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Tensor Z-eigenvectors & dynamical systems

This code and data repository accompanies the paper

All of the code is written in Julia 1.0.

For questions, please email Austin at [email protected].


This code uses Julia 1.0. It relies on having the following packages installed:

using Pkg


Here we show the basics of using the code. The main function is TZE_dynsys() . We can load the code in Julia with the following.


This function needs 3 inputs:

(1) A dense tensor, represented as type Array{Float64}.

Here is an example of a 5-dimensional, fourth-order diagonal tensor.

dim = 5;
T = zeros(Float64, dim, dim, dim, dim);
for i in 1:dim; T[i, i, i, i] = 2 * (dim + 1 - i); end

(2) A function that maps a matrix to one of its eigenvectors.

We include several maps by default, such as the following (see eval_maps.jl).

# evec for largest algebraic eval
Map1 = largest_algebraic();

# evec for second smallest eval in magnitude
Map2 = kth_smallest_magnitude(2);

# evec closest to second standard basis vector
Map3 = closest_in_angle(Array(Diagonal(ones(dim))[:,2]));

(3) A numerical integrator function integrator(f, x). The function takes as input a derivative function f and the current iterate x. The derivative function maps a vector to a vector. The integrator function must return the next iterate, given the current iterate and access to the derivative function.

We provide some numerical integrators with the code, so you don't have to worry about all of those details.

Integrator1 = forward_euler(1.0); # explicit forward Euler with step size 1.0
Integrator2 = forward_euler(0.5); # explicit forward Euler with step size 0.5
Integrator3 = RK4(0.75); # fourth-order explicit Runge-Kutta with step size 0.75

With our eigenvector map and numerical integrator in hand, we can now compute Z eigenvectors!

(evals, evecs, converged) = TZE_dynsys(T, Map3, Integrator2)

The vector evals contains the Rayleigh quotients at each iteration. The columns of evecs are the iterates of the numerical integration scheme. The boolean converged indicates whether or not the numerical integration converged to a tenzor Z-eigenvector.

Here's how we could get all of the eigenvalues for this diagonal tensor.

FE = forward_euler(0.5)
for k in 1:5
	(evals, evecs, conv) =
    	TZE_dynsys(T, closest_in_angle(Array(Diagonal(ones(dim))[:,k])), FE);
	println("converged = $conv");
    println("eval = $(evals[end])");
    println("evec = $(evecs[:,end])");    

Reproduce the figures in the paper


# Figure 2
example_36(0.0018)  # --> ex36-V5-0018.eps
example_36(0.0033)  # --> ex36-V5-0033.eps
example_36(0.2294)  # --> ex36-V5-2294.eps

# Figure 3
example_411(9.9779, largest_magnitude)  # --> ex411-V1.eps
example_411(4.2876, largest_magnitude)  # --> ex411-V1-2.eps
example_411(0.0000, smallest_magnitude) # --> ex411-V2.eps
example_411(4.2876, largest_algebraic)  # --> ex411-V3.eps

# Figure 4
scalability(3)  # --> scalability-3.eps
scalability(4)  # --> scalability-4.eps
scalability(5)  # --> scalability-5.eps

Also, the trajecory information

stability1()  # figure 2
stability2()  # figure 6