diff --git a/doc/source/API/index.rst b/doc/source/API/index.rst
index 923dfa7880e..ee3458a6c3f 100644
--- a/doc/source/API/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/API/index.rst
@@ -75,27 +75,123 @@ Example with ``Desktop`` class implicit initialization:
+.. .. toctree::
+.. :maxdepth: 2
+.. Application
+.. MaterialManagement
+.. Primitives3D
+.. Primitives2D
+.. Primitive_Objects
+.. Primitives3DLayout
+.. PrimitivesCircuit
+.. Boundaries
+.. Mesh
+.. Setup
+.. Post
+.. DesktopMessenger
+.. Optimetrics
+.. Variables
+.. Constants
+.. Configuration
+.. SetupTemplates
+.. CableModeling
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- Application
- MaterialManagement
- Primitives3D
- Primitives2D
- Primitive_Objects
- Primitives3DLayout
- PrimitivesCircuit
- Boundaries
- Mesh
- Setup
- Post
- DesktopMessenger
- Optimetrics
- Variables
- Constants
- Configuration
- SetupTemplates
- CableModeling
+ :titlesonly:
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ pyaedt.misc.misc
+ pyaedt.generic.pdf
+ pyaedt.modeler.cad
+ pyaedt.modeler.pcb
+ pyaedt.generic.plot
+ pyaedt.modules.Mesh
+ pyaedt.sbrplus.plot
+ pyaedt.workflows.q2d
+ pyaedt.workflows.q3d
+ pyaedt.generic.spisim
+ pyaedt.workflows.misc
+ pyaedt.workflows.emit
+ pyaedt.workflows.hfss
+ pyaedt.generic.settings
+ pyaedt.modeler.circuits
+ pyaedt.modules.Boundary
+ pyaedt.modules.Material
+ pyaedt.rpc.local_server
+ pyaedt.workflows.icepak
+ pyaedt.emit_core.results
+ pyaedt.generic.constants
+ pyaedt.modeler.modeler2d
+ pyaedt.modeler.modeler3d
+ pyaedt.modeler.schematic
+ pyaedt.modules.solutions
+ pyaedt.rpc.rpyc_services
+ pyaedt.sbrplus.hdm_utils
+ pyaedt.workflows.circuit
+ pyaedt.workflows.project
+ pyaedt.application.Design
+ pyaedt.generic.clr_module
+ pyaedt.generic.compliance
+ pyaedt.generic.filesystem
+ pyaedt.modeler.modelerpcb
+ pyaedt.modules.MeshIcepak
+ pyaedt.modules.SolveSetup
+ pyaedt.sbrplus.hdm_parser
+ pyaedt.emit_core.Couplings
+ pyaedt.generic.ibis_reader
+ pyaedt.modeler.calculators
+ pyaedt.modules.MaterialLib
+ pyaedt.modules.SolveSweeps
+ pyaedt.workflows.installer
+ pyaedt.workflows.maxwell2d
+ pyaedt.workflows.maxwell3d
+ pyaedt.workflows.templates
+ pyaedt.application.Analysis
+ pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers
+ pyaedt.generic.design_types
+ pyaedt.generic.LoadAEDTFile
+ pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad
+ pyaedt.modules.LayerStackup
+ pyaedt.modules.Mesh3DLayout
+ pyaedt.workflows.mechanical
+ pyaedt.application.Variables
+ pyaedt.modules.CableModeling
+ pyaedt.modules.PostProcessor
+ pyaedt.workflows.twinbuilder
+ pyaedt.application.Analysis3D
+ pyaedt.application.JobManager
+ pyaedt.generic.com_parameters
+ pyaedt.generic.configurations
+ pyaedt.misc.create_remote_dir
+ pyaedt.modules.monitor_icepak
+ pyaedt.modules.SetupTemplates
+ pyaedt.workflows.hfss3dlayout
+ pyaedt.application.analysis_hf
+ pyaedt.generic.general_methods
+ pyaedt.application.aedt_objects
+ pyaedt.emit_core.emit_constants
+ pyaedt.generic.desktop_sessions
+ pyaedt.modules.CircuitTemplates
+ pyaedt.modules.DesignXPloration
+ pyaedt.modules.report_templates
+ pyaedt.generic.near_field_import
+ pyaedt.generic.python_optimizers
+ pyaedt.generic.touchstone_parser
+ pyaedt.modules.fields_calculator
+ pyaedt.application.AnalysisNexxim
+ pyaedt.application.AnalysisRMxprt
+ pyaedt.generic.report_file_parser
+ pyaedt.modeler.geometry_operators
+ pyaedt.application.Analysis3DLayout
+ pyaedt.application.design_solutions
+ pyaedt.modules.OptimetricsTemplates
+ pyaedt.generic.grpc_plugin_dll_class
+ pyaedt.modules.AdvancedPostProcessing
+ pyaedt.application.AnalysisTwinBuilder
+ pyaedt.application.AEDT_File_Management
+ pyaedt.application.AnalysisMaxwellCircuit
+ pyaedt.workflows.customize_automation_tab
+ pyaedt.misc.spisim_com_configuration_files
diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
index adcdfbfcdd0..b9cea13c8cd 100644
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -65,6 +65,23 @@ def run(self):
addnodes.desc_content('', literal)
+from ansys_sphinx_theme import get_autoapi_templates_dir_relative_path
+autoapi_type = "python"
+autoapi_dirs = ["../../pyaedt"]
+autoapi_root = "api"
+autoapi_options = [
+ "members",
+ "undoc-members",
+ "show-inheritance",
+ "show-module-summary",
+ "special-members",
+autoapi_template_dir = get_autoapi_templates_dir_relative_path(pathlib.Path(__file__))
+autoapi_python_use_implicit_namespaces = True
+autoapi_keep_files = True
+autoapi_own_page_level = "class"
+autoapi_add_toctree_entry = False
def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
@@ -140,6 +157,7 @@ def setup(app):
