For specific files we will be using dot notation with element.action.ts for example:
- controller: user.controllers.ts
- middleware: user.middleware.ts
- services:
- routes: user.routes.ts
- config: db.config.ts
- test: element.test.ts
- User: model should be Entity in singural and start with capital letter, Table(entity): for entity or table naming
- users: (table name should be named entity in plural and start with small letter)
- field naming: snake_case
Migration: follow sequelizer formatting correctly Utils:just function in small case letter
In file naming:
- function: camelCase with small start case
- class: Capital Camel case
Validation: use zod Commits: avoid creating more than one commit at any cost packages installation:
- avoid installing types packages in dependencies all of them need to be in dev dependencies
- avoid installing packages that have not been maintain for longer more than year
- for new package installation, please make sure there is no other easily feature can be implemented without package