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Multi threaded Programming: Review Questions

Lawrence Angrave edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 21 revisions


Is the following code thread-safe? Redesign the following code to be thread-safe. Hint: A mutex is unnecessary if the message memory is unique to each call.

static char message[20];
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZAER;

void format(int v) {
  return message;


Which one of the following does not cause a process to exit?

  • Returning from the pthread's starting function in the last running thread.
  • The original thread returning from main.
  • Any thread causing a segmentation fault.
  • Any thread calling exit.
  • Calling pthread_exit in the main thread with other threads still running.


Write a mathematical expression for the number of "B" characters that will be printed by the following program. Assume a,b,c,d are small positive integers. Your answer may use a 'min' function that returns its lowest valued argument.

unsigned int a=...,b=...,c=...,d=...;

void* func(void* ptr) {
  char m = * (char*)ptr;
  if(m == 'P') sem_post(s);
  if(m == 'W') sem_wait(s);
  return NULL;

int main(int argv, char**argc) {
  sem_init(s,0, a);
  while(b--) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,func,"W"); 
  while(c--) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,func,"P"); 
  while(d--) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,func,"W"); 
  /*Process will finish when all threads have exited */
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