it's a open-source React UI Kit that allows anyone to build web3 apps without prior web3 knowledge.
The premise is that on a top level, developer doesn't need to know about gas, transactions, smart-contract – we can have good defaults that work for any wallet and that provide good UI/UX and feedback.
Developer's job is building UI in React, web3-sdk handles all the rest. Developer only decides which data to take from inputs, which transactions to create on each button click – and every blockchain detail is handled by us; or presented to end user to decide.
As input, the SDK receives only the list of smart-contract addresses used in the app ; and a few API keys: Etherscan, Infura, Alchemy (optional), Onboard.js, Buildship (later when we're bigger).
On build step, the ABIs are fetched from etherscan or from our backend (see this endpoint used in widget ).
- make it work!
- gather some developer feedback;
- move from onboard.js to wagmi;
- use hooks everywhere;
- web3-login vs. web3-ui React component lib;
- implement build step thing so abstract away "smart-contracts" for the developer;
- transaction handling (popups, see pending txs, retry, re-fetch tx status);
- allow using or our backend to make blockchain read requests faster (cache and combine multiple into one);
- non-React integrations: e.g. phaser.js;
- ENS support, NFT avatar support;
- all the fun stuff.