- Arvinder Singh Pal Bali (8615130)
- Mexson Fernandes (8615208)
- Sourabh Choubey (8615125)
Fake news on internet have been spreading since the conception of internet itself. They are more of a threat than nuisance, more than ever, mainly because of shear number of people using internet in 21st century. Any chance to curb or even eliminate them is too little of a chance. And since fake news are generated every second, it is impossible to check them at the source. But using Artificial Intelligence techniques, it is now possible to prevent their spread.
- Hardware Requirements (GPUs)
- Feature Extraction
- Accuracy of model
- Formulation of equations
- Human Error
- Data collection from legitimate websites
- Various Machine Learning algorithms used in industries to solve problems.
- Mathematics used for developing ML algorithms.
- Version control using Git.
- Working of Decentralized app.
- Detect click bait links
- Decentralized News application
- Social Media Fake News detection
- Retraining model on daily basis (using News Websites)
- Cross-platform application