must run some stuff as sudo, which leads to some suckage
note the existence of FileEdit class (in chef/chef/lib/chef/util) -- has
and stuff -- http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/CHEF-78
make brew install emacs 24
make dotfiles refer to the brew coreutils
set up terminal for solarized
set up emacs (see below)
(test the getting started in the readme)
set global keys
impose modest system prefs
solarized into OSX colorpalette
command is meta
solarized colors
terminal keystrokes
flip wants:
ctrl-left, ctrl-right to M-b M-f
home, end to C-a, C-e
page-up, page-down to 'scroll to {next,previous} page in buffer'
flip has:
option-left, option-right to C-a, C-e
installs emacs24 via homebrew
the 'right' emacs package manager, if any
solarized color theme
make the menubar sane
I like this organization:
-- customizationsbindings.el
-- key bindingsdefuns.el
-- functionsmodes.el
-- configures major-/minor-modes; expands the list of extensions for each mode (egRakefile
=> ruby-mode)
figure out what the cool kids are doing for rails in emacs and do that
please no paredit (unless you decide it's totally awesome)
modes; if any of those are built-in or you find there are better ones, feel free to replace
- ido-mode
- recentf-mode
- hippie-expand
- flymake
- magit
- there are many javascript modes. figure out the best and put that in and make sure the others don't come in even if I load a .json file.
- Make sure the javascript mode is not paredit-infected
- others: coffee-mode, cucumber-mode, haml-mode, markdown-mode, textile-mode, sass-mode, scss-mode, yaml-mode, textile-mode, pig-mode
make it so backups are stored somewhere that 1) is in my home dir tree (ie not the /tmp dir) 2) is not in my way 3) is not twiddle turd~ files in the current directory
- everything is indent two spaces, no tabs, everywhere
- everything is as UTF-8 as it's possible to make it
- choose a fill-column default -- can be 80, can be larger
here are the keybinding choices I think might be controversial -- my request list is at https://gist.github.com/1997579
- C-z and M-z are undo everywhere
- M-C, M-V are copy/paste; M-backtick is
; M-h hides emacs - M-Q is NOT quit, it is fill-paragraph
- C-M-3 is comment-region, C-M-# is uncomment-region
- C-x f is find-file (not set-fill-column)
if desired, here is snippet to use with osx_application definition:
"Emacs": { "url": "http://emacsformacosx.com/emacs-builds/Emacs-pretest-24.0.93-universal-10.6.8.dmg", "checksum": "d51e85bc5c7bfa7d2cf28c249c17fa4733d53"
- is there a way to make it compile the .el files into .elc (even if it involves a Guardfile)? Cause that makes startup HELLA faster
- emacs-server
- mumamo (multiple editing modes eg for a .pig.erb it knows when you're ruby and when you're pig
- zsh
- assembly of atomic files
- homebrew
- git
- java
- lion build essentials
- rbenv
- vim
- zsh (see above)
- emacs (see above)
- textmate
- bundles, plugins and prefs
- chrome
- adblock
- firefox
- dropbox
- Github for Mac
- GitX (from that one guy's branch)
- skype
- nginx
- mongod
- node
- mysql
- virtualbox