diff --git a/Demo/AndroidManifest.template.xml b/Demo/AndroidManifest.template.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10c95df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/AndroidManifest.template.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ <%uses-permission%>
+ <%provider%>
+ <%application-meta-data%>
+ <%uses-libraries%>
+ <%services%>
+ <%activity%>
+ <%receivers%>
diff --git a/Demo/Demo.deployproj b/Demo/Demo.deployproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176d78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/Demo.deployproj
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ 12
+ K4AXB6010422F4D
+ K4AXB6010422F4D
+ iPhone5
+ Demo\
+ Demo.exe
+ ProjectOutput
+ 0
+ True
+ True
+ Demo.app\
+ libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
+ DependencyModule
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo.app\
+ libpcre.dylib
+ DependencyModule
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-xlarge\
+ splash_image.png
+ Android_SplashImage960
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-xhdpi\
+ ic_launcher.png
+ Android_LauncherIcon96
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-hdpi\
+ ic_launcher.png
+ Android_LauncherIcon72
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-xhdpi\
+ ic_notification.png
+ Android_NotificationIcon48
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-xxxhdpi\
+ ic_notification.png
+ Android_NotificationIcon96
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-large\
+ splash_image.png
+ Android_SplashImage640
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-xxhdpi\
+ ic_notification.png
+ Android_NotificationIcon72
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\library\lib\armeabi-v7a\
+ libDemo.so
+ AndroidLibnativeArmeabiv7aFile
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-normal\
+ splash_image.png
+ Android_SplashImage470
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\library\lib\mips\
+ libDemo.so
+ AndroidLibnativeMipsFile
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\library\lib\armeabi\
+ libDemo.so
+ AndroidLibnativeArmeabiFile
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\library\lib\arm64-v8a\
+ libDemo.so
+ ProjectOutput
+ 1
+ True
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-ldpi\
+ ic_launcher.png
+ Android_LauncherIcon36
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-xxhdpi\
+ ic_launcher.png
+ Android_LauncherIcon144
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\values\
+ colors.xml
+ Android_Colors
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\
+ AndroidManifest.xml
+ ProjectAndroidManifest
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-mdpi\
+ ic_notification.png
+ Android_NotificationIcon24
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\values\
+ styles.xml
+ AndroidSplashStyles
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-hdpi\
+ ic_notification.png
+ Android_NotificationIcon36
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable\
+ splash_image_def.xml
+ AndroidSplashImageDef
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-mdpi\
+ ic_launcher.png
+ Android_LauncherIcon48
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\classes\
+ classes.dex
+ AndroidClassesDexFile
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\drawable-small\
+ splash_image.png
+ Android_SplashImage426
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\values-v21\
+ styles.xml
+ AndroidSplashStylesV21
+ 1
+ True
+ Demo\res\values\
+ strings.xml
+ Android_Strings
+ 1
+ True
diff --git a/Demo/Demo.dpr b/Demo/Demo.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83d63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/Demo.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program Demo;
+ System.StartUpCopy,
+ FMX.Forms,
+ main in 'main.pas' {Form2};
+{$R *.res}
+ Application.Initialize;
+ Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2);
+ Application.Run;
diff --git a/Demo/Demo.dproj b/Demo/Demo.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..785560f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/Demo.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+ {A5D1FD99-4DA1-4D2E-898A-7A6B2AAB2B2F}
+ 19.0
+ True
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ 37915
+ Application
+ Demo.dpr
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ $(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICON.ico
+ $(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICNS.icns
+ Demo
+ DBXSqliteDriver;RESTComponents;DBXInterBaseDriver;RestDatawareCORE;ZComponent;FMXComponents;ZCore;emsclientfiredac;tethering;DataSnapFireDAC;bindcompfmx;compCielo;fmx;FireDACIBDriver;FireDACDBXDriver;dbexpress;IndyCore;ZParseSql;dsnap;emsclient;DataSnapCommon;FireDACCommon;RESTBackendComponents;soapserver;bindengine;CloudService;FireDACCommonDriver;DataSnapClient;AndoridVoiceComponents;inet;IndyIPCommon;bindcompdbx;IndyIPServer;IndySystem;SGerenciaPix;SGerenciaPago;fmxFireDAC;FireDAC;ZDbc;FireDACSqliteDriver;SGerenciaSeguro;soaprtl;DbxCommonDriver;xmlrtl;soapmidas;DataSnapNativeClient;FireDACDSDriver;rtl;DbxClientDriver;CustomIPTransport;SGerenciaNet;bindcomp;ZPlain;IndyIPClient;FrameStandPackage_10_4;dbxcds;dsnapxml;DataSnapProviderClient;dbrtl;IndyProtocols;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ package=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);label=$(MSBuildProjectName);versionCode=1;versionName=1.0.0;persistent=False;restoreAnyVersion=False;installLocation=auto;largeHeap=False;theme=TitleBar;hardwareAccelerated=true;apiKey=
