Releases: antlr/intellij-plugin-v4
Many thanks to @bjansen Bastien Jansen for his improvements and
See bugs and pull requests / improvements
Of note:
- save parse trees as svg/jpg/png; right click in parse tree view (1.9)
- jump between lexer rules in different modes.
- can jump from parser grammar to lexer grammar via token rule "jump to declaration"
- Supports only IntelliJ 2016.x+ now! (Dropped 15.x etc...)
We moved to gradle. Thanks to Ivan Bryzzhin
Bug fixes 1.8.2 milestone:
- Lookahead trees exception in bug comp:preview
- Add option to specify output directory relative to project root enhancement
- NullPointer in TreeView bug comp:preview
- NPE on IntelliJ IDEA 16.2 Mac OSX 10.11.6 bug comp:preview
- Ambiguities tree fails to load bug comp:preview comp:profiler
- Fix tree visualisation for nodes without labels
Improvements 1.8.2 milestone
Bug fixes 1.8.1 milestone:
- [null ptr when extracting "the" rule. bug comp:grammar-editor](]
- [right click doesn't select rule for testing that rule bug comp:GUI](]
- [Icon looks blurry on Retina display enhancement](]
- [antlr can't process Grammar.g4 bug](]
- null ptr when looking at profiler I think w/o start rule or something bug comp:preview
- support for empty String ("") in locals
Updates ANTLR 4.5.3 from 4.5.1
Improvements 1.8.1 milestone
Bug fixes 1.8.1 milestone:
- [null ptr when extracting "the" rule. bug comp:grammar-editor](]
- [right click doesn't select rule for testing that rule bug comp:GUI](]
- [Icon looks blurry on Retina display enhancement](]
- [antlr can't process Grammar.g4 bug](]
- null ptr when looking at profiler I think w/o start rule or something bug comp:preview
Improvements 1.8.1 milestone
Please try this out: 1.8.1-rc1
Also can somebody let me know if the new icon for the non-retina display looks okay?
Bug fixes 1.8 milestone:
- Error while trying to test rules duplicate
- seems to pile up errors in the error popup for preview input editor. bug comp:preview
- Graphical Glitches on OS X With Retina Display bug comp:GUI duplicate
- Missing EXPECTED_CARET_OFFSET field issue with IDEA Minerva (IU-142.4859.6) comp:intellij version-compatibility
- NPE in version 14.1.4 while editing grammar bug status:cannot-reproduce
- Exception with IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 bug duplicate
- Exception with IntelliJ 14 bug
- red squigglies not removed after grammar gets updated bug comp:preview
- NullPointerException in InputPanel.clearGrammarHighlighters bug
- NullPointerException in InputPanel.getEditor bug
- Ambigous "Preview Window" id in Android Studio comp:intellij enhancement
- IDEA 15 EAP: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: EXPECTED_CARET_OFFSET bug duplicate
New features and improvements 1.8 milestone
- Bastien Jansen added JTree parse tree structured/hierarchy view; click on the magnifying glass to highlight the input associated with a node in the structured view. Click the box with down arrow so that clicking in the input window opens up the node in the structured view. Ctrl-click now shows element in hierarchy, not just the grammar element.
- Refactorings
- Plugin should work in all jetbrains products now. I can confirm it works with PyCharm 4.5 and CLion 1.2 at least.
- Plugin works with 13.x, 14, 15 Intellij
- "new" icons look bad in IDEA's "dark mode" enhancement
- set text color in parse tree to "textText" property color of LookAndFeel
- grey unused rules
- Supports
channels {A,B}
syntax in antlr grammars now.
Major release
Note: Only works with Intellij 13.x and 14.x.
New features
- Comment grammar rule lines with meta-/
- Grammar rule / comment folding
- Handles separate parsers and lectures like TParser.g4 and TLexer.g4 (correctly now)
- Parse tree nodes show the alternative number the parser chose to match that node
- Can view lookahead trees to show how input directed ANTLR to match a particular alternative
See the full list of enhancements for 1.7.
Have some snapshots of ambiguity trees
And lookahead trees:
Bug fixes
See the full list for 1.7
Major release
Note: Only works with Intellij 13.x and 14.x.
For rc-2, fixed some broken features. Added label to ambiguity window.
New features
- Comment grammar rule lines with meta-/
- Grammar rule / comment folding
- Handles separate parsers and lectures like TParser.g4 and TLexer.g4 (correctly now)
- Parse tree nodes show the alternative number the parser chose to match that node
- Can view lookahead trees to show how input directed ANTLR to match a particular alternative
See the full list of enhancements for 1.7.
Have some snapshots of ambiguity trees
And lookahead trees:
Bug fixes
See the full list for 1.7
Major release
Note: Only works with Intellij 13.x and 14.x.
New features
- Comment grammar rule lines with meta-/
- Grammar rule / comment folding
- Handles separate parsers and lectures like TParser.g4 and TLexer.g4 (correctly now)
- Parse tree nodes show the alternative number the parser chose to match that node
- Can view lookahead trees to show how input directed ANTLR to match a particular alternative
See the full list of enhancements for 1.7.
Have some snapshots of ambiguity trees
And lookahead trees:
Bug fixes
See the full list for 1.7