This dataset and software are related to the following publication in the IEEE Sensors journal. Please cite using the following:
author={Ghaoui, Mohamed Anis and Vincke, Bastien and Reynaud, Roger},
journal={IEEE Sensors Journal},
title={Human Motion Likelihood Representation Map-Aided PDR Particle Filter},
This program runs on python3.8+. It is recommanded to use PyCharm.
(it can easily be turned into older version by editing every print(f"{variable=})"
Entry point is
is used to recreate the figures mentionned in the article.
requirements.txt lists:
- numpy~=1.21
- matplotlib~=3.3.3
- scipy~=1.5.4
- AHRS~=0.3.0
- imageio~=2.9.0
- tqdm~=4.51.0
- opencv-python~=
- adjustText~=0.7.3 , is used to place the purple numbers automatically
- requests~=2.22.0 , is used to send an SMS when the program is finished
├── data
├── docs
├── humolire
├── map_editor
├── requirements.txt
└── tests
There are many README.MD files in the folders about. The main entry point is There is a beginning of documentation at read the docs. I don't have much time. If you want to help in documentation, I would be immensely grateful.
- If you have a research question, please reach me by email: [email protected]
- If you have a question about the code, open an issue
- If you wanna help documenting (I lack the time and skills to do that correctly), open an issue. Thank you!
Humolire Dataset and Software by Anis GHAOUI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.