Rate Me is an Android library that shows dialog to suggest the user to rate the application in the Google Play Store.
With a little twist: if the rating is positive, we take the user to the Play Store directly. Otherwise, we ask him for feedback via email. (This is all configurable.)
Add this dependency in your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.androidsx:rate-me:4.0.3'
Find the latest version in Maven Central.
The simplest integration:
new RateMeDialog.Builder(getPackageName())
.enableFeedbackByEmail("[email protected]")
.show(getFragmentManager(), "plain-dialog");
Have a look at the sample project for other examples.
You can make the dialog appear after a number of times your app has been opened or after a number of days after the install date:
if (RateMeDialogTimer.shouldShowRateDialog(this, 7, 3)) {
// show the dialog with the code above
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for more details.