Some other useful tools for MLflow.
- Problem
- Currently you cannot load a SparkML model as a UDF with MLflow due to named column bug.
- Error message: pyspark.sql.utils.IllegalArgumentException: sepal_length does not exist. Available: 0, 1, 2, 3
- mlflow git issue 4131 - Spark UDF throws IllegalArgumentException
- Solution
- There is a workaround that leverages a custom PythonModel wrapper.
- Wrapper:
- Usage:
Failed Run Replayer - Save run details for MLflow rate limited exceptions and replay later.
Enable Seldon MLServer to support MLflow model URIs with the models
and runs
Typically production MLflow pipelines deploy models using the models
URI scheme which accesses the MLflow Model Registry.
Seldon provides MLServer that supports an MLflow runtime.
However MLServer only accepts file-based MLflow model URI schems such as s3
, wasb
, or local file path.
MLServer does not support the models
or runs
schemes which download the requested model using the MLflowClient.
python -m venv mlserver
source mlserver/bin/activate
pip install mlserver
pip install mlserver-mlflow
pip install sklearn
git clone
pip install -e mlflow-tools
Create your settings file with an MLflow model URI using the models
For example, my-model-settings.json
"name": "wine-classifier",
"implementation": "mlserver_mlflow.MLflowRuntime",
"parameters": {
"uri": "models:/sklearn_wine/production"
The mlflow_tools.seldon_mlflow.download_model tool does the following:
- Downloads the model artifacts associated with the registered model to a temporary location.
- Creates a standard model-settings.json file from your custom settings file that points to this temporary location.
python -u -m mlflow_tools.seldon_mlflow.download_model \
--model-settings-path my-model-settings.json \
--output-dir /tmp/my-model
"name": "wine-classifier",
"implementation": "mlserver_mlflow.MLflowRuntime",
"parameters": {
"uri": "/tmp/my-model/sklearn-model"
mlserver start .
Score with the MLflow model server JSON format (in another terminal).
curl http://localhost:8080/invocations \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{ "columns":
[ "alcohol", "chlorides", "citric acid", "density", "fixed acidity", "free sulfur dioxide", "pH", "residual sugar", "sulphates", "total sulfur dioxide", "volatile acidity" ],
"data": [
[ 7, 0.27, 0.36, 20.7, 0.045, 45, 170, 1.001, 3, 0.45, 8.8 ],
[ 6.3, 0.3, 0.34, 1.6, 0.049, 14, 132, 0.994, 3.3, 0.49, 9.5 ] ] }'
[5.335031847133758, 4.5]