The multi-armed bandit problem is a classic reinforcement learning example where we are given a slot machine with n arms (bandits) with each arm having its own rigged probability distribution of success. Pulling any one of the arms gives you a stochastic reward of either R=+1 for success, or R=0 for failure. Our objective is to pull the arms one-by-one in sequence such that we maximize our total reward collected in the long run.
In this code, we deploy an epsilon-greedy agent to play the multi-armed bandit game for a fixed number of episodes using a well-established classical reinforcement learning method of an epsilon-greedy agent and reward-average sampling to compute the action-values Q(a).
In the example provided, we train on 2,000 experiments with 10,000 episodes per experiment. The default exploring parameter is epsilon = 0.1
and 10 bandits are intialized with success probabilities of {0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.80, 0.10, 0.25, 0.60, 0.45, 0.75, 0.65}
. To run the code, use
Bandit #4 should be selected as the "best" bandit on average, with bandit #9 running second, and bandit #10 as a far third.
Along with actions.png
(agent actions) and rewards.png
(agent collected rewards), you should also get
Running multi-armed bandits with N_bandits = 10 and agent epsilon = 0.1
[Experiment 1/100]
N_episodes = 10000
bandit choice history = [1 4 4 ... 4 4 4]
reward history = [0 1 1 ... 1 1 1]
average reward = 0.7761
[Experiment 100/100]
N_episodes = 10000
bandit choice history = [ 2 10 6 ... 4 4 4]
reward history = [1 0 1 ... 1 1 1]
average reward = 0.764
reward history avg = [0.51 0.43 0.63 ... 0.79 0.75 0.73]
- numpy
Anson Wong