A bunch of helper classes that make generating markdown files easier.
Originally written to make my own life easier. I got tired of writing repetitive code to generate markdown files for my projects.
pip install markdown-helper
Sample code that generated the EXAMPLE.md file
import markdown_helper as mdh
# Create a new markdown Document that includes a table of contents
doc = mdh.Document("Title", "EXAMPLE.md", overwrite=True, table_of_contents=True)
# Add a new section to the document
first_section = doc.add_section("Section 1")
# Add some text to the section
first_section.add("Regular text in the first section")
# Add a list to the section
list_of_fruits = mdh.List(["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"], ordered=True, title="Fruit List")
# Make a new Table with custom value mapping
table = mdh.Table(["Fruit", "Color"], sort_key="Fruit", title="Fruit Table", custom_map={"Fruit": {"Apple": "🍎", "Banana": "🍌"}})
# Add some rows to the table
table.add_row({"Fruit": "Apple", "Color": "Red"})
table.add_row({"Fruit": "Banana", "Color": "Yellow"})
# Add the table to the document
# Add a new section to the document with Smaller title
second_section = mdh.Section(mdh.Header("Section 2", 2))
second_section.add("Regular text in the second section")
# Add a link and an image to the section
link = mdh.Link("https://google.com", "Google")
image = mdh.Image("https://picsum.photos/200", alt="A random image")
# Output the document to as a string
# Save the document to a file
- Add support for code blocks
- ???
Feel free to open a pull request or an issue if you have any suggestions or find any bugs
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details