either heads or tails.
Rolls a dice or multiple dice with the given number of sides.
!dice <dice followed by a D and the sides>
- Rolls some dice randomly
!dice 4D8 2D4
Ask 8Ball a question and get a random response back.
!8ball <question>
!8ball will i have a good day today?
Flips the given message upside down.
!flip <message>
- Flips the given message.
!flip This is some random message
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Generates memes with your given text, you can tag users to use their avatar as a meme, or just give the meme name you wanna use.
!meme list
- Lists all the available meme types.
!meme <meme> <top text> <bottom text>
- Generates the meme with the given text.
!meme <user> <top text> <bottom text>
- Generates a meme with the tagged users avatar and the given text.
!meme buzz "Memes" "Memes everywhere"
!meme @Senither "Creates a Meme command for AvaIre" "Almost no one uses it"
I will scour the internet to find a random cat picture for you.
- Gets a random picture of a cat and sends it in the channel.
I will scour the internet to find a random dog picture for you.
- Gets a random picture of a dog and sends it in the channel.
I will repeat anything you say.
!repeat <message>
- Repeats the given message
!repeat I am a BOT
Reverses the message given.
!reverse <message>
- Reverses the given message.
!reverse This is some random message
Pay your respects
- Pay your respects
Roll a random number between 1 and 100, or within the given parameters.
!roll [max]
!roll [min] [max]
!roll 3 6
The bot will repeat anything you tell it to, if a channel is mentioned, the message will be sent in that channel instead.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot and the user needs the Manage Messages permission to run this command.
!say <message>
- Makes the bot say the given message in the current channel.
!say <channel> <message>
- Makes the bot say the given message in the channel.
!say I am a BOT
- Makes the bot send the "I am a bot" message.
!say #general Hi there!
- Makes the bot send the message in #general.
Create your own Undertale text boxes with any character and text you want, you can also specify a image through a URL that should be used as the avatar instead.! Generator owned by Demirramon. Undertale owned by Toby Fox. All rights reserved.
!undertale list [page]
- Lists some undertale characters the generator supports.
!undertale <url> <message>
- Generates the image using the given image url and message.
!undertale <character> <message>
- Generates the image using the provided undertale character as the avatar, and the provided message.
!undertale Toriel Greetings, my child
!undertale Want to play?
Clears the music queue of all pending songs
- Clears the music queue
Change the DJ level requirement for the server, this changes what music commands people can use with or without the DJ
Discord role.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Displays the current DJ Level for the server.
!djlevel types
- Displays all the types and some info about them.
!djlevel <type>
- Change the DJ Level to the given type.
!djlevel types
- Displays all the types and info about them.
!djlevel normal
- Changes the DJ Level to "normal".
Moves the bot to your current voice channel.
- Moves the bot to your voice channel
The music channel command can be used to define a text and voice channel that music should be linked to, if a text channel is set through the command, music commands will only work in the given channel, if a voice channel is set Ava will auto join the voice channel on the first music request.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
- Displays the current music channels.
!musicchannel <voice|text>
- Disables the music text or voice channel.
!musicchannel <voice|text> <channel>
- Sets the music text or voice channel.
!musicchannel text
- Disables the music text channel if one was set.
!musicchannel voice music
- Sets the voice music channel to the `music` channel.
Toggles music messages on and off, when music messages are off, the "Now Playing" messages will no longer be sent, and messages that before would stay, will now be automatically be deleted after awhile.
Special permissions required to run this command
The user needs Administrator permission to run this command.
- Displays the current music message status.
!musicmessages [on|off]
- Toggles the music messages on/off.
!musicmessages off
- Turns off music messages.
Pauses the music currently playing
- Pauses the music
Plays the provided song for you, if just the song title is given the bot will search YouTube for your song and give you some suggestions, you can also use YouTube, SoundCloud, TwitchTV, Bandcamp, and Vimeo link, or raw sound file, mp3, flac, wav, webm, mp4, ogg, aac, m3u and pls formats.
!play <song>
- Plays the given song
!play A cool song
- Finds songs with the name "A cool song".
- Plays the song off a link
Music playlist command, allows music DJs to create, delete, and load playlists to the music queue, as well as adding and removing songs from any of the playlists.
- Lists existing playlists.
!playlist [name] add [song link]
- Adds a song to a playlist.
!playlist [name] create
- Creates a new playlist.
!playlist [name] delete
- Deletes an existing playlist.
!playlist [name] play
- Plays a playlist.
!playlist [name] removesong [id]
- Removes a song from a playlist.
!playlist [name] renameto [new name]
- Renames a existing playlist.
