The latest untagged master branch can be obtained at
Tagged source code releases from R2-0 onward can be obtained at
Tagged prebuilt binaries from R2-0 onward can be obtained at
The versions of EPICS base, asyn, and other synApps modules used for each release can be obtained from the EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PATHS.local, EXAMPLE_RELEASE_LIBS.local, and EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PRODS.local files respectively, in the configure/ directory of the appropriate release of the top-level areaDetector repository.
- Added support for new PVs in ADCore R3-3 in opi files (NumQueuedArrays, EmptyFreeList, etc.)
- Added ADBuffers.adl to main medm screen.
- Changed configure/RELEASE files for compatibility with areaDetector R3-3.
- Improved op//autoconvert/ files with better medm files and better converters.
- Set Set ADSDKVersion and NDDriverVersion parameters in constructor.
- Added support for creating the directories for data and background files.
- LightField.template
- Change LFGratingWavelength records to LFGratingWL because names were too long for links.
- Disable PINI for LFGratingWL because it will crash LightField if Step and Glue is enabled.
- Added support for Step And Glue to collect spectra that require changing gratings automatically. There are records to enable Step And Glue and to set the starting and ending wavelength.
- Added support for selecting the Entrance Port of the spectrometer.
- Fixed medm adl files to improve the autoconversion to other display manager files.
- Added op/Makefile to automatically convert adl files to edl, ui, and opi files.
- Updated the edl, ui, and opi autoconvert directories to contain the conversions from the most recent adl files.
- Updated the DLL files to those from LightField 6.4.
- Changed CONFIG_SITE to disable GraphicsMagick with LightField because it is incompatible for some reason.
- Changed layout of medm screen for ADCore R3-0.
- Changed LightField.template to prevent crashes
- LFExperimentName to PINI=NO so it does load the experiment at startup. This seems to sometimes cause problems.
- Set LFRepGateWidth.DRVL = 1.e-10 so it cannot be set to 0.
- Changed layout of medm screen for ADCore R2-6.
- Changed default IOC arch from windows-x64-dynamic to windows-x64 to be consistent with the standard ARCH names in EPICS base.
- Add capability to change ADAcquireTime, LFRepGateWidth, or LFRepGateDelay while acquisition is active. This works in both normal acquire and preview focus mode. This matches the capability of LightField.
- Changes for compatibility with ADCore R2-2.
- Finished documentation, LightFieldDoc.html.
- New driver added in this release.
- Support mumber of acquisitions (outer-most loop)
- Restore previous state of background enable in image completion callback?