+ Debug
+ true
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_36x36.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_48x48.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_72x72.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_96x96.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_144x144.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_426x320.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_470x320.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_640x480.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_960x720.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_24x24.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_36x36.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_48x48.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_72x72.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_96x96.png
+ android-support-v4.dex.jar;cloud-messaging.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-base.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-identifier.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-lite.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-base.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-basement.16.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-gass.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-identity.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-maps.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-base.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-sdk-api.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-stats.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tagmanager-v4-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tasks.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-wallet.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-analytics.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-common.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid-interop.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid.17.1.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-measurement-connector.17.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-messaging.17.5.0.dex.jar;fmx.dex.jar;google-play-billing.dex.jar;google-play-licensing.dex.jar
+ DBXSqliteDriver;RESTComponents;DBXInterBaseDriver;RestDatawareCORE;ZComponent;ZCore;emsclientfiredac;tethering;DataSnapFireDAC;bindcompfmx;compCielo;RaizeComponentsVcl;fmx;FireDACIBDriver;RaizeComponentsVclDb;FireDACDBXDriver;dbexpress;IndyCore;ZParseSql;dsnap;emsclient;DataSnapCommon;FireDACCommon;RESTBackendComponents;soapserver;bindengine;CloudService;FireDACCommonDriver;DataSnapClient;inet;IndyIPCommon;bindcompdbx;IndyIPServer;IndySystem;SGerenciaPix;SGerenciaPago;fmxFireDAC;FireDAC;ZDbc;FireDACSqliteDriver;SGerenciaSeguro;soaprtl;DbxCommonDriver;xmlrtl;soapmidas;DataSnapNativeClient;FireDACDSDriver;rtl;DbxClientDriver;CustomIPTransport;SGerenciaNet;bindcomp;ZPlain;IndyIPClient;FrameStandPackage_10_4;dbxcds;dsnapxml;DataSnapProviderClient;dbrtl;IndyProtocols;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ package=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);label=$(MSBuildProjectName);versionCode=1;versionName=1.0.0;persistent=False;restoreAnyVersion=False;installLocation=auto;largeHeap=False;theme=TitleBar;hardwareAccelerated=true;apiKey=
+ Debug
+ true
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_36x36.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_48x48.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_72x72.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_96x96.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_144x144.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_426x320.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_470x320.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_640x480.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_960x720.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_24x24.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_36x36.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_48x48.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_72x72.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_96x96.png