!playlist [name] movesong [id] [new id]
- Move a song to a different position.
!playlist [name] [page number]
- Shows the songs in a playlist.
!playlist test create
- Creates a playlist called `test`.
!playlist test add Some song
- Adds `Some song` to the `test` playlist.
!playlist test move 2 1
- Moves the 2nd song to the first place.
!playlist test remove 2
- Removes the 2nd song from the `test`playlist.
!playlist test rename Music
- Renames the `test` playlist to `Music`.
!playlist music 2
- Shows the 2nd page of the `Music` playlist.
!playlist music play
- Plays all the songs in the `Music` playlist.
!playlist music delete
- Deletes the `Music` playlist.
Removes a song or multiple songs from the music queue.
!removesong <song id> Removes the song with the given ID from the queue.
!removesong <start song id> - <end song id> Removes the songs with the given range of IDs, inclusive, from the queue
!removesong 3 Removes song 3 from the queue
!removesong 3-6 Removes songs 3-6 from the queue
Repeats all the songs in the music queue or repeats the current song.
!repeatsongs <repeat-state>
- Toggles between repeating all, one, or off.
- Displays current repeat mode
!repeatsongs off
- Turns off repeat
!repeatsongs one
- Loops the currently playing song
!repeatsongs all
- Loops the entire queue
Resumes the music in the queue, starting the music back up if it was paused
- Resumes the music
Jumps to the given time code in the track that is currently playing.
!seek <time>
- Jumps to the given time code.
!seek 2:24
- Jumps to 2 minutes 24 seconds of the song.
Sets the default volume that the music should play at when Ava first joins a voice channel.
Note: This does not change the volume of music already playing, to change that, use the !volume
command instead.
- Displays the current default volume
!default-volume <volume>
- Changes the default volume to the given volume.
!default-volume 75
- Sets the default volume to 75
Shuffles the music queue, mixing the songs up in random order.
- Shuffles all the songs currently in the queue.
Skips to the next song in the music queue.
- Skips to the next song in the queue
Returns the song that is playing right now and some attached information. This includes who requested it, how much of the song is left and the volume the song is playing at plus the rest of the songs currently in queue.
- Shows info about the song currently playing and the queue.
!song [page]
- Shows the songs in the given page in the queue.
Plays the provided song for you, if just the song title is given the bot will search SoundCloud for your song and give you some suggestions, you can also use YouTube, SoundCloud, TwitchTV, Bandcamp, and Vimeo link, or raw sound file, mp3, flac, wav, webm, mp4, ogg, aac, m3u and pls formats.
!soundcloud <song>
- Plays the given song
!soundcloud A cool song
- Finds songs with the name "A cool song".
- Plays the song off a link
Stops the song currently playing, clears the music queue and disconnects from the voice channel the music was playing in.
- Stops the music if anything is playing.
Music will sometimes stop working when Discord forgets to notify bots about voice state changes, this commands tries to make fixing that a bit easier to do by forcing a voice update state for the bot through changing the server region, the command will pick a server region at random, swap the servers region to that, and then 2½ seconds later swap right back, this should fix music 99% of the time.
If you're still experiencing voice issues you can try making the bot leave the voice channel by using a command like !stop
, and then running this command again.
Still having issues even after all that? You can join the support server to get help from the AvaIre support team directly.
Special permissions required to run this command
The bot needs Manage Server permission to run this command.
- Finds a random server region, swaps to it and then swaps back again.
Changes the volume of the music, by default the music will be playing at 100% volume.
- Shows the current music volume without changing it
!volume <volume>
- Sets the music volume to the given number
!volume 80
Use this command to vote on the song currently playing to be skipped, if the vote wins with a majority vote the song will be skipped.
- Vote to skip the current song.
Searches with the given query and returns the first six results, if the command is used in a channel with NSFW disabled, all NSFW search results will be removed from the results.
!duckduckgo <query>
- Searchs DuckDuckGo for your query.
!duckduckgo AvaIre Bot
Returns a random gif for you from with the given query.
!gfycat <query>
- Finds a random image with the given query
!gfycat cats
Get the definition of a word or sentence from
!urbandictionary <word or sentence>
- Gets the definition from Urban Dictionary
!urbandictionary potato
Gets the latest XKCD comic, or the comic with the given id.
- Gets the latest comic
!xkcd <id>
- Gets the comic with the given id.
!xkcd random
- Gets a random comic.
!xkcd 530
- Gets the comic with an ID of `530`.
!xkcd random
- Gets a random comic.
Calculates the given math equations and returns the result for you.