# ones.
extensions = [
+ "ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.autoapi",
@@ -258,57 +276,57 @@ def setup(app):
# gallery build requires AEDT install
# if is_windows and bool(os.getenv("PYAEDT_CI_RUN_EXAMPLES", "0")):
-if run_examples:
- import pyvista
- # PyVista settings
- # Ensure that offscreen rendering is used for docs generation
- pyvista.OFF_SCREEN = True
- # Save figures in specified directory
- pyvista.FIGURE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("./images/"), "auto-generated/")
- if not os.path.exists(pyvista.FIGURE_PATH):
- os.makedirs(pyvista.FIGURE_PATH)
- # Necessary for pyvista when building the sphinx gallery
- pyvista.BUILDING_GALLERY = True
- # Manage errors
- pyvista.set_error_output_file("errors.txt")
- # Must be less than or equal to the XVFB window size
- pyvista.global_theme["window_size"] = np.array([1024, 768])
- # suppress annoying matplotlib bug
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- "ignore",
- category=UserWarning,
- message="Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so it cannot show the figure.",
- )
- extensions.append("sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery")
- sphinx_gallery_conf = {
- # convert rst to md for ipynb
- "pypandoc": True,
- # path to your examples scripts
- "examples_dirs": ["../../examples/"],
- # path where to save gallery generated examples
- "gallery_dirs": ["examples"],
- # Pattern to search for examples files
- "filename_pattern": r"\.py",
- # Remove the "Download all examples" button from the top level gallery
- "download_all_examples": False,
- # Sort gallery examples by file name instead of number of lines (default)
- "within_subsection_order": FileNameSortKey,
- # Directory where function granular galleries are stored
- "backreferences_dir": None,
- # Modules for which function level galleries are created. In
- "doc_module": "ansys-pyaedt",
- "image_scrapers": ("pyvista", "matplotlib"),
- "ignore_pattern": r"flycheck.*",
- "thumbnail_size": (350, 350),
- }
- if not use_gif:
- gif_ignore_pattern = r"|.*Maxwell2D_Transient\.py|.*Maxwell2D_DCConduction\.py|.*Hfss_Icepak_Coupling\.py|.*SBR_Time_Plot\.py"
- sphinx_gallery_conf["ignore_pattern"] = sphinx_gallery_conf["ignore_pattern"] + gif_ignore_pattern
+# if run_examples:
+# import pyvista
+# # PyVista settings
+# # Ensure that offscreen rendering is used for docs generation
+# pyvista.OFF_SCREEN = True
+# # Save figures in specified directory
+# pyvista.FIGURE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("./images/"), "auto-generated/")
+# if not os.path.exists(pyvista.FIGURE_PATH):
+# os.makedirs(pyvista.FIGURE_PATH)
+# # Necessary for pyvista when building the sphinx gallery
+# pyvista.BUILDING_GALLERY = True
+# # Manage errors
+# pyvista.set_error_output_file("errors.txt")
+# # Must be less than or equal to the XVFB window size
+# pyvista.global_theme["window_size"] = np.array([1024, 768])
+# # suppress annoying matplotlib bug
+# warnings.filterwarnings(
+# "ignore",
+# category=UserWarning,
+# message="Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so it cannot show the figure.",
+# )
+# extensions.append("sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery")
+# sphinx_gallery_conf = {
+# # convert rst to md for ipynb
+# "pypandoc": True,
+# # path to your examples scripts
+# "examples_dirs": ["../../examples/"],
+# # path where to save gallery generated examples
+# "gallery_dirs": ["examples"],
+# # Pattern to search for examples files
+# "filename_pattern": r"\.py",
+# # Remove the "Download all examples" button from the top level gallery
+# "download_all_examples": False,
+# # Sort gallery examples by file name instead of number of lines (default)
+# "within_subsection_order": FileNameSortKey,
+# # Directory where function granular galleries are stored
+# "backreferences_dir": None,
+# # Modules for which function level galleries are created. In
+# "doc_module": "ansys-pyaedt",
+# "image_scrapers": ("pyvista", "matplotlib"),
+# "ignore_pattern": r"flycheck.*",
+# "thumbnail_size": (350, 350),
+# }
+# if not use_gif:
+# gif_ignore_pattern = r"|.*Maxwell2D_Transient\.py|.*Maxwell2D_DCConduction\.py|.*Hfss_Icepak_Coupling\.py|.*SBR_Time_Plot\.py"
+# sphinx_gallery_conf["ignore_pattern"] = sphinx_gallery_conf["ignore_pattern"] + gif_ignore_pattern
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
html_short_title = html_title = "PyAEDT"