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simplelightbox Wordpress Plugin

The simplelightbox wordpress plugin brings the simplelightbox jquery plugin to wordpress.

You can change every option that the lightbox have in the admin panel under Design -> Simplelightbox.


You can choose between downloading the official Zip directly from wordpress here or install it via the plugin manager.

Of course you can download the plugin from here and install this zip file.


The Plugin only needs to be installed. After that, the plugin works. It scans every Anchor Tag which linked to an image.


Property Default Type Description
sourceAttr href string the attribute used for large images
overlay true bool show an overlay or not
overlayOpacity 0.7 float the opacity of the overlay
spinner true bool show spinner or not
nav true bool show arrow-navigation or not
navText ['←','→'] array text or html for the navigation arrows
captions true bool show captions if availabled or not
captionSelector 'img' string set the element where the caption is. Set it to "self" for the A-Tag itself
captionType 'attr' string how to get the caption. You can choose between attr, data or text
captionsData title string get the caption from given attribute
captionPosition 'bottom' string the position of the caption. Options are top, bottom or outside (note that outside can be outside the visible viewport!)
captionDelay 0 int adds a delay before the caption shows (in ms)
captionClass '' string add an additional class to the sl-caption
close true bool show the close button or not
closeText '×' string text or html for the close button
swipeClose true bool swipe up or down to close gallery
showCounter true bool show current image index or not
fileExt 'png|jpg|jpeg|gif' regexp or false list of fileextensions the plugin works with or false for disable the check
animationSpeed 250 int how long takes the slide animation
animationSlide true bool weather to slide in new photos or not, disable to fade
preloading true bool allows preloading next und previous images
enableKeyboard true bool allow keyboard arrow navigation and close with ESC key
loop true bool enables looping through images
rel false mixed group images by rel attribute of link with same selector.
docClose true bool closes the lightbox when clicking outside
swipeTolerance 50 int how much pixel you have to swipe, until next or previous image
className: 'simple-lightbox' string adds a class to the wrapper of the lightbox
widthRatio: 0.8 float Ratio of image width to screen width
heightRatio: 0.9 float Ratio of image height to screen height
scaleImageToRatio: false bool scales the image up to the defined ratio size
disableRightClick false bool disable rightclick on image or not
disableScroll true bool stop scrolling page if lightbox is opened
alertError true bool show an alert, if image was not found. If false error will be ignored
alertErrorMessage 'Image not found, next image will be loaded' string the message displayed if image was not found
additionalHtml false string Additional HTML showing inside every image. Usefull for watermark etc. If false nothing is added
history true bool enable history back closes lightbox instead of reloading the page
throttleInterval 0 int time to wait between slides
doubleTapZoom 2 int zoom level if double tapping on image
maxZoom 10 int maximum zoom level on pinching
htmlClass 'has-lightbox' string or false adds class to html element if lightbox is open. If empty or false no class is set
rtl false bool change direction to rigth-to-left
fixedClass 'sl-fixed' string elements with this class are fixed and get the right padding when lightbox opens
fadeSpeed 300 int the duration for fading in and out in milliseconds. Used for caption fadein/out too. If smaller than 100 it should be used with animationSlide:false
uniqueImages true bool whether to uniqualize images or not
focus true bool focus the lightbox on open to enable tab control
scrollZoom true bool Can zoom image with mousewheel scrolling
scrollZoomFactor true bool How much zoom when scrolling via mousewheel