!calculate <equation>
- Calculates the result of the given math equation.
!calculate (-50 + sqrt(50 ^ 2 - ((4 * 5) * (100 - 955)))) / (2 * 5) == 9
Shows the ID of the channel the command was ran in, or the channel tagged in the command.
!channelid [channel]
- Gets the ID of the current channel, or the mentioned channel.
!channelid #general
Shows information about the channel the command was run in, or the mentioned channel.
!channelinfo [channel]
- Gets information about the mentioned channel, or if no channel was mention, get information about the current channel.
!channelinfo #general
Expands the url to the full form, resolving all the redirects and showing what urls the link goes through if it redirects anywhere.
!expand <url>
- Expands the provided url.
Send feedback about Ava back to the developers and the staff team, any message passed to the command will be sent in the #feedback channel on the AvaIre Central server.
!feedback <message>
- Sends feedback to the devs.
!feedback The thing about the stuff is doing stuff that doesn't make sense for the thing.
Shows the top 100 users globally, combining their rank, level, and xp between all servers the users are on.
- Displays the top 100 players on the XP leaderboard globally.
!gleaderboard 2
Gives information about the given IP address.
!ipinfo <ip>
- Displays information about the given IP address.
Returns a link that can be used to invite the bot to other servers.
- Gives you an invite link that can be used to invite AvaIre to servers.
Displays the server's level leaderboard with the user's name, rank, level and XP. The response is paginated to show 10 users per page.
- Displays the top 100 players on the XP leaderboard for the server.
!leaderboard 2
Can be used to check if the bot is still alive.
- Returns the latency of the bot.
Rank backgrounds are used for the !rank
command, when a user has a rank
background selected, their rank and experience will be displayed using a generated
image instead, the background image can be changed at any time.
You can buy backgrounds using vote points, use !vote
for more info.
!backgrounds list
- Lists all the backgrounds available.
!backgrounds test <name>
- Displays an example of how the background will look like if you buy it.
!backgrounds buy <name>
- Buys the background with vote points.
!backgrounds use <name>
- Selects the background so it is used in the future for rank commands.
!backgrounds off
- Disables the rank background, returns to using embedded rank messages.
!backgrounds list
!backgrounds test discord dark theme
!backgrounds buy discord dark theme
!backgrounds use discord dark theme
!backgrounds off
Gets your rank, level, xp for the current server and total xp for all servers that you're on, you can tag a user to see their level stats instead.
This command requires the Levels & Experience
feature to be enabled for the server!
- Displays your rank, level, xp and other stuff
!rank @Senither
- Displays Senither's rank, level, xp...
!rank @Senither
Reminds you of something after a certain amount of time.
!remindme me <time> <message>
- Reminds you about the message after the time is up in a DM. !remindme here
- Reminds you about the message after the time is up in the channel the command was used in.
!remindme me 25m Something
- Reminds you about something after 25 minutes.
!remindme me 2h30m9s Stuff
- Reminds you about stuff after 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 9 seconds.
!remindme here 30m Potatoe
- Reminds you about Potatoe in 30 minutes in the current channel.
Shows the ID of the server the command was ran in.
Shows information about the server the command was ran in.
Gives you the source code for the Bot, or the code for a given command.
- Returns the full source code for the bot.
!source <command>
- Returns the source code for the given command.
!source ping
Displays information about Ava and some related stats.
- Shows some stats about the bot.
Displays how long the bot has been online for.
- Displays how long the bot has been online for.
Get the profile picture of someone on the server by name, id, or mentions.
!avatar <user | user id>
- Gets the avatar of the given user.
!avatar @Senither
Shows your Discord account user ID, or the ID of the user tagged in the command.
!userid [user]
- Gets the ID of the user who ran the command, or the mentioned user.
!userid @Senither
!userid alexis
!userid 88739639380172800
Shows information about the user that ran the command, or the mentioned user. This includes the users username, ID, roles, the date they joined the server, the date they created their account, and how many servers they're in (That Ava knows about).
!userinfo [user]
- Gets information about the user who ran the command, or the mentioned user
!userinfo @Senither
!userinfo alexis
!userinfo 88739639380172800
Displays the current version of Ava that is running. If the version is outdated the new version will be shown as well as what type of changes have been made.
- Gets the current version of the bot, and displays any changes compared to the master branch if there is any.
Enjoy using the bot? Consider voting for the bot to help it grow, it's free but means a lot to the team behind Ava <3
!vote check
- Checks if you have voted for Ava in the last 12 hours.
- Displays the invite link to Ava, or tells you when your vote expires.
!vote check