diff --git a/docs/src/guides/sdk.md b/docs/src/guides/sdk.md
index c339e13c..0029bc14 100644
--- a/docs/src/guides/sdk.md
+++ b/docs/src/guides/sdk.md
@@ -1228,6 +1228,264 @@ const vaults = await io.getVaults({
+#### `buyRecord({ name, type, years, processId })`
+Purchases a new ArNS record with the specified name, type, and duration.
+const io = IO.init({ processId: IO_DEVNET_PROCESS_ID, signer });
+const record = await io.buyRecord(
+ { name: 'ardrive', type: 'lease', years: 1 },
+ {
+ // optional tags
+ tags: [{ name: 'App-Name', value: 'ArNS-App' }],
+ },
+#### `getArNSAuctions({ cursor, limit, sortBy, sortOrder })`
+Retrieves all active auctions of the IO process, paginated and sorted by the specified criteria. The `cursor` used for pagination is the last auction name from the previous request.
+const io = IO.init();
+const auctions = await io.getArNSAuctions({
+ limit: 100,
+ sortBy: 'endTimestamp',
+ sortOrder: 'asc', // return the auctions ending soonest first
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "name": "permalink",
+ "endTimestamp": 1730985241349,
+ "startTimestamp": 1729775641349,
+ "baseFee": 250000000,
+ "demandFactor": 1.05256,
+ "initiator": "GaQrvEMKBpkjofgnBi_B3IgIDmY_XYelVLB6GcRGrHc",
+ "settings": {
+ "durationMs": 1209600000,
+ "decayRate": 0.000000000016847809193121693,
+ "scalingExponent": 190,
+ "startPriceMultiplier": 50
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "hasMore": false,
+ "totalItems": 1,
+ "sortBy": "endTimestamp",
+ "sortOrder": "asc"
+#### `getArNSAuction({ name })`
+Retrieves the auction data for the specified auction name.
+const io = IO.init();
+const auction = await io.getArNSAuction({ name: 'permalink' });
+ "name": "permalink",
+ "endTimestamp": 1730985241349,
+ "startTimestamp": 1729775641349,
+ "baseFee": 250000000,
+ "demandFactor": 1.05256,
+ "initiator": "GaQrvEMKBpkjofgnBi_B3IgIDmY_XYelVLB6GcRGrHc",
+ "settings": {
+ "durationMs": 1209600000,
+ "decayRate": 0.000000000016847809193121693,
+ "scalingExponent": 190,
+ "startPriceMultiplier": 50
+ }
+#### `getArNSAuctionPrices({ name, type, years, intervalMs })`
+Retrieves the auction price curve of the specified auction name for the specified type, duration, and interval. The `intervalMs` is the number of miliseconds between price points on the curve. The default interval is 15 minutes.
+const io = IO.init();
+const priceCurve = await io.getArNSAuctionPrices({
+ name: 'permalink',
+ type: 'lease',
+ years: 1,
+ intervalMs: 3600000, // 1 hour price intervals (default is 15 minutes)
+ "name": "permalink",
+ "type": "lease",
+ "currentPrice": 12582015000,
+ "years": 1,
+ "prices": {
+ "1730412841349": 1618516789,
+ "1729908841349": 8210426826,
+ "1730722441349": 592768907,
+ "1730859241349": 379659914,
+ "1730866441349": 370850139,
+ "1730884441349": 349705277,
+ "1730150041349": 3780993370,
+ "1730031241349": 5541718397,
+ "1730603641349": 872066253,
+ "1730715241349": 606815377,
+ "1730942041349": 289775172,
+ "1730916841349": 314621977,
+ "1730484841349": 1281957300,
+ "1730585641349": 924535164,
+ "1730232841349": 2895237473,
+ "1730675641349": 690200977,
+ "1730420041349": 1581242331,
+ "1729786441349": 12154428186,
+ "1730308441349": 2268298483,
+ "1730564041349": 991657913,
+ "1730081641349": 4712427282,
+ "1730909641349": 322102563,
+ "1730945641349": 286388732,
+ "1730024041349": 5671483398,
+ "1729937641349": 7485620175
+ // ...
+ }
+#### `submitAuctionBid({ name, type, years, processId })`
+Submit a bid for the current auction. If the bid is accepted, the name will be leased for the specified duration and assigned the specified type and processId.
+const io = IO.init({ signer: new ArweaveSigner(jwk) });
+const auction = await io.getArNSAuction({ name: 'permalink' });
+// check the current price is under some threshold
+if (auction && auction.currentPrice <= new IOToken(20_000).toMIO().valueOf()) {
+ const { id: txId } = await io.submitAuctionBid(
+ {
+ name: 'permalink',
+ type: 'lease',
+ years: 1,
+ processId: 'bh9l1cy0aksiL_x9M359faGzM_yjralacHIUo8_nQXM',
+ },
+ // optional additional tags
+ { tags: [{ name: 'App-Name', value: 'My-Awesome-App' }] },
+ );
+#### `getPrimaryNames({ cursor, limit, sortyBy, sortOrder })`
+Retrieves all primary names paginated and sorted by the specified criteria. the `cursor` used for pagination is the last name from the previous request.
