diff --git a/examples/config/default.nuon b/examples/config/default.nuon
index a2bc734..2895c62 100644
--- a/examples/config/default.nuon
+++ b/examples/config/default.nuon
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
     show_cell_path: true,  # whether or not to show the current cell path above the status bar
     show_table_header: true,  # whether or not to show the table header in "table" layout
+    show_hints: true, # whether or not to show the hints with keybindings
     layout: "table",  # the layout of the data, either "table" or "compact"
     margin: 10, # the number of lines to keep between the cursor and the top / bottom
     number: false, # show line numbers
diff --git a/src/config/mod.rs b/src/config/mod.rs
index 6e82135..24a7482 100644
--- a/src/config/mod.rs
+++ b/src/config/mod.rs
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ pub struct Config {
     pub margin: usize,
     pub number: bool,
     pub relativenumber: bool,
+    pub show_hints: bool,
 impl Default for Config {
@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ impl Default for Config {
             margin: 10,
             number: false,
             relativenumber: false,
+            show_hints: true,
             colors: ColorConfig {
                 normal: TableRowColorConfig {
                     name: BgFgColorConfig {
@@ -297,6 +299,11 @@ impl Config {
                         config.relativenumber = val
+                "show_hints" => {
+                    if let Some(val) = try_bool(value, &["show_hints"])? {
+                        config.show_hints = val
+                    }
+                }
                 "colors" => {
                     let cell = follow_cell_path(value, &["colors"]).unwrap();
                     let columns = match &cell {
diff --git a/src/ui.rs b/src/ui.rs
index 5246a42..11516ab 100644
--- a/src/ui.rs
+++ b/src/ui.rs
@@ -355,7 +355,11 @@ fn render_data(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App) {
             line_numbers.push(i as usize);
-        let mut lines = vec![ListItem::new(Line::from("")); 2];
+        let mut lines = if app.config.layout == Layout::Compact && !is_a_table {
+            vec![]
+        } else {
+            vec![ListItem::new(Line::from("")); 2]
+        };
         for i in line_numbers {
                 format!("{}", i),
@@ -363,10 +367,15 @@ fn render_data(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App) {
+        let mut offset = selected - margin_offset;
+        if app.config.layout == Layout::Table || is_a_table {
+            offset += 2;
+        }
-            &mut ListState::default().with_selected(Some(selected - margin_offset + 2)),
+            &mut ListState::default().with_selected(Some(offset)),
@@ -451,11 +460,17 @@ fn render_data(frame: &mut Frame, app: &mut App) {
+            let selected = if app.is_at_bottom() {
+                None
+            } else {
+                Some(selected)
+            };
                 &mut ListState::default()
-                    .with_selected(Some(selected))
+                    .with_selected(selected)
@@ -646,69 +661,74 @@ fn render_status_bar(frame: &mut Frame, app: &App) {
         Mode::Bottom => bg_style.fg(config.colors.status_bar.bottom.foreground),
-    let hints = match app.mode {
-        Mode::Normal => format!(
-            "{} to {} | {}{}{}{} to move around | {} to peek | {} to transpose | {} to quit",
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.insert),
-            Mode::Insert,
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.left),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.down),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.up),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.right),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.peek),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.transpose),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.quit),
-        ),
-        Mode::Waiting(n) => format!(
-            "{} to quit | will run next motion {} times",
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Esc, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            n
-        ),
-        Mode::Insert => format!(
-            "{} to quit | {}{}{}{} to move the cursor | {}{} to delete characters | {} to confirm",
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Esc, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Left, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Right, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Up, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Down, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Backspace, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Delete, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-            repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Enter, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
-        ),
-        Mode::Peeking => format!(
-            "{} to {} | {} to peek all | {} to peek current view | {} to peek under cursor | {} to peek the cell path",
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.normal),
-            Mode::Normal,
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.all),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.view),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.under),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.cell_path),
-        ),
-        Mode::Bottom => format!(
-            "{} to {} | {} to peek | {} to quit",
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.left),
-            Mode::Normal,
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.peek),
-            repr_key(&config.keybindings.quit),
-        ),
-    };
-    let left = Line::from(Span::styled(
-        format!(" {} ", app.mode),
-        style.add_modifier(Modifier::REVERSED),
-    ));
-    let right = Line::from(Span::styled(hints, style));
-        Paragraph::new(left)
-            .alignment(Alignment::Left)
-            .style(bg_style),
-        bottom_bar_rect,
-    );
-    frame.render_widget(
-        Paragraph::new(right).alignment(Alignment::Right),
+        Paragraph::new(Line::from(Span::styled(
+            format!(" {} ", app.mode),
+            style.add_modifier(Modifier::REVERSED),
+        )))
+        .alignment(Alignment::Left)
+        .style(bg_style),
+    if app.config.show_hints || matches!(app.mode, Mode::Waiting(..)) {
+        let hints = match app.mode {
+            Mode::Normal => format!(
+                "{} to {} | {}{}{}{} to move around | {} to peek | {} to transpose | {} to quit",
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.insert),
+                Mode::Insert,
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.left),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.down),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.up),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.right),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.peek),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.transpose),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.quit),
+            ),
+            Mode::Waiting(n) => {
+                if app.config.show_hints {
+                    format!(
+                        "{} to quit | will run next motion {} times",
+                        repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Esc, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                        n
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    format!("{}", n)
+                }
+            },
+            Mode::Insert => format!(
+                "{} to quit | {}{}{}{} to move the cursor | {}{} to delete characters | {} to confirm",
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Esc, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Left, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Right, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Up, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Down, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Backspace, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Delete, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+                repr_key(&KeyEvent::new(KeyCode::Enter, KeyModifiers::NONE)),
+            ),
+            Mode::Peeking => format!(
+                "{} to {} | {} to peek all | {} to peek current view | {} to peek under cursor | {} to peek the cell path",
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.normal),
+                Mode::Normal,
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.all),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.view),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.under),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.peeking.cell_path),
+            ),
+            Mode::Bottom => format!(
+                "{} to {} | {} to peek | {} to quit",
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.navigation.left),
+                Mode::Normal,
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.peek),
+                repr_key(&config.keybindings.quit),
+            ),
+        };
+        frame.render_widget(
+            Paragraph::new(Line::from(Span::styled(hints, style))).alignment(Alignment::Right),
+            bottom_bar_rect,
+        );
+    }
 // TODO: add proper assert error messages