Thank you for your interest in contributing to [Project Name]! Your contributions are crucial to the success of this project. Please follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient process.
If you find a bug or issue in the project, please follow these steps to report it:
- Check Existing Issues: Before reporting a new bug, check the issue tracker to see if the issue has already been reported.
- Provide a Detailed Description: Include a clear and concise description of the issue, steps to reproduce it, and the expected vs. actual behavior.
- Include Environment Details: Provide information about your environment (e.g., OS, Node.js version, etc.).
- Submit a Bug Report: Use the bug report template to submit your report.
To request a new feature or enhancement:
- Search for Existing Requests: Check the issue tracker to ensure the feature hasn’t been requested before.
- Describe the Feature: Provide a detailed description of the feature and how it would benefit the project.
- Explain the Use Case: Describe how you or others might use this feature in practice.
- Submit a Feature Request: Use the feature request template to make your request.
To contribute code to the project:
Create a personal fork of the repository on GitHub.
Clone your fork to your local machine
git clone <forked-repository-url>
To configure Git to use commit message, issue, and pull request templates. Set up a global or local git config.
Locally: To use Git commit, issue, and pull request templates locally
Configure Git Locally
git config --local commit.template .github/COMMIT_TEMPLATE/
git config --local core.quotepath false
git config --local issue.template .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report_form.yml
git config --local pullrequest.template .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/
Globally: To use Git commit, issue, and pull request templates globally
Copy the Templates: Copy the
directory from this repository toC:\Program Files\Git\
Configure Git Globally:
git config --global commit.template C:/Program\ Files/Git/.github/COMMIT_TEMPLATE/
git config --global core.quotepath false
git config --global issue.template C:/Program\ Files/Git/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report_form.yml
git config --global pullrequest.template C:/Program\ Files/Git/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/
Create a new branch for your changes.
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
Implement your changes or new features.
Ensure that your code includes tests and passes existing tests.
Follow the commit message guidelines.
git add .
git commit
Push your changes to your fork.
git push origin feature/your-feature
Open a pull request from your branch to the
branch of the original repository.
All pull requests will undergo a code review process:
- Reviewers: The project maintainers will review your pull request.
- Feedback: Address any feedback or requested changes from the reviewers.
- Approval: Once approved, your pull request will be merged into the main branch.
- Merge: The project maintainers will handle merging.
Effective communication is key to successful collaboration:
- Use Issues for Discussions: Use the issue tracker for discussions about bugs, features, or questions.
- Be Respectful: Be respectful and constructive in all communications.
- Respond Promptly: Try to respond to comments or feedback in a timely manner.
We welcome feedback and suggestions:
- Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer suggestions in a constructive and positive manner.
- Participate in Discussions: Engage in discussions to help improve the project.