Releases: apache/incubator-resilientdb
NexRes v1.3.0
Major Changes
Added Python SDK that supports UTXO-like transactions such as asset creation, transfer, and multi-party validations.
Added REST CROW endpoints to interface with the on-chain KV service.
Extended KV service range queries.
NexRes v1.2.0
NexRes v1.1.0
Major Changes
Added Geo-Scale Byzantine Fault-tolerant consensus protocol, referred to as GeoBFT. It is designed for excellent scalability by using a topological-aware grouping of replicas in local clusters, giving rise to parallelization of consensus at the local level and by minimizing communication between clusters.
ResilientDB: Global Scale Resilient Blockchain Fabric, VLDB 2020
NexRes v1.0.1
NexRes v1.0.1 (2022-10-13)
Add node manager backend for to launch Nexres locally.
NexRes v1.0.0
NexRes v1.0.0 (2022-09-30)
Release the next generation of RelisientDB referred to as Nexres.
Nexres supports PBFT as the default core protocol and provides a KV-Server as a service.
Nexres also supports LevelDB and RocksDB as the durable storage layer.
Add SDK endpoints.
NexRes v1.0.0-alpha
NexRes v1.0.0-alpha (2022-09-22)
An alpha version of Nexres v1.0.0-alpha
- Release the next generation of RelisientDB referred to as Nexres.
- Nexres supports PBFT as the default core protocol and provides a KV-Server as a service.
- Nexres also supports LevelDB and RocksDB as the durable storage layer
ResilientDB v3.0
GeoBFT Protocol (v3.0)
Major Changes
- GeoBFT Protocol Added
- Work Queue structure changed
Minor Changes
- Refactoring
- Scripts
- Statistics
ResilientDB v2.1
Nanomsg Next Generation and Client Improvements (v2.1)
- Updated transport layer to new nanomsg library called NNG.
- Client Memory problem solved.
- Minor fixes for docker script.
ResilientDB v2.0
Smart Contracts, DB Support and GUI Display (v2.0)
ResilientDB (v1.1)
ResilientDB (v1.1)