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235 lines (182 loc) · 8.32 KB

File metadata and controls

235 lines (182 loc) · 8.32 KB


IoT Engine using Kafka Streams.


bin/ --create --partitions 20 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic sensor-iot-agg-metrics
bin/ --create --partitions 20 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic sensor-iot
bin/ --create --partitions 20 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic iot-rules
bin/ --create --partitions 20 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic sensor-iot-alerts
bin/ --create --partitions 20 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic sensor-metadata
docker run -it -p 5574:5574 -e BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS= -e APPLICATION_ID=iot-engine -e REST_SERVER_ENDPOINT= -e TOPIC_AGG=sensor-iot-agg-metrics -e TOPIC_DATA=sensor-iot -e TOPIC_RULE=iot-rules -e TOPIC_ALERT=sensor-iot-alerts -e APPLICATION_SERVER= iot-engine:latest

Data Format

Input Data Message Format

Field Description Type Example
id The ID to identify a speficic IoT sensor STRING "A"
timestamp The unix timestamp in seconds LONG 123456789
metrics Databag with the IoT metrics JSON_OBJECT<STRING, INTEGER> {"metric1":22, "metric2": 90}

Full example:

  "id": "A",
  "timestamp": 123456789,
  "metrics": {
    "hum": 49,
    "temp": 34

Rules Message Format

Field Description Type Example
id The ID to identify a speficic IoT sensor STRING "A"
rules Rules to verify by IoT sensor ARRAY[IotSensorRule] [{"ruleName":"min_humidity","metricName":"hum","metricValue":50,"condition":"<"}]

Full example:

  "id": "A",
  "rules": [
      "ruleName": "max_temperature",
      "metricName": "temp",
      "metricValue": 22,
      "condition": ">"
      "ruleName": "min_humidity",
      "metricName": "hum",
      "metricValue": 50,
      "condition": "<"
Field Description Type Example
id The ID to identify a speficic IoT sensor STRING "A"
ruleName Rule name's. It is used to indetify the rule STRING "Min humidity reached!"
metricName The metric name that is inside of IotDataMessage.Metrics STRING "hum"
metricValue The metric value that is inside of IotDataMessage.Metrics INTEGER 22
condition The condition to compare. == != < > >= <= STRING "<"
controlAction The action to send to control topic by id. Cloud be null STRING "ON"
      "ruleName": "min_humidity",
      "metricName": "hum",
      "metricValue": 50,
      "condition": "<"

Alert Message Format

Field Description Type Example
id The ID to identify a speficic IoT sensor STRING "A"
ruleName Rule name's. It is used to indetify the rule STRING "Min humidity reached!"
metricName The metric name that is inside of IotDataMessage.Metrics STRING "hum"
payload The condition that was compared. {metricValue} {condition} {ruleMetricValue} STRING "22 < 45"
controlAction The action to send to control topic by id. Cloud be null STRING "ON"

Full example:

  "id": "A",
  "metricName": "hum",
  "ruleName": "min_humidity",
  "payload": "49 < 50",
  "controlAction": "ON"

Control Message Format

Field Description Type Example
id The ID to identify a speficic IoT sensor STRING "A"
controlAction The action to send to control topic by id. Cloud be null STRING "ON"

Rest Service

  • POST /iot-engine/query/rules

    • update the rules for specific sensor has the provided store.
    • Params:
      • id: String sensor ID
    • Payload: IotSensorRules
    • Return: MessageResponse
  • PUT /iot-engine/query/rules/{id}

    • update the rules for specific sensor has the provided store.
    • Params:
      • id: String sensor ID
    • Payload: IotSensorRules
    • Return: MessageResponse
  • GET /iot-engine/query/rules/{id}

    • Get the rules for specific sensor has the provided store.
    • Params:
      • id: String sensor ID
    • Return (200): IotSensorRules
    • Return: MessageResponse
  • GET /iot-engine/query/metrics/{id}/{start}/{end}

    • Get aggregation metrics from specifc sensor and interval
    • Params:
      • id: String sensor ID
      • start: Start time. Example: 2018-12-03T10:15:30.00Z
      • end: End time. Example: 2019-12-03T10:15:30.00Z
    • Return (200): List<IotDataMessage>
    • Return: MessageResponse
  • GET /iot-engine/instances

    • Get the metadata for all of the instances of this Kafka Streams application
    • Return (200): List<HostStoreInfo>
    • Return: MessageResponse
  • GET /iot-engine/instances/{storeName}

    • Get the metadata for all instances of this Kafka Streams application that currently has the provided store.
    • Return (200): List<HostStoreInfo>
    • Return: MessageResponse


Enviroment Vars:

ENV Description Default Value Example
BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS Kafka servers - locahost:9092
APPLICATION_ID Indetify the app. It is used to create consumer groups iot-engine-app iot-engine-app
REST_SERVER_ENDPOINT Host and port where the REST Service perform the binding
TOPIC_AGG Topic to send aggregation metrics agg-metrics agg-metrics
TOPIC_DATA Topic to receive input metrics data data
TOPIC_RULE Topic to receive rules rules rules
TOPIC_SENSOR_METADATA Topic to receive sensor metadata sensor-metadata sensor-metadata
TOPIC_ALERT Topic to send alerts alerts alerts
TOPIC_CONTROL Topic to send control messages control control
APPLICATION_SERVER Host and port to advertise the KStream APP -
NUM_STREAM_THREADS The kafka streams thredas 1 1
LOG_LEVEL Iot Engine log level info info
GENERAL_LOG_LEVEL Other dependencies log level info info
JVM_OPTIONS java properties to configure the JVM "-Xmx512m -Xms512m" "-Xmx512m -Xms512m"

Sample usage:

docker run -it -p 5574:5574 -e BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS= -e APPLICATION_ID=iot-engine -e REST_SERVER_ENDPOINT= -e TOPIC_AGG=iot-agg-data -e TOPIC_DATA=iot-data -e APPLICATION_SERVER= iot-engine:latest


Compiling Sources

To build this project you can use maven tool.

If you want to build the JAR of the project you can do:

mvn clean package

If you want to check if it passes all the test:

mvn test

If you want to build the distribution tar.gz:

mvn clean package -P dist

If you want to build the docker image, make sure that you have the docker service running:

mvn clean package -P docker


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create a new Pull Request