Real Time Sign Language Detection App with ReactJS and TensorflowJS. Try it!
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. In order to run it, is necessary to install all of the used dependencies/packages using npm:
$ npm install
No ordinary installation is also required.
In order to run the application in development mode, start the application using:
$ npm start
Once compiled, it should open a new tab at http://localhost:3000 in the default browser. This page will reload if you edit the code and also warn about any lint errors in the console.
This application uses a model.json file that represents a exported trained model hosted in a online serve.
All the export information necessary to upload and make this file available can be found in the gesture-tensorflow project repository.
If you have your own model, simply change the modelURL
variable to your needs inside src/App.js
Once the application is ready, you can make a build to distribuite it using this command:
$ npm run build
It Builds the app for production to the build
folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
This project was deployed using Firebase Hosting. To do that you first need to have installed the Firebase CLI to run the Firebase commands. You can do that using:
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
After the installation, you need to sign in via cmd using your Firebase account credentials:
$ firebase login
Now is the time to initialize the CLI in your project. In the root folder, initiate the firebase:
$ firebase init
Doing so, now you will need to answer a few questions about your deploy configuration. For this project (React) was used:
Firebase CLI features
> HostingDatabase rules file
> (Just press enter and accept it)Public directory
> buildConfigure as single-page app
> YesOverwrite index.html
> No
After configuring your app, to upload into the Firebase servers just run the following:
$ firebase deploy
If no errors were shown, your website is now online and you can check the link shown by the cmd. For updates in this project, just rebuild the application and run the deploy command.
This code was based from the follwing Nicholas Renotte tutorial on YouTube: