A simple port scanner in bash, for when you dont have nmap available.
cbps.sh -i [Target IP addresses/hostnames] {-m <Scan mode> | -p [Ports to scan]} -o <Output file name (Without extension)> -q -s
-i [IP address list] Comma seperated list of IP addresses (or hostnames) to scan.
-m <quick|full> Scanning mode, quick scans only most popular ports, full scans all ports (1-65535).
-p [Port numbers] Comma seperated list of ports to scan, can also be used with with -m quick.
-q Quiet mode, prints no output to terminal.
-s Skip ping scan of hosts
-o <Output filename> Scan results will be saved to <Output filename>.json in the current directory.
If not set, the output will be printed to the console in json format
Scan ports 22 and 80 of and save output to outputFile.json
cbps.sh -i -p 22,80 -o outputFile
Scan both and for most common ports and print output to console
cbps.sh -i, -m q
Scan all for all possible ports on stackexchange.com and save to file stackexchange.json
cbps.sh -i stackexchange.com -m f -o stackexchange