by Moritz Hilscher
Mapcrafter is a high performance Minecraft map renderer written in C++. It renders Minecraft worlds to a bunch of tiles (images) which are viewable as a map in any browser using Leaflet.js.
The current version supports Minecraft versions 1.13 through 1.16. Newer versions may partially work. For Minecraft 1.12 (or older) please use Mapcrafter 2.4.
- Web output: Render your Minecraft worlds to maps viewable in any web browser!
- Different render views: Choose between different perspectives to render your world from! A 2D topdown and a 3D isometric render view are available!
- Different rotations: Choose from four different rotations to render your worlds from!
- Different render modes: Choose between different render modes like day, night and cave for your maps!
- Different overlays: Show additional information on your map! For example: Where can slimes spawn? Where can monsters spawn at night?
- Configuration files: Highly-customizable which worlds are rendered with which render view and other render parameters!
- Markers: Automatically generated markers from your Minecraft world data!
- Other stuff: Biome colors, incremental rendering, multithreading
- A Linux-based or Unix-like operating system like Mac OS
- A decent C++ compiler (preferable
>= 4.4, orclang
), CMake and make if you want to build Mapcrafter from source - Some libraries:
(but you may use libjpeg-turbo as drop in replacement)libboost-iostreams
(>= 1.42)libboost-program-options
(if you want to use the tests)
- For your Minecraft worlds:
- Anvil world format
- Minecraft resource packs
There are a few example maps of the renderer on the GitHub Wiki. Please feel free to add your own maps to this list.
You can read the current documentation on
and you can also download other builds
from there. The documentation source is in the docs/
directory and you can build it
yourself with Sphinx.
If you find bugs or problems when using Mapcrafter or if you have ideas for new features, then please feel free to add an issue to the GitHub issue tracker.
Join us on Discord, where you can meet other Mapcrafter users and ask for help. Please be respectful with everyone and have patience with people who are offering their time to help!
Thanks to pigmap and Minecraft Overviewer, whose documentations and source code were very helpful. I also used the alpha blending code of pigmap and some maps stuff of the template from Minecraft Overviewer.
Mapcrafter is free software and available under the GPL license. You can access the latest source code of Mapcrafter on GitHub:
See the CHANGELOG for details.
(disorganized notes, might clean up at some point)
Blockcrafter is a separate from Mapcrafter, it uses the jar files from minecraft, or other asset directories to generate the textures for all blocks so Mapcrafter can render the map. This step is necessary when new Minecraft versions come out, but if you're compiling a version of Mapcrafter that already includes those, skip this step and go to (next section)[###building-mapcrafter]
Until I figure out how to let Docker use my GPU, using the docker container with --osmesa is not an option. It would take ages.
Refresh your python3.8 installation, just in case:
pyenv install 3.8.6
I don't like pyenv's manipulations, so I explicitly add the Python I want to my path:
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/bin/:$PATH"
Create a venv, activate it and install it.
python -m venv env
. env/bin/active
python install
Now this should work:
echo -n -e "" "-r"{0,1,2,3}" -v"{isometric,side,topdown}" -t"{12,16}"\n" |\
xargs -IOPTS -P16 sh -c 'blockcrafter-export \
-a blockcrafter/custom_assets/ \
-a minecraft-1.16.5-client/ \
-a minecraft-1.16.5-client/assets/ \
-a minecraft-1.17.1-client/ \
-a minecraft-1.17.1-client/assets/ \
-a minecraft-1.18.1-client/ \
-a minecraft-1.18.1-client/assets/ \
-a minecraft-1.19-client/ \
-a minecraft-1.19-client/assets/ OPTS -o blocks/'
Change -P16 to how many tasks you want to run in parallel. The more the better, but more than your CPU's actual concurrency won't make a difference.
Bring the generated images and txt files to Mapcrafter's src/data/blocks directory.
Generate texture files:
./src/tools/ \
-f ~/.local/share/multimc/libraries/com/mojang/minecraft/1.19/minecraft-1.19-client.jar \
and then texture code:
Run this once:
cmake -S . -B build
And this every time you want to recompile:
cmake --build build -j16
Again, change -j16 to match how many threads to use.