All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.0 (2022-01-29)
- terraform: add support for preemptible nodes (b0aa5ac)
- terraform: cheaper instances and networking (b84fb89)
- ipns: fix logic related to setting and retrieving IPNS head (67201b0)
1.2.0 (2022-01-25)
- cmd/acceptance-*: implement applications for manual operations on acceptance topic (118817b)
- producer: implement concurrent producer (da43802)
- sentinel: configurable maxbuffer commmiter (d536f73)
- terraform: modularize deployment (a52e2c9)
- acceptance: basic acceptance performance benchmark (df6b7c2)
1.1.1 (2022-01-17)
- committer: support publishing head in ipns (fbe200f)
- consumer: handle message reading for commits and messages separately (5305c18)
- expose grpc endpoint for returning ipns address (c49245d)
- ipns: use ipns resolver in consumer (f3b77a7)
- acceptance-consumer: minor fixes so that acceptance consumer works (bcc4582)
- crypto: adjust for buggy libp2p ed25519 key pointer passing (6229faa)
- acceptance-sentinel: adjust acceptance-sentinel for getting secret from GCP (3653d61)
- infra: add definitions for IPNS secret (83dd780)
- infra: add ipfs server deployment (b0d2887)
- infra: add key for ipns to KMS (aacd459)
- infra: add network rules to access ipfs (83c0605)
- infra: add sentinel cloud run deployment (eb2e74e)
- infra: adjust sentinel and ipfs node setup (2df41cd)
- consumer: adjust to ipns head resolver (8101872)
- pdclcrypto: move common key logic to pdclcrypto package (9cdc088)
- storage: refactor content storage, message storage and codec (01e4295)
1.1.0 (2022-01-13)
- acceptance-sentinel: implement sentinel for acceptance testing (cab5e6d)
- committer: Add interval and max buffer commiter (1c42066)
- ratelimiting: implement basic rate limiting (#10) (832a4f4)
- signing: add package for signed messages wrappers (72cc34f)
- storage: add basic ipfs based storage implementation (feaf8f9)
- storage: separate codec logic (abcbd6a)
- infra: add image registry (09259bc)
- infra: add initial pdcl-test project setup (f57c9d0)
- infra: setup GCP project for acceptance testing (4756adc)
1.1.0 (2022-01-11)
- acceptance-sentinel: implement sentinel for acceptance testing (cab5e6d)
- committer: Add interval and max buffer commiter (1c42066)
- ratelimiting: implement basic rate limiting (#10) (832a4f4)
- signing: add package for signed messages wrappers (72cc34f)
- storage: add basic ipfs based storage implementation (feaf8f9)
- storage: separate codec logic (abcbd6a)
- infra: add image registry (09259bc)
- infra: add initial pdcl-test project setup (f57c9d0)
- infra: setup GCP project for acceptance testing (4756adc)
1.0.2 (2022-01-11)
- acceptance-sentinel: implement sentinel for acceptance testing (cab5e6d)
- committer: Add interval and max buffer commiter (1c42066)
- ratelimiting: implement basic rate limiting (#10) (832a4f4)
- signing: add package for signed messages wrappers (72cc34f)
- storage: add basic ipfs based storage implementation (feaf8f9)
- storage: separate codec logic (abcbd6a)
- infra: add image registry (09259bc)
- infra: add initial pdcl-test project setup (f57c9d0)
- infra: setup GCP project for acceptance testing (4756adc)
96af461... chore(release): 1.1.0
- go.mod: initialize go mod (f083de2)
- Initial commit (1b21ebc)
- openpollution: implement PDCL first-to-last consumer (45bdfa7)
- producer: add producer and consumer interfaces definitions (8e745fa)
- producer: implement random producer based on local filesystem (468ca38)
- sentinel: add part of sentinel abstract definitions and naive implementations (3ec8b82)
- sentinel: first iteration of openpollution local file storage based sentinel (09f9a4b)
- storage: add local file storage implementation (969072f)
- storage: adjust interfaces, so that it's possible to unmarshall to user-defined type (0edd2df)