- Helm >=3.8
- Kubernetes >=1.23
- Kubectl installed and configured to your Anchore Enterprise cluster
- Kind (recommended)
Create a Kubernetes Cluster to deploy Anchore Enterprise. In this example I use Kind, but feel free to use your own.
cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config=-
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
name: anchore
- role: control-plane
image: kindest/node:v1.29.4@sha256:3abb816a5b1061fb15c6e9e60856ec40d56b7b52bcea5f5f1350bc6e2320b6f8
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP
- role: worker
image: kindest/node:v1.29.4@sha256:3abb816a5b1061fb15c6e9e60856ec40d56b7b52bcea5f5f1350bc6e2320b6f8
Ensure kubectl is installed and pointing to your cluster.
kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
Create a K8s namespace, which will be used to deploy Anchore Enterprise.
kubectl create namespace anchore
Store your License, DockerHub and Anchore Credentials as Kubernetes Secrets. These will be used by your Anchore Deployment. Be sure to change and to those you were supplied.
cd ./labs/Deployment
kubectl create secret generic anchore-enterprise-license \
--from-file=license.yaml=./license.yaml -n anchore
kubectl create secret docker-registry anchore-enterprise-pullcreds \
--docker-server=docker.io --docker-username=<your-docker-username> --docker-password=<your-docker-password> -n anchore
kubectl create secret generic anchore-enterprise-env \
--from-literal=ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-postgresql --from-literal=ANCHORE_DB_NAME=anchore \
--from-literal=ANCHORE_DB_USER=anchore --from-literal=ANCHORE_DB_PORT=5432 \
--from-literal=ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=anchore-postgres,123 --from-literal=ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=anchore12345 -n anchore
kubectl create secret generic anchore-enterprise-ui-env \
--from-literal=ANCHORE_APPDB_URI=postgres://anchore:anchore-postgres,123@anchore-postgresql:5432/anchore \
--from-literal=ANCHORE_REDIS_URI=redis://:anchore-redis,123@anchore-ui-redis-master:6379 -n anchore
Run Helm install to spin up Anchore Enterprise.
helm repo add anchore https://charts.anchore.io
helm install -n anchore anchore anchore/enterprise -f values.yaml --version 3.2.0 # 5.12.0
Run port forwarding to get access to the Anchore Enterprise Web UI.
kubectl port-forward svc/anchore-enterprise-ui -n anchore 3000:80
Run port forwarding to get access to the Anchore Enterprise API.
kubectl port-forward svc/anchore-enterprise-api -n anchore 8228:8228
Keep these port-forward commands running as you use Anchore Enterprise and AnchoreCTL/APIs
Access the Anchore Enterprise Web UI by visiting http://localhost:3000/ and use the following credentials to login:
- username:
- password:
Now that you have Anchore Enterprise operational, proceed to the next step of the lab.