+ android-support-v4.dex.jar;cloud-messaging.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-base.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-identifier.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-lite.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-base.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-basement.16.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-gass.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-identity.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-maps.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-base.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-sdk-api.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-stats.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tagmanager-v4-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tasks.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-wallet.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-analytics.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-common.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid-interop.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid.17.1.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-measurement-connector.17.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-messaging.17.5.0.dex.jar;fmx.dex.jar;google-play-billing.dex.jar;google-play-licensing.dex.jar
+ DBXSqliteDriver;RESTComponents;fmxase;DBXInterBaseDriver;RestDatawareCORE;ZComponent;ACBr_TEFD;ZCore;emsclientfiredac;tethering;DataSnapFireDAC;ACBr_SATWS;SDriver.Components;ACBr_NFe;bindcompfmx;ACBr_Diversos;RaizeComponentsVcl;ACBr_LCDPR;fmx;FireDACIBDriver;RaizeComponentsVclDb;ACBr_Ponto;FireDACDBXDriver;dbexpress;IndyCore;ZParseSql;dsnap;emsclient;DataSnapCommon;FireDACCommon;RESTBackendComponents;ACBR_DeSTDA;soapserver;bindengine;CloudService;ACBr_PAF;ACBr_Sintegra;FireDACCommonDriver;DataSnapClient;inet;IndyIPCommon;bindcompdbx;IndyIPServer;ACBr_CTe;ACBr_SATExtratoESCPOS;IndySystem;ACBre_Social;fmxFireDAC;FireDAC;ACBr_SPED;ACBr_MDFe;ACBr_Comum;ZDbc;FireDACSqliteDriver;soaprtl;DbxCommonDriver;xmlrtl;soapmidas;DataSnapNativeClient;FireDACDSDriver;rtl;DbxClientDriver;CustomIPTransport;ACBr_Convenio115;bindcomp;ACBr_Serial;ZPlain;IndyIPClient;frce;ACBr_BlocoX;dbxcds;ACBr_ANe;dsnapxml;DataSnapProviderClient;dbrtl;IndyProtocols;ACBr_NFSe;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ CFBundleName=$(MSBuildProjectName);CFBundleDevelopmentRegion=en;CFBundleDisplayName=$(MSBuildProjectName);CFBundleIdentifier=$(MSBuildProjectName);CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion=7.1;CFBundleVersion=1.0.0;CFBundleShortVersionString=1.0.0;CFBundlePackageType=APPL;CFBundleSignature=????;LSRequiresIPhoneOS=true;CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations=YES;CFBundleExecutable=$(MSBuildProjectName);UIDeviceFamily=iPhone & iPad;CFBundleResourceSpecification=ResourceRules.plist;NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the location information of the user;NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the location information of the user;NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the location information of the user;FMLocalNotificationPermission=false;UIBackgroundModes=;NSContactsUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the contacts;NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the photo library;NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription=The reason for adding to the photo library;NSCameraUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the camera;NSFaceIDUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the face id;NSMicrophoneUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the microphone;NSSiriUsageDescription=The reason for accessing Siri;ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption=false;NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription=The reason for accessing bluetooth;NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription=The reason for accessing bluetooth peripherals;NSCalendarsUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the calendar data;NSRemindersUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the reminders;NSMotionUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the accelerometer;NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription=The reason for requesting to send user data to Apple's speech recognition servers
+ iPhoneAndiPad
+ true
+ Debug
+ $(MSBuildProjectName)
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_57x57.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_60x60.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_87x87.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_114x114.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_120x120.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_180x180.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_3x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_3x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_29x29.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_40x40.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_58x58.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_120x120.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_72x72.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_76x76.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_144x144.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_152x152.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_167x167.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_40x40.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_50x50.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_100x100.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SettingIcon_29x29.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SettingIcon_58x58.png
