Usage: qtwebbrowserkiosk [options] [startUrl]
This is a modified Qt Web Browser working in kiosk mode
Options: -h, --help Displays this help. -v, --version Displays version information. -c, --config Configuration INI-file
Arguments: startUrl Open this URL, optionally (else the home page in config file will be used)
Below is a sample config file
[application] icon=qrc:///qml/assets/icons/AppLogoColor.png name=QtWebBrowserKiosk organization=The Qt Company version=1.0.0
[browser] ignore_ssl_errors=true javascript=true javascript_can_open_windows=false plugins=true webgl=false
[localstorage] enable=false
[proxy] auth=false enable=false password=password port=3128 system=true username=username
[view] fixed-height=600 fixed-size=false fixed-width=1024 fullscreen=true maximized=false minimal-height=200 minimal-width=320 show_keyboard=true