apparently, despite Jekyll saying “use ruby 2.7 or higher” does NOT mean it works on ruby 3, which is currently does not (as of 20211006)
sudo pacman -Suy ruby2.7
# do not use gems
bundle-2.7 install
bundle-2.7 exec jekyll serve
ruby-dev ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libgdbm-dev libgdbm-compat-dev libtool libyaml-dev
brew install rbenv
rbenv install 3.3.6 # or whatever the latest stable is from `rbenv install -l`
rbenv local 3.3.6
rbenv shell 3.3.6 # after running `rbenv init` and adding it to the rc files
brew install node # for academic pages
# then below
rbenv shell 3.3.6
gem install bundler jekyll
gem update
bundle update
bundle exec jekyll serve
very helpful! and really just searching for jekyll website howtos is awesome
appears you can program hrefs, or anything, that are defined in ‘_config.yml’ e.g. via `<link href=”{{ site.url }}/”/>` or just put {{ site.title }} straight in html
see for best practices
if reinstalling again, follow and run
`gem install jekyll bundler`
`gem update` `bundle update`
`bundle exec jekyll serve`