+ DBXSqliteDriver;RESTComponents;fmxase;DBXInterBaseDriver;RestDatawareCORE;ZComponent;ZCore;emsclientfiredac;tethering;DataSnapFireDAC;bindcompfmx;fmx;FireDACIBDriver;FireDACDBXDriver;dbexpress;IndyCore;ZParseSql;dsnap;emsclient;DataSnapCommon;FireDACCommon;RESTBackendComponents;soapserver;bindengine;CloudService;FireDACCommonDriver;DataSnapClient;inet;IndyIPCommon;bindcompdbx;IndyIPServer;IndySystem;fmxFireDAC;FireDAC;ZDbc;FireDACSqliteDriver;soaprtl;DbxCommonDriver;xmlrtl;soapmidas;DataSnapNativeClient;FireDACDSDriver;rtl;DbxClientDriver;CustomIPTransport;bindcomp;ZPlain;IndyIPClient;FrameStandPackage_10_4;dbxcds;dsnapxml;DataSnapProviderClient;dbrtl;IndyProtocols;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ CFBundleName=$(MSBuildProjectName);CFBundleDevelopmentRegion=en;CFBundleDisplayName=$(MSBuildProjectName);CFBundleIdentifier=$(MSBuildProjectName);CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion=7.1;CFBundleVersion=1.0.0;CFBundleShortVersionString=1.0.0;CFBundlePackageType=APPL;CFBundleSignature=????;LSRequiresIPhoneOS=true;CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations=YES;CFBundleExecutable=$(MSBuildProjectName);UIDeviceFamily=iPhone & iPad;CFBundleResourceSpecification=ResourceRules.plist;NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the location information of the user;NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the location information of the user;NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the location information of the user;FMLocalNotificationPermission=false;UIBackgroundModes=;NSContactsUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the contacts;NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the photo library;NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription=The reason for adding to the photo library;NSCameraUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the camera;NSFaceIDUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the face id;NSMicrophoneUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the microphone;NSSiriUsageDescription=The reason for accessing Siri;ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption=false;NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription=The reason for accessing bluetooth;NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription=The reason for accessing bluetooth peripherals;NSCalendarsUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the calendar data;NSRemindersUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the reminders;NSMotionUsageDescription=The reason for accessing the accelerometer;NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription=The reason for requesting to send user data to Apple's speech recognition servers
+ iPhoneAndiPad
+ true
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_57x57.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_60x60.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_87x87.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_114x114.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_120x120.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_180x180.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_3x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_3x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_29x29.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_40x40.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_58x58.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_120x120.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_72x72.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_76x76.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_144x144.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_152x152.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_167x167.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_40x40.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_50x50.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_100x100.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SettingIcon_29x29.png
+ $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SettingIcon_58x58.png
+ 10.0
+ DBXSqliteDriver;RESTComponents;fmxase;DBXInterBaseDriver;RestDatawareCORE;ZComponent;ZCore;emsclientfiredac;tethering;DataSnapFireDAC;FireDACMSSQLDriver;bindcompfmx;DBXOracleDriver;inetdb;RaizeComponentsVcl;fmx;FireDACIBDriver;fmxdae;RaizeComponentsVclDb;FireDACDBXDriver;dbexpress;IndyCore;ZParseSql;dsnap;emsclient;DataSnapCommon;FireDACCommon;RESTBackendComponents;soapserver;IcsCommonD104Run;bindengine;DBXMySQLDriver;CloudService;FireDACOracleDriver;FireDACMySQLDriver;DBXFirebirdDriver;FireDACCommonODBC;FireDACCommonDriver;DataSnapClient;inet;IndyIPCommon;bindcompdbx;IcsVclD104Run;IndyIPServer;IndySystem;fmxFireDAC;IcsFmxD104Run;FireDAC;ZDbc;FireDACSqliteDriver;FireDACPgDriver;FireDACASADriver;FireDACTDataDriver;soaprtl;DbxCommonDriver;DataSnapServer;xmlrtl;soapmidas;DataSnapNativeClient;fmxobj;FireDACDSDriver;rtl;DbxClientDriver;DBXSybaseASADriver;CustomIPTransport;bindcomp;DBXInformixDriver;ZPlain;IndyIPClient;FrameStandPackage_10_4;dbxcds;FireDACODBCDriver;DataSnapIndy10ServerTransport;dsnapxml;DataSnapProviderClient;dbrtl;IndyProtocols;inetdbxpress;FireDACMongoDBDriver;DataSnapServerMidas;$(DCC_UsePackage)
