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Releases: antonlydell/Pandemy

New methods for DatabaseManager and improved performance!

06 Feb 20:25
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  • DatabaseManager.upsert_table() : Update a table with data from a pandas.DataFrame and insert new rows if any.

  • DatabaseManager.merge_table() : Merge data from a pandas.DataFrame into a table.

  • DatabaseManager.save_df() :

    • Added the 'drop-replace' option to the if_exists parameter, which drops the table, recreates it, and then writes the
      pandas.DataFrame to the table.

    • Added the parameters datetime_cols_dtype, datetime_format, localize_tz and target_tz, which allows adjusting the timezone
      and data type of datetime columns before saving the pandas.DataFrame to the database.

  • DatabaseManager.load_table() : Added the parameters datetime_cols_dtype and datetime_format, which allows adjusting the data type
    of datetime columns from the loaded pandas.DataFrame.

  • InvalidColumnNameError : Exception raised when supplying an invalid column name to a database operation.

  • SQLStatementNotSupportedError : Exception raised when executing a method that triggers a SQL statement not supported by the
    database dialect. E.g. a merge statement.


  • The DatabaseManager base class is now a proper class and not an ABC. It can now be initialized from a SQLAlchemy URL or Engine.
    This is useful if you want to use Pandemy, but there is no subclass of DatabaseManager implemented for the desired SQL dialect.
    It should only be used directly if there is no dedicated subclass since it has limited functionality.

  • DatabaseManager and its subclasses now use __slots__, which improves performance of attribute access and lowers memory usage.

  • SQLiteDb and OracleDb now support to be initialized with a SQLAlchemy connection URL or Engine.

  • Placeholder has been refactored from a namedtuple into a proper class that is using __slots__.


  • DatabaseManager.save_df() :

    • The option 'replace' of the if_exists parameter now correctly deletes the data of the existing table before writing the pandas.DataFrame
      instead of dropping the table, recreating it, and finally writing the pandas.DataFrame to the table. The old behavior has been moved to the
      'drop-replace' option (see section Added above).

    • The method now correctly raises TableExistsError and SaveDataFrameError. A ValueError raised by the pandas.DataFrame.to_sql() method,
      that is not related to "table exists and if_exists='fail'", is now translated into a SaveDataFrameError and not a TableExistsError as before.


  • The methods OracleDb.from_url() and OracleDb.from_engine() are now deprecated since their functionality is now fulfilled
    by the url and engine parameters added to the original constructor.

  • The SQLiteDb.conn_str attribute is deprecated and replaced by the url attribute.

Support for Oracle databases

09 Apr 20:32
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Version 1.1.0 introduces the Oracle DatabaseManager OracleDb.


  • OracleDb : The Oracle DatabaseManager. OracleDb also introduces the alternative constructor methods from_url() and from_engine(), which create an instance of OracleDb from an existing SQLAlchemy connection URL or engine respectively.

  • CreateConnectionURLError : An exception raised if there are errors when creating a DatabaseManager from a SQLAlchemy connection URL.

The first major release of Pandemy!

13 Feb 16:57
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  • DatabaseManager : The base class with functionality for managing a database. Each database type will subclass from DatabaseManager and implement the initializer which is specific to each database type. DatabaseManager is never used on its own, but merely provides the methods to interact with the database to its subclasses. The following methods are available:

    • delete_all_records_from_table() : Delete all records from an existing table in the database.

    • execute() : Execute a SQL statement on the database.

    • load_table() : Load a table by name or SQL query into a pandas.DataFrame.

    • manage_foreign_keys() : Manage how the database handles foreign key constraints. Implementation in each subclass.

    • save_df() : Save a pandas.DataFrame to a table in the database.

  • SQLiteDb : The SQLite DatabaseManager.

    • manage_foreign_keys() : In SQLite the check of foreign key constraints is not enabled by default.
  • SQLContainer : A storage container for the SQL statements used by a DatabaseManager. Each SQL-dialect will subclass from SQLContainer and SQLContainer is never used on its own, but merely provides methods to work with SQL statements. Each SQL statement is implemented as a class variable.

    • replace_placeholders() : Replace placeholders in a SQL statement. The main purpose of the method is to handle parametrized IN statements with a variable number of values.
  • Placeholder : Container of placeholders and their replacement values for parametrized SQL statements. Used as input to SQLContainer.replace_placeholders().

  • PandemyError : The base Exception of Pandemy.

    • InvalidInputError : Invalid input to a function or method.

    • DatabaseManagerError : Base Exception for errors related to the DatabaseManager class.

      • CreateEngineError : Error when creating the database engine.

      • DatabaseFileNotFoundError : Error when the file of a SQLite database cannot be found.

      • DataTypeConversionError : Errors when converting data types of columns in a pandas.DataFrame.

      • DeleteFromTableError : Errors when deleting data from a table in the database.

      • ExecuteStatementError : Errors when executing a SQL statement with a DatabaseManager.

      • InvalidTableNameError : Errors when supplying an invalid table name to a database operation.

      • LoadTableError : Errors when loading tables from the database.

      • SaveDataFrameError : Errors when saving a pandas.DataFrame to a table in the database.

      • SetIndexError : Errors when setting an index of a pandas.DataFrame after loading a table from the database.

      • TableExistsError : Errors when saving a pandas.DataFrame to a table and the table already exists.

First development release

13 Feb 16:55
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  • The initial structure of the project.

  • Registration on PyPI.