Tip first encountered: https://youtu.be/b0IZo2Aho9Y
Unlike Angular Scafoldding, ReactJS does not come with a Project Setup. The basics are done by vitejs or otherwise and the rest is all over the place. But an antipattern of ReactJS is not declaring stuff all over the place.
Hence the project is divided into folders named:
- Components
- Assets
- App (Starting Point before main)
- Contexts
- Hooks (Not included, but generally declared)
Under Components we have Spinner subfolder. This folder will have everything related to Spinner Component (included styles as modules).
👉🏻 Component.tsx
// Function 1
// Function 2
// Function 3 (exported)
export default function Component( ) : JSX.Element
👆🏻 If we have to import this, we have use the full path import { Compoenent } from ../../components/Component/Component
Now in the same subfolder declare index.tsx
export { default, myOtherFunction } from './Component';
👉🏻 If we have to import now, we have use the use import Component from ../../components/Component
This tip was encountered at 🔗 https://youtu.be/WpgZKBtW_t8, then modified after extensive research (Google & StackOverflow 🤣).
💡 Quick tip: If you project is using different folders (e.g. components, assets, contexts) distributed at different paths, you can use this trick below in the jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json file:
"baseUrl": "./src",
"paths": {
"@/components/*": ["components/*"],
"@/contexts/*": ["contexts/*"],
"@/hooks/*": ["hooks/*"],
"@/images/*": ["assests/images/*"],
"@/audio/*": ["assests/audio/*"],
"@/util/*": ["util/*"],
"@/icons/*": ["icons/*"]
👆🏻 The paths
above are relative to the baseUrl
and now if you like to include a component instead of writting import { abc } from ../../../components/Component
(👈🏻 awfully 😟 long path), just shorten it as import { abc } from @/components/Component
👆🏻 This tip will not work alone in tsconfig.json, i.e. vitejs still does not know @
For that you need @types/node
and an alias
in vite.config.ts, which looks like:
resolve: {
alias: [
{ find: '@', replacement: path.join(path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')) },
Please copy and paste static.d.ts file. This will contain all types of "assets" (like CSS, SCSS, SASS, SVG, PNG etc...) we use.
Additionally the following was added the SVG:
declare module '*.svg' {
import React = require('react');
export const ReactComponent: React.FC<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;
// 👆🏻 This property helps import SVG as ReactComponent.
However to use SVG, please include plugin vite-plugin-svgr
These tips helped me a ton. You may choose to follow them hoping the project will be a bit more organized.
Anweshan Roy Chowdhury.