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+ Debug
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/Demo.dproj.local
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ 2021/05/12 11:14:37.000.956,=C:\Users\Sergio\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Unit2.pas
+ 2021/05/12 11:26:53.000.486,C:\Users\Sergio\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Unit2.fmx=I:\PagOnLine\GerenciaPago\Demo\main.fmx
+ 2021/05/12 11:26:53.000.486,C:\Users\Sergio\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Unit2.pas=I:\PagOnLine\GerenciaPago\Demo\main.pas
+ 2021/05/12 11:26:59.000.536,C:\Users\Sergio\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Project2.dproj=I:\PagOnLine\GerenciaPago\Demo\Demo.dproj
diff --git a/Demo/Demo.identcache b/Demo/Demo.identcache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a43447
Binary files /dev/null and b/Demo/Demo.identcache differ
diff --git a/Demo/json b/Demo/json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae204ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/json
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ "paging": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "limit": 30,
+ "offset": 0
+ },
+ "results": [{
+ "acquirer_reconciliation": [],
+ "additional_info": {
+ "available_balance": null,
+ "bank_info": {
+ "is_same_bank_account_owner": true
+ },
+ "nsu_processadora": null
+ },
+ "authorization_code": null,
+ "binary_mode": false,
+ "brand_id": null,
+ "call_for_authorize_id": null,
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+ "captured": true,
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+ "corporation_id": null,
+ "counter_currency": null,
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+ "currency_id": "BRL",
+ "date_approved": "2021-05-13T00:11:14.000-04:00",
+ "date_created": "2021-05-13T00:09:21.000-04:00",
+ "date_last_updated": "2021-05-13T00:11:14.000-04:00",
+ "date_of_expiration": "2021-05-13T23:00:00.000-04:00",
+ "deduction_schema": null,
+ "description": "LOCAÇÃO DE SISTEMA 132789",
+ "differential_pricing_id": null,
+ "external_reference": "132789",
+ "fee_details": [{
+ "amount": 0.01,
+ "fee_payer": "collector",
+ "type": "mercadopago_fee"
+ }],
+ "id": 14857136091,
+ "installments": 1,
+ "integrator_id": null,
+ "issuer_id": null,
+ "live_mode": true,
+ "marketplace_owner": null,
+ "merchant_account_id": null,
+ "merchant_number": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "money_release_date": "2021-05-13T00:11:14.000-04:00",
+ "money_release_schema": null,
+ "notification_url": null,
+ "operation_type": "regular_payment",
+ "order": {},
+ "payer": {
+ "email": "test@test.com",
+ "entity_type": null,
+ "first_name": "Test",
+ "id": "192528586",
+ "identification": {
+ "number": "19119119100",
+ "type": "CPF"
+ },
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+ "operator_id": null,
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+ "extension": null,
+ "number": null
+ },
+ "type": "guest"
+ },
+ "payment_method_id": "pix",
+ "payment_type_id": "bank_transfer",
+ "platform_id": null,
+ "point_of_interaction": {
+ "application_data": {
+ "name": null,
+ "version": null
+ },
+ "sub_type": "INTER_PSP",
+ "transaction_data": {
+ "bank_info": {
+ "collector": {
+ "account_holder_name": "Sergio Alonso de Almeida",
+ "account_id": 62083798652,
+ "long_name": "Mercadopago.com Representações Ltda.",
+ "transfer_account_id": null
+ },
+ "is_same_bank_account_owner": true,
+ "payer": {
+ "account_id": 12840173,
+ "id": null,
+ "long_name": "BANCO INTER S.A."
+ }
+ },
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+ "financial_institution": 1,
+ "qr_code": "00020126580014br.gov.bcb.pix01364b0c1fe6-d572-4d2c-b7a8-d03aa85ee8df52040000530398654041.005802BR5915LUAR INFORMTICA6007Itapevi62240520mpqrinter148571360916304AA10",
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+ "transaction_id": "PIXE00416968202105130411UpQPkwhu50o"
+ },
+ "type": "OPENPLATFORM"
+ },
+ "pos_id": null,
+ "processing_mode": "aggregator",
+ "refunds": [],
+ "shipping_amount": 0,
+ "sponsor_id": null,
+ "statement_descriptor": null,
+ "status": "approved",
+ "status_detail": "accredited",
+ "store_id": null,
+ "taxes_amount": 0,
+ "transaction_amount": 1,
+ "transaction_amount_refunded": 0,
+ "transaction_details": {
+ "acquirer_reference": null,
+ "bank_transfer_id": 64805201,
+ "external_resource_url": null,
+ "financial_institution": "1",
+ "installment_amount": 0,
+ "net_received_amount": 0.99,
+ "overpaid_amount": 0,
+ "payable_deferral_period": null,
+ "payment_method_reference_id": null,
+ "total_paid_amount": 1,
+ "transaction_id": "PIXE00416968202105130411UpQPkwhu50o"
+ },
+ "shipping_cost": 0
+ }]
diff --git a/Demo/json1.txt b/Demo/json1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95013e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/json1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ {
+ "a":{
+ "username":"aaa",
+ "email":"aaa@gmail.com"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "b":{
+ "username":"bbb",
