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1 GO Practice Challenge: Student Management System

You are tasked with creating a simple Student Management System using Go. The program will allow users to add students, remove students, and display a list of students, including their grades, average scores, and whether they passed or failed based on a minimum average.


  1. Define a Student struct:

    • Each Student should have the following properties:
      • Name (string)
      • Grades (slice of integers)
  2. Create a map to store the students:

    • Use a map with the Name of the student as the key and the Student struct as the value.
  3. Functions:

    • Create a function addStudent(name string) that adds a new student with no grades to the map.
    • Create a function addGrade(name string, grade int) that adds a grade to the student’s list of grades.
    • Create a function removeStudent(name string) that removes a student by name from the map.
    • Create a function calculateAverage(name string) that calculates and returns the average of the student’s grades.
    • Create a function checkPassOrFail(name string) that returns if the student passed or failed. The passing average is 60.
  4. Main Menu:

    • In the main function, create a menu with the following options:
      • 1 - Add a new student.
      • 2 - Add a grade to a student.
      • 3 - Remove a student.
      • 4 - Calculate and display the average score of a student.
      • 5 - Display whether a student passed or failed.
      • 6 - Display all students and their grades.
      • 0 - Exit the program.
  5. Bonus:

    • Allow users to input multiple grades at once when adding grades.
    • Add input validation for names and grades (e.g., a grade should be between 0 and 100).
  6. Extra: Communication via API

Example interaction:

Welcome to the Student Management System!
1 - Add a new student
2 - Add a grade to a student
3 - Remove a student
4 - Calculate average score of a student
5 - Check if a student passed or failed
6 - Display all students and their grades
0 - Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter student's name: Alice
Student Alice added!

Enter your choice: 2
Enter student's name: Alice
Enter grade: 85
Grade 85 added to Alice!

Enter your choice: 4
Enter student's name: Alice
Alice's average score: 85.0

Enter your choice: 5
Enter student's name: Alice
Alice passed!

Enter your choice: 6
List of students:
- Alice: [85]

2 GO Practice Challenge: Go Basics Challenge

Challenge 1: Simple Math Operations

  1. Goal: Implement a program that performs basic math operations.

  2. Description: Create a program called math_operations.go that takes two integers as inputs and performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on them.

    • Input: Prompt the user to enter two numbers.
    • Output: Display the result of each operation with clear labels.
  3. Tasks:

    • Implement the following operations:
      • Addition: Sum the two numbers.
      • Subtraction: Subtract the second number from the first.
      • Multiplication: Multiply the two numbers.
      • Division: Divide the first number by the second, but make sure to handle division by zero gracefully.
    • Example Output:
      Enter first number: 10
      Enter second number: 5
      10 + 5 = 15
      10 - 5 = 5
      10 * 5 = 50
      10 / 5 = 2
  4. Bonus: Use Go’s fmt.Scan to capture input from the user, and include error handling for cases like invalid inputs (e.g., strings instead of numbers).

Challenge 2: Conditional Statements and Logic

  1. Goal: Practice using conditionals by implementing a program that determines the type of a given integer.

  2. Description: Create a program called number_type.go that checks if a given integer is:

    • Positive or Negative
    • Even or Odd
  3. Tasks:

    • Input: Prompt the user to enter a single integer.

    • Output: Display whether the number is positive/negative and even/odd.

    • Example Output:

      Enter a number: -4
      The number is negative.
      The number is even.
  4. Bonus: Implement error handling for invalid inputs and make sure your program handles the case where the number is zero, printing "The number is zero" and "The number is even".

Challenge 3: Temperature Converter

  1. Goal: Create a program that converts temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

  2. Description: Create temperature_converter.go that asks the user for a temperature value and the conversion direction (Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius).

  3. Tasks:

    • Input: Prompt the user to enter the temperature value and the conversion choice (e.g., “C” for Celsius to Fahrenheit, “F” for Fahrenheit to Celsius).
    • Output: Display the converted temperature with an appropriate label.
  4. Conversion Formulas:

    • Celsius to Fahrenheit: ( F = C \times \frac{9}{5} + 32 )
    • Fahrenheit to Celsius: ( C = (F - 32) \times \frac{5}{9} )
  5. Example Output:

    Enter temperature value: 100
    Convert from (C/F): F
    100°F is 37.78°C
  6. Bonus: Add input validation so that only valid numbers and conversion choices ("C" or "F") are accepted.

Challenge 4: Leap Year Checker

  1. Goal: Write a program to determine if a given year is a leap year.

  2. Description: Create a program called leap_year_checker.go that determines whether a year is a leap year.

  3. Leap Year Rules:

    • A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4, but not by 100, except if it is also divisible by 400.
  4. Tasks:

    • Input: Prompt the user to enter a year.
    • Output: Display whether the given year is a leap year or not.
  5. Example Output:

    Enter a year: 2000
    2000 is a leap year.
  6. Bonus: Add error handling for invalid input (e.g., non-integer values) and handle negative years.