1: Finish and improve the mxd-parser-upgrade branch. a- and integrate with terminal on the great awakening page A. change color or size of any element, screen padding and opacity. 2: Get a proper md parser and deffer to that for not mdx files a- rename .md files that are mdx files to .md(x/book/etc) and handle
1: Formalize code styles in world - base on the good parts of python & js 2: sub-wiki of code definitions
okay, since I've fixed the script tag - there are a few programmatic effects to add:
1: In Martha's dream sections
- set the background image to a twisting shape:
- with it's visibility tied to scroll speed
- generative image: random seeded by current time 2: at the airport showing rossin the shapes:
- grow image from terminal
- should be a chaotic shape
- no background or borders
- opacity and size are based distance to viewport center 3: security guard
- lock eyes effect
- ^ is the last thing visible on the page - which represent the eyes of the security guard
- while ^ is visible - below it is a blank page
- scrolling down reveals hidden text only visible if ^ is not 4: the true power of the terminal
- ^ is the last thing visible on the page - which represent the eyes of the security guard
- affect version control of story / pull from git a particular branch
- choose your own adventure in the open source community
- hooked up to be able to change source while running, should work no back end code changes
- sounds like not a single source, but series of containers for each user.
- choose your own adventure in the open source community
1: refactor to make it look nicer