+ "email":"bbb@gmail.com"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Demo/lista.json b/Demo/lista.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae204ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/lista.json
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ "paging": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "limit": 30,
+ "offset": 0
+ },
+ "results": [{
+ "acquirer_reconciliation": [],
+ "additional_info": {
+ "available_balance": null,
+ "bank_info": {
+ "is_same_bank_account_owner": true
+ },
+ "nsu_processadora": null
+ },
+ "authorization_code": null,
+ "binary_mode": false,
+ "brand_id": null,
+ "call_for_authorize_id": null,
+ "callback_url": null,
+ "captured": true,
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+ }],
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+ "order": {},
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+ "entity_type": null,
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+ "identification": {
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+ "type": "CPF"
+ },
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+ "number": null
+ },
+ "type": "guest"
+ },
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+ "point_of_interaction": {
+ "application_data": {
+ "name": null,
+ "version": null
+ },
+ "sub_type": "INTER_PSP",
+ "transaction_data": {
+ "bank_info": {
+ "collector": {
+ "account_holder_name": "Sergio Alonso de Almeida",
+ "account_id": 62083798652,
+ "long_name": "Mercadopago.com Representações Ltda.",
+ "transfer_account_id": null
+ },
+ "is_same_bank_account_owner": true,
+ "payer": {
+ "account_id": 12840173,
+ "id": null,
+ "long_name": "BANCO INTER S.A."
+ }
+ },
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+ },
+ "type": "OPENPLATFORM"
+ },
+ "pos_id": null,
+ "processing_mode": "aggregator",
+ "refunds": [],
+ "shipping_amount": 0,
+ "sponsor_id": null,
+ "statement_descriptor": null,
+ "status": "approved",
+ "status_detail": "accredited",
+ "store_id": null,
+ "taxes_amount": 0,
+ "transaction_amount": 1,
+ "transaction_amount_refunded": 0,
+ "transaction_details": {
+ "acquirer_reference": null,
+ "bank_transfer_id": 64805201,
+ "external_resource_url": null,
+ "financial_institution": "1",
+ "installment_amount": 0,
+ "net_received_amount": 0.99,
+ "overpaid_amount": 0,
+ "payable_deferral_period": null,
+ "payment_method_reference_id": null,
+ "total_paid_amount": 1,
+ "transaction_id": "PIXE00416968202105130411UpQPkwhu50o"
+ },
+ "shipping_cost": 0
+ }]
diff --git a/Demo/main.fmx b/Demo/main.fmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9752849
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
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+ 491s
+ 391s
+ 491s
+ 391s
+ 491s
+ 391s
+ 491s
+ 391s
+ 491s
+ 391s
+ 491s
+ 391s)
+ object TabItem1: TTabItem
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+ item
+ end>
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+ end
+ object Label1: TLabel
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+ Text = 'Public Key'
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout02: TLayout
+ Align = Top
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+ end
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+ Text = 'Access Token'
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout03: TLayout
+ Align = Top
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+ object Edit3: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
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+ Size.Width = 471.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ object Label3: TLabel
+ Align = Top
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+ Text = 'Client ID'
+ end
+ end
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+ Margins.Left = 10.000000000000000000
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+ Text = 'SendBox'
+ end
+ object Button3: TButton
+ Align = Client
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
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+ Text = 'INICIAR'
+ OnClick = Button3Click
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout04: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Position.Y = 160.000000000000000000
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+ object Edit4: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
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+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 471.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ object Label4: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ Margins.Left = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 2.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 2.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 471.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 17.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Text = 'Client Secret'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object TabItem2: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ IsSelected = False
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+ Text = 'PRINCIPAL'
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+ TabHeight = 49.000000000000000000
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+ TabPosition = PlatformDefault
+