2.6.0 (2024-12-17)
- apply strides pr text in the next site content (#3429) (#3444) (040bec1)
- implement learn landing page (#3328) (#3445) (fed9480)
- added analytics script to get a simple csv of outlinks (#3202) (#3374) (#3217) (1e45641)
- update dev dependencies (#3427) (#3428) (b421d54)
- add GTEx export and download instructions (#3459) (902a333)
- added linkedin to socials (#3460) (#3461) (de3b1df)
2.5.0 (2024-11-22)
- add gregor news (#3385) (18ff54c)
- add gtex news page (#3384) (#3388) (184dd36)
- add version info to footer (#3362) (#3393) (dda0e3d)
- anvil champions page (#3283) (#3395) (d1e6e51)
- gregor release news article (#3385) (#3396) (18ff54c)
- append newline before other content in
(#3387) (#3394) (5882427) - champions styles (#3283) (#3397) (b6c1e4a)
- added PRIMED carousel card (#3402) (#3403) (81034d3)
- removed AnVIl Community Conference card (#3377) (#3378) (efd96db)
2.4.0 (2024-11-17)
- add commitlint and
commit type (#3357) (#3358) (dc1b8a8) - reinstall dependencies for latest security fixes (#3375) (#3376) (dca1c92)
- add link to instructions for downloading GTEx data to AnVIL using DUOS (#3370) (ef2e2da)
- added duos data library news page (#3372) (#3373) (df57918)
- update sunsetting-gen3-in-anvil with link to data access via DUOS (#3371) (f61f0a0)
2.3.0 (2024-11-08)
- add banner to dev to indicate it is a dev site (#3147) (#3349) (86b150a)
- review youtube video implementation for insecure iframe (#3339) (#3355) (185956c)
- publication and workspace cards on homepage are missing the rel="noopener noreferrer"attribute (#3336) (#3344) (3cf02de)
- removed GTEx egress instructions text (#3343) (#3356) (31e2db7)
2.2.3 (2024-11-08)
2.2.2 (2024-11-07)
- Update anvil2024-community-conference to update name of scientific lead for deep learning models CoFest (#3337) (bdb2e5f)
2.2.1 (2024-11-07)
- update agenda anvil2024-community-conference.mdx (#3326) (9a18eac)
- Update anvil2024-community-conference to update name of scientific lead for deep learning models CoFest (#3337) (bdb2e5f)
2.2.1 (2024-11-05)
2.2.0 (2024-11-02)
- add AnVILDataSubmissionFindabilitySubsetSchema.template.xlsx link to set-up-a-data-model (#3307) (bdbf0e2)
- Add video to anvil2024-october-demos (#3315) (dabf498)
- added deprecation notice to gen3 announcement (#3308 #3061) (#3314) (6fb4f64)
- replaced reference to gen3 on data-access-controls (#3309 #3061) (#3316) (e10d104)
- replaced reference to gen3 on requesting-data-access(#3410 #3061) (#3317) (cf05cdc)
- replaced references to gen3 on setting-up-lab-accounts (#3312 #3061) (#3319) (612a335)