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Feature Flags Example

Amit Kumar Mondal edited this page Nov 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

This document describes the necessary steps required to use the example bundle

  1. Fork or checkout the project
  2. This project packages a custom Apache Felix with all the necessary bundles required to run feature flags
  3. You need to build the core, web and example bundles
  4. Execute mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip in the top project folder
  5. This will build all the bundles (core, web and example)
  6. Copy all the built jars from their respective target folders
  7. Paste the bundles in bundle directory (forked-directory-location\feature-flags-osgi/felix-distro/felix-framework-5.6.8-packaged-for-feature-flags)
  8. Open Console
  9. Execute cd forked-directory-location\feature-flags-osgi/felix-distro/felix-framework-5.6.8-packaged-for-feature-flags
  10. java -jar bin/felix.jar
  11. Open browser and access http://ip_address//services/featureflags/features
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