Master Health Record and Data Reconciliation Engine Persistance Layer (MongoDB)
This library provides following functionality
- Persist blue-button data with additional metadata
- Persist merge histories
- Persist merge candidates with match information
- Persist blue-button data source content and type
This implementation of blue-button-record uses MongoDB.
Require blue-button and blue-button-record
var bb = require("blue-button");
var bbr = require("blue-button-record");
blue-button-record assumes MongoDB is already running. Connect to the database
bbr.connectDatabase('localhost', function(err)) {
if (err) throw err;
Read a ccd file and convert it to JSON
var fs = require('fs');
var filepath = '/tmp/demo.xml';
var xmlString = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8');
var result = bb.parseString(xmlString);
var ccdJSON =;
Persist the file in the database as a source of patient data, various properties is the responsibility the caller
var fileInfo = {
filename: 'demo.xml',
type: 'text/xml'
var fileId = null;
bbr.saveRecord('patientKey', xmlString, fileInfo, 'ccda', function(err, result) {
fileId = result._id;
Methods are provided to access patient data source records as a list or individually
bbr.getRecordList('patientKey', function(err, results) {
bbr.getRecord(fileId, function(err, filename, content) {
bbr.recordCount('patientKey', function(err, count) {
You can persist all the blue-button sections as a whole
bbr.saveAllSections('patientKey', ccdJSON, fileId, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
or individually
bbr.saveSection('allergies', 'patientKey', ccdJSON.allergies, fileId, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
By default all sections supported by blue-button are also supported by blue-button-record. Currently these are demographics (ccda header), allergies, procedures, vitals, medications, results, encounters, immunizations and socialHistory.
You can get the whole patient record back
bbr.getAllSections('patientKey',function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
or get any section individually
var id = null;
bbr.getSection('allergies', 'patientKey', function(err, allergies) {
if (err) throw err;
id = allergies[0]._id;
In addition to blue-button data, each entry also includes metadata and property '_id" which you can later use to access and update
var allergy = null;
bbr.getEntry('allergies', id, function(err, result) {
allergy = result;
bbr.updateEntry('allergies', id, {severity: 'Severe'}, fileId, function(err) {
if (err) throw(err);
You can clean up metadata and other non blue-button data
var allergiesBBOnly = bbr.cleanSectionEntries(allergies);
which makes allergiesBBOnly comparable to ccdJSON.allergies.
Metadata property provides the source of the data as the "merge history"
var attribution = allergy.metadata.attribution;
console.log(attribution[0].merge_reason); // merge history starts with 'new'
console.log(attribution[0].record_id); // fileId
Once you persists a new entry (saveSection) merge history will be initiated with merge_reason: 'new'. Each update (updateEntry) also contributes to merge history
console.log(attribution[1].merge_reason); // 'update'
In addition to 'new' and 'update', another source can be persisted in merge history to have the duplicate of an existing entry
bbr.duplicateEntry('allergies', id, fileId, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(attribution[2].merge_reason); // 'duplicate'
Whole merge history for a patient is available
bbr.getMerges('allergies', 'patientKey', 'name severity', 'filename uploadDate', function(err, mergeList) {
var explMerge = mergeList[0];
where you can specify blue-button health data fields like allergy name or severity and record fields like filename or uploadDate
You can count merge history entries with various conditions
bbr.mergeCount('allergies', 'patientKey', {}, function(err, count) {
bbr.mergeCount('allergies', 'patientKey', {merge_reason: 'new'}, function(err, count) {
bbr.mergeCount('allergies', 'patientKey', {merge_reason: 'duplicate'}, function(err, count) {
blue-button-record also stores 'partial entries' which cannot immediately become part of the master health record since they are similar enough to existing entries but not identical to become duplicates. In addition to blue-button health data, partial records also include a pointer to the existing entry and match information
var partialAllergy = {
partial_array: allergy,
match_record_id: id,
partial_match: {
diff: {severity: 'new'},
percent: 80,
subelements: []
By default match information is assumed to have three fields: diff, subelements, and percent. diff and sublements can be of any object and percent must be a number. This default is to accomodate match information available from blue-button-match.
