Based on Nginx official image, with an added cron job to query specified Marathon instances and create upstreams.
The script is based on 'haproxy-marathon-bridge' from marathon's project (
Supervisor is used in order to run cron in foreground, as it doesn't work when running in background inside the docker.
docker run ... argussecurity/nginx-marathon inject-and-run <apps_regex> <marathon host:port>+
where <apps_regex> is a regular expression to filter Marathon's tasks on (use "" for all).
docker run -d -p 80:80 argussecurity/nginx-marathon inject-and-run "^(play-server|node-server)$" localhost:8080
Will do the following:
Create a cron job to run 'nginx-marathon-bridge' script every 1 minute. The script generates a file named 'sites.conf' in /etc/nginx/conf.c/ The file will contain all tasks queried from Marathon that match the given regex ("^(play-server|node-server)$") as upstreams, for example:
upstream play-server { server some_route:some_port; # ... } upstream node-server { server some_route:some_port; # ... }
Run nginx as in the official nginx docker (nginx -g "daemon off;")
- For some reason, the cron job doesn't work when running with HOST networking (