Kata Containers 3.3.0 introduces the guest image management feature, which enables the guest VM to directly pull images using nydus snapshotter
. This feature is designed to protect the integrity of container images and guard against any tampering by the host, which is used for confidential containers. Please refer to kata-guest-image-management-design for details.
- The k8s cluster with Kata 3.3.0+ is ready to use.
is installed in the host and it's directory is included in thePATH
environment variable. (optional, for DaemonSet only)
To pull images in the guest, we need to do the following steps:
- Delete images used for pulling in the guest (optional, for containerd only)
- Install
nydus snapshotter
:- Install
nydus snapshotter
by k8s DaemonSet (recommended) - Install
nydus snapshotter
- Install
Though the CRI Runtime Specific Snapshotter
is still an experimental feature in containerd, which containerd is not supported to manage the same image in different snapshotters
(The default snapshotter
in containerd is overlayfs
). To avoid errors caused by this, it is recommended to delete images (including the pause image) in containerd that needs to be pulled in guest later before configuring nydus snapshotter
in containerd.
To use DaemonSet to install nydus snapshotter
, we need to ensure that yq
exists in the host.
- Download
nydus snapshotter
$ nydus_snapshotter_install_dir="/tmp/nydus-snapshotter"
$ nydus_snapshotter_url=https://github.com/containerd/nydus-snapshotter
$ nydus_snapshotter_version="v0.13.11"
$ git clone -b "${nydus_snapshotter_version}" "${nydus_snapshotter_url}" "${nydus_snapshotter_install_dir}"
- Configure DaemonSet file
$ pushd "$nydus_snapshotter_install_dir"
$ yq -i \
> '.data.FS_DRIVER = "proxy"' -P \
> misc/snapshotter/base/nydus-snapshotter.yaml
# Disable to read snapshotter config from configmap
$ yq -i \
> 'data.ENABLE_CONFIG_FROM_VOLUME = "false"' -P \
> misc/snapshotter/base/nydus-snapshotter.yaml
# Enable to run snapshotter as a systemd service
# (skip if you want to run nydus snapshotter as a standalone process)
$ yq -i \
> 'data.ENABLE_SYSTEMD_SERVICE = "true"' -P \
> misc/snapshotter/base/nydus-snapshotter.yaml
# Enable "runtime specific snapshotter" feature in containerd when configuring containerd for snapshotter
# (skip if you want to configure nydus snapshotter as a global snapshotter in containerd)
$ yq -i \
> misc/snapshotter/base/nydus-snapshotter.yaml
- Install
nydus snapshotter
as a DaemonSet
$ kubectl create -f "misc/snapshotter/nydus-snapshotter-rbac.yaml"
$ kubectl apply -f "misc/snapshotter/base/nydus-snapshotter.yaml"
- Wait 5 minutes until the DaemonSet is running
$ kubectl rollout status DaemonSet nydus-snapshotter -n nydus-system --timeout 5m
- Verify whether
nydus snapshotter
is running as a DaemonSet
$ pods_name=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=nydus-snapshotter -n nydus-system -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}')
$ kubectl logs "${pods_name}" -n nydus-system
deploying snapshotter
install nydus snapshotter artifacts
configuring snapshotter
Not found nydus proxy plugin!
running snapshotter as systemd service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nydus-snapshotter.service → /etc/systemd/system/nydus-snapshotter.service.
- Download
nydus snapshotter
binary from release
$ ARCH=$(uname -m)
$ golang_arch=$(case "$ARCH" in
aarch64) echo "arm64" ;;
ppc64le) echo "ppc64le" ;;
x86_64) echo "amd64" ;;
s390x) echo "s390x" ;;
$ release_tarball="nydus-snapshotter-${nydus_snapshotter_version}-linux-${golang_arch}.tar.gz"
$ curl -OL ${nydus_snapshotter_url}/releases/download/${nydus_snapshotter_version}/${release_tarball}
$ sudo tar -xfz ${release_tarball} -C /usr/local/bin --strip-components=1
- Download
nydus snapshotter
configuration file for pulling images in the guest
$ curl -OL https://github.com/containerd/nydus-snapshotter/blob/main/misc/snapshotter/config-proxy.toml
$ sudo install -D -m 644 config-proxy.toml /etc/nydus/config-proxy.toml
- Run
nydus snapshotter
as a standalone process
$ /usr/local/bin/containerd-nydus-grpc --config /etc/nydus/config-proxy.toml --log-to-stdout
level=info msg="Start nydus-snapshotter. Version: v0.13.11-308-g106a6cb, PID: 1100169, FsDriver: proxy, DaemonMode: none"
level=info msg="Run daemons monitor..."
- Configure containerd for
nydus snapshotter
Configure nydus snapshotter
to enable CRI Runtime Specific Snapshotter
in containerd. This ensures run kata containers with nydus snapshotter
. Below, the steps are illustrated using kata-qemu
as an example.
# Modify containerd configuration to ensure that the following lines appear in the containerd configuration
# (Assume that the containerd config is located in /etc/containerd/config.toml)
disable_snapshot_annotations = false
discard_unpacked_layers = false
type = "snapshot"
address = "/run/containerd-nydus/containerd-nydus-grpc.sock"
snapshotter = "nydus"
Notes: The
CRI Runtime Specific Snapshotter
feature only works for containerd v1.7.0 and above. So for Containerd v1.7.0 below, in addition to the above settings, we need to set the globalsnapshotter
in containerd config. For example:
snapshotter = "nydus"
- Restart containerd service
$ sudo systemctl restart containerd
To verify pulling images in a guest VM, please refer to the following commands:
- Run a kata container
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox
io.containerd.cri.runtime-handler: kata-qemu
runtimeClassName: kata-qemu
- name: busybox
image: quay.io/prometheus/busybox:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
pod/busybox created
$ kubectl get pods
busybox 1/1 Running 0 10s
Notes: The
CRI Runtime Specific Snapshotter
is still an experimental feature. To pull images in the guest under the specific kata runtime (such askata-qemu
), we need to add the following annotation in metadata to each pod yaml:io.containerd.cri.runtime-handler: kata-qemu
. By adding the annotation, we can ensure that the feature works as expected.
- Verify that the pod's images have been successfully downloaded in the guest.
If images intended for deployment are deleted prior to deploying with
nydus snapshotter
, the root filesystems required for the pod's images (including the pause image and the container image) should not be present on the host.
$ sandbox_id=$(ps -ef| grep containerd-shim-kata-v2| grep -oP '(?<=-id\s)[a-f0-9]+'| tail -1)
$ rootfs_count=$(find /run/kata-containers/shared/sandboxes/$sandbox_id -name rootfs -type d| grep -o "rootfs" | wc -l)
$ echo $rootfs_count