Partial entries are persisted as sections
bbr.savePartialSection('allergies', 'patientKey', partialAllergies, fileId, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
blue-button health data piece of partial entries are available similarly to master health record sections
var partialId = null;
bbr.getPartialSection('allergies', 'patientKey', function(err, partialAllergies) {
if (err) throw err;
partialId = partialAllergies[0]._id;
the same data together with selected fields from the existing matching entry and the match information is available as a list
bbr.getMatches('allergies', 'patientKey', 'name severity', function(err, matches) {
if (err) throw err;
var match = mathches[0];
console.log(; // existing
console.log(; // partial
console.log(match.diff.severity); // match information
var matchId = match._id;
Individual match access is also available and will return the full blue-button data both for the existing entries and the partial entries
bbr.getMatch('allergies', matchId, function(err, match) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(; // existing
console.log(; // partial
console.log(match.diff.severity); // match information
Only count of matches can be accessed instead of full list
bbr.matchCount('allergies', 'patientKey', {}, function(err, count) {
bbr.matchCount('allergies', 'patientKey', {percent: 90}, function(err, count) {
Matches can be canceled either outright or after contributing some fields to the existing entry
bbr.cancelMatch('allergies', matchId, 'ignored', function(err, count) {
bbr.cancelMatch('allergies', matchId, 'merged', function(err, count) {
or they can be accepted and become part of the master health record.
bbr.acceptMatch('allergies', matchId, 'added', function(err, count) {
Underlying MongoDB collections can be classified into four categories
- Patient data and metadata
- Merge history
- Partial match
- Source file storage
This is a single collection named 'storage.files'. It contains file content and few additional file metadata fields. This collection is used through MongoDB GridFS specification since the content can be larger than the MongoDB 16M size limit. The schema is as follows (GridFS specific schema fields are not shown)
var schema = {
filename: String,
contentType: String,
uploadDate: Date,
metadata: {
patKey: String,
fileClass: String
'contentType' is the file MIME type such as 'application/xml'. 'patKey' is used to identify the patient file belongs to. If it exists 'fileClass' can only have the value of 'ccda' and indicates that file was read as a ccda document succesfully.
Patient data collections closely follows blue-button models that implement CCDA header or sections. Collection 'demographics' store CCDA header data. Currently there are eight collections for supported CCDA sections: 'medications', 'procedures', 'socialHistories', 'problems', 'allergies', 'results', 'vitals', and 'encounters'. Each element in the collections is a single entry in a CCDA section. Allergy schema is
var schema = {
name: String,
code: String,
code_system_name: String,
date: [{date: Date, precision: String}],
identifiers: [{
identifier_type: String
severity: String,
reaction: [{
code: String,
name: String,
code_system_name: String,
severity: String
patKey: String,
metadata: {
attribution: [{type: ObjectId, ref: 'allergymerges'}]
reviewed: Boolean,
archived: Boolean
All the fields before 'patKey' directly comes from blue-button models and is documented there. Remaining fields are identical for all collections. 'patKey' is the key for the patient whom this entry belongs. 'metadata.attribution' links patient data collections to merge history collections. 'reviewed=false' identifies all partial entries. 'archieved=true' identifies all partial entries that are ignored or merged and is not part of the health record.
Since schema for all other collections follows the same pattern they will not be explicitly shown here.
Collections for merge history hold information on where and how a patient data entry is added to the health record. There is one merge history collection for each patient data collection: 'allergymerges', 'demographicmerges', 'encountermerges', 'socialmerges', 'vitalmerges', 'immunizationmerges', 'medicationmerges', 'proceduremerges', and 'resultmerges'. The schema for each follows a general pattern and shown for 'allergymerges' below
var schema = {
entry_type: String,
patKey: String,
entry_id: {type: ObjectId, ref: allergies},
record_id: {type: ObjectId, ref: 'storage.files'},
merged: Date,
merge_reason: String,
archived: Boolean
'entry_type' is a convenience field and holds the type of the entry. It can have the values: 'allergy', 'demographic', 'social', 'problem', 'procedure', 'medication', 'vital', 'immunization', or 'encounter'. 'patKey' is the patient key. 'entry_id' and 'record_id' respectively link the merge history to patient data and source file. 'merged' is the time that the merge history record is created. 'merge_reason' can currently be 'new', 'update' or 'duplicate'. 'archived=true' identifies all the merge history entries that is linked to patient data collections that has the same flag and is an another convenience field.
Collections for partial match history describe partial matches and the action that the patient took. There is one partial match history collection for each patient data collection: 'allergymatches', 'demographicmatches', 'encountermatches', 'socialmatches', 'vitalmatches', 'immunizationmatches', 'medicationmatches', 'procedurematches', and 'resultmatches'. The schema for each follows a general pattern and shown for 'allergymatches' below
var schema = {
entry_type: String,
patKey: String,
entry_id: {type: ObjectId, ref: allergies},
record_id: {type: ObjectId, ref: 'storage.files'},
determination: String,
percent: Number,
diff: {},
subelements: {}
All the fields until the percent has identical descriptions to corresponding merge history collection ('allergymerges' for 'allergymatches'). 'percent', 'diff' and 'subelements' describe the details of the partial match for which detailed information can be found in blue-button-match. 'determination' describes the action that user took such as 'merged', 'added' or 'ignored'.