Go 1.8 is a requirement
$ make
Running it as a common executable, logs are send to the stdOut and some options are available at the CLI.
Notice this example starts a dedicated service just for issuing signed JWT.
$ ./krakend_jwt_example
Usage of ./krakend_jwt_example_92cc18c:
-c string
Path to the configuration filename (default "/etc/krakend/configuration.json")
-cors-headers string
Comma-separated list of CORS allowed headers (default "Origin,Authorization,Content-Type")
-cors-headers-exposed string
Comma-separated list of CORS exposed headers (default "Content-Length")
-cors-methods string
Comma-separated list of CORS allowed methods (default "HEAD,GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE")
-cors-origins string
Comma-separated list of CORS allowed origins (default "http://example.com")
-cors-ttl duration
Max age for the CORS layer (default 12h0m0s)
-d Enable the debug
-hosts string
Comma-separated list of allowed hosts (default ",example.com,ssl.example.com")
-jwt-issuer string
Issuer for the jwt (default "http://example.com/")
-jwt-port int
Port for the jwt generator api (default 8090)
-jwt-secret string
Secret for signing jwt (default "KrakenDrulez123.4567890!")
-jwt-ttl duration
Expiration for the JWT (default 1h0m0s)
-l string
Logging level (default "ERROR")
-p int
Port of the service