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Avery Lieu edited this page Mar 19, 2017 · 103 revisions

Interview Guide

This repo is my guide for interview preparation. Feel free to use it as you see fit. It consists of common data structure and algorithm implementations and notes, complexity analyses, and interview questions I have come across. My implementations are done in Python for uniformity and convenience. However, the solutions that I provided to the interview questions are not necessarily done in Python.

Data Structures

Linked Lists
Singly Linked code notes

|Doubly Linked|code|notes| |Stacks||| |LIFO|code|notes| |Queues||| |FIFO|code|notes| |Deque|code|notes| |Priority Queue|code|notes| |Trees||| |BST|code|notes| |AVL|code|notes| |Red-Black|code|notes| |Hash Tables||| |Open Addressing|code|notes| |Separate Chaining|code|notes| |Graphs||| |Adjacency List|code|notes| |Adjacency Matrix|code|notes|



Bubblesort code notes
Simple Sorts
Insertion Sort code notes
Selection Sort code notes
Efficient Sorts
Merge Sort code notes
Quicksort code notes
Heapsort code notes
Distribution Sorts
Bucket Sort code notes
Counting Sort code notes
Radix Sort code notes


Kruskal's Algorithm code notes
Prim's Algorithm code notes
Huffman Coding code notes
Dynamic Programming
Bellman-Ford Algorithm code notes
Dijkstra's Algorithm code notes
A* Search Algorithm code notes
Breadth First Search
Breadth First Search code notes
Depth First Search
Depth First Search code notes

Interview Q&A


Balanced Delimiters code notes
First Repeating Character code notes
Add Reversed Linked Lists code notes
Rectangle Overlap code notes
Greatest Time code notes
Prime Numbers code notes
Merge Sort code notes
BST code notes
NxN Board Game code notes
Longest Palindrome code notes
Product Seeds code notes
Iterative Inorder Traversal code notes
Minimum Length Subarray code notes
Linked List Palindrome code notes
k Most Frequent Elements code notes
Kth Nearest Point code notes
Shortest Path with Obstacle Avoidance code notes
code notes

Brain Teasers

Sudoku Sub-Grid Problem
10x10x10 Rubik's Cube Problem
Three Wise Men Problem


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