Provides data found on the Blockchain stats page, representing Bitcoin network statistics for the past 24 hours.
Get a snapshot of the network statistics. Returns a StatsResponse
$Blockchain = new \Blockchain\Blockchain($api_code);
$stats = $Blockchain->Stats->get();
Get chart data for a specified chart. Returns a ChartResponse
* Optional params:
* $timespan - interval for which to fetch data, e.g. 'all', '2y', '14d'
* $rolling_average - duration over which data should be averaged, e.g. '8hours'
$chart = $Blockchain->Stats->getChart('transactions-per-second');
Get an array of mining pools and the total blocks they mined in the last few days (4 days by default, max 10). Returns a string
=> int
* Optional param:
* $timespan (int) - number of days to get data for (default 4, maximum 10)
$pools = $Blockchain->Stats->getPools(8);
class StatsResponse {
public $blocks_size; // int
public $difficulty; // float
public $estimated_btc_sent; // string - Bitcoin value
public $estimated_transaction_volume_usd; // float
public $hash_rate; // float
public $market_cap; // string
public $market_price_usd; // float
public $miners_revenue_btc; // int
public $miners_revenue_usd; // float
public $minutes_between_blocks; // float
public $n_blocks_mined; // int
public $n_blocks_total; // int
public $n_btc_mined; // string - Bitcoin value
public $n_tx; // int
public $nextretarget; // int
public $timestamp; // float, seconds.milliseconds
public $total_btc_sent; // string - Bitcoin value
public $total_fees_btc; // string - Bitcoin value
public $totalbc; // string - Bitcoin value
public $trade_volume_btc; // float
public $trade_volume_usd; // float
class ChartResponse {
public $chart_name; // string
public $unit; // string
public $timespan; // string
public $description; // string
public $values = array(); // array of ChartValue objects
class ChartValye {
public $x; // float
public $y; // float