+const io = IO.init();
+const names = await io.getPrimaryNames({
+ cursor: 'ao', // this is the last name from the previous request
+ limit: 1,
+ sortBy: 'startTimestamp',
+ sortOrder: 'desc',
+ "sortOrder": "desc",
+ "hasMore": true,
+ "totalItems": 100,
+ "limit": 1,
+ "sortBy": "startTimestamp",
+ "cursor": "arns",
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "owner": "HwFceQaMQnOBgKDpnFqCqgwKwEU5LBme1oXRuQOWSRA",
+ "startTimestamp": 1719356032297,
+ "name": "arns"
+ }
+ ]
+#### `getPrimaryName({ name, address })`
+Retrieves the primary name for a given name or address.
+const io = IO.init();
+const name = await io.getPrimaryName({
+ name: 'arns',
+// or
+const name = await io.getPrimaryName({
+ address: 't4Xr0_J4Iurt7caNST02cMotaz2FIbWQ4Kbj616RHl3',
+ "owner": "HwFceQaMQnOBgKDpnFqCqgwKwEU5LBme1oXRuQOWSRA",
+ "startTimestamp": 1719356032297,
+ "name": "arns"
+#### `requestPrimaryName({ name, address })`
+Requests a primary name for the caller's address. The request must be approved b the new owner of the requested name via the `approvePrimaryNameRequest` API.
+const io = IO.init({ signer: new ArweaveSigner(jwk) });
+const { id: txId } = await io.requestPrimaryName({
+ name: 'arns',
+#### `getPrimaryNameRequest({ initiator })`
+Retrieves the primary name request for a wallet address.
+const io = IO.init();
+const request = await io.getPrimaryNameRequest({
+ initiator: 't4Xr0_J4Iurt7caNST02cMotaz2FIbWQ4Kbj616RHl3',
+ "initiator": "t4Xr0_J4Iurt7caNST02cMotaz2FIbWQ4Kbj616RHl3",
+ "name": "arns",
+ "startTimestamp": 1728067635857,
+ "endTimestamp": 1735843635857
### Configuration
@@ -1291,6 +1549,39 @@ const info = await ant.getInfo();
+#### `getHandlers()`
+Retrieves the handlers supported on the ANT.
+const handlers = await ant.getHandlers();
+ "_eval",
+ "_default",
+ "transfer",
+ "balance",
+ "balances",
+ "totalSupply",
+ "info",
+ "addController",
+ "removeController",
+ "controllers",
+ "setRecord",
+ "removeRecord",
+ "record",
+ "records",
+ "setName",
+ "setTicker",
+ "initializeState",
+ "state"
#### `getState()`
Retrieves the state of the ANT process.
@@ -1510,7 +1801,87 @@ const { id: txId } = await ant.setTicker(
+#### `setDescription({ description })`
+Sets the description of the ANT process.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.setDescription(
+ { description: 'A friendly description of this ANT' },
+ // optional tags
+ { tags: [{ name: 'App-Name', value: 'My-Awesome-App' }] },
+#### `setKeywords({ keywords })`
+Sets the keywords of the ANT process.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.setDescription(
+ { keywords: ['Game', 'FPS', 'AO'] },
+ // optional tags
+ { tags: [{ name: 'App-Name', value: 'My-Awesome-App' }] },
+#### `setLogo({ txId })`
+Sets the Logo of the ANT - logo should be an Arweave transaction ID.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.setLogo(
+ { txId: 'U7RXcpaVShG4u9nIcPVmm2FJSM5Gru9gQCIiRaIPV7f' },
+ // optional tags
+ { tags: [{ name: 'App-Name', value: 'My-Awesome-App' }] },
+#### `releasename({ name, ioProcessId })`
+Releases a name from the auction and makes it available for auction on the IO contract. The name must be permanently owned by the releasing wallet. 50% of the winning bid will be distributed to the ANT owner at the time of release. If no bids, the name will be released and can be reregistered by anyone.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.releaseName({
+ name: 'permalink',
+ ioProcessId: IO_TESTNET_PROCESS_ID, // releases the name owned by the ANT and sends it to auction on the IO contract
+#### `reassignName({ name, ioProcessId, antProcessId })`
+Reassigns a name to a new ANT. This can only be done by the current owner of the ANT.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.reassignName({
+ name: 'ardrive',
+ antProcessId: NEW_ANT_PROCESS_ID, // the new ANT process id that will take over ownership of the name
+#### `approvePrimaryNameRequest({ name, address, ioProcessId })`
+Approves a primary name request for a given name or address.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.approvePrimaryNameRequest({
+ name: 'arns',
+ address: 't4Xr0_J4Iurt7caNST02cMotaz2FIbWQ4Kbj616RHl3', // must match the request initiator address
+ ioProcessId: IO_TESTNET_PROCESS_ID, // the IO process id to use for the request
+#### `removePrimaryNames({ names, ioProcessId })`
+Removes primary names from the ANT process.
+const { id: txId } = await ant.removePrimaryNames({
+ names: ['arns', 'test_arns'], // any primary names associated with a base name controlled by this ANT will be removed
### Configuration