Install Vagrant on your Mac.
Changes in release 3.0 and above: Vagrant will be upgraded when you change the version of this module in your Puppetfile
include vagrant
By default, the module will install Vagrant 1.5.0. You can specify a different version of Vagrant to install (minimum version is 1.4.0 due to download locations). To install Vagrant 1.4.0, you would specify the version as follows:
class { 'vagrant':
version => '1.4.0'
To install a plugin, the usage would look as follows:
vagrant::plugin { 'vagrant-vmware-fusion':
license => 'puppet:///modules/people/joe/licenses/fusion.lic',
To install a box, the usage would look as follows:
vagrant::box { 'squeeze64/vmware_fusion':
source => ''