This repository contains the dataset for 'Characterizing “Permanently Dead" Links on Wikipedia' IMC 2022 paper. The dataset contains 10,000 links in a JSON format. For any questions, or more information, please feel free to contact [email protected].
This is the following structure of the data.
"url": <string>,
"article_url": <string>,
"current_status": <string>,
"date_link_posted": <string>,
"date_link_marked_dead": <string>,
"copy_after_posted": [<string>, <string>],
"copy_before_marked_dead": [<string>, <string>],
"copy_after_marked_dead": [<string>, <string>]
For archived copy data, this is the following format.
[Archived Copy Date, Archived Copy Status Code]
For all dates, they are in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00. Packages such as arrow-py, can automatically parse dates in this format.