Utilizes several tools to convert switch configurations to Arista EOS
- Arista AVD (https://avd.sh/en/stable/)
- The amazing config parser library from (https://github.com/tdorssers/confparser.git) included here with a single modification to output an alert for non-matching lines
Note: This tool has purposefully been written using a simplistic design to aid in readability and extensibility. While this may introduce inefficiencies in processing, it does allow for easier grokking by non-developers.
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python configConverter.py --help
usage: configConverter.py [-h] -i I [--dissector DISSECTOR] [--output OUTPUT]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i I input file
--dissector DISSECTOR
dissector file. default=ios.yaml
--output OUTPUT default=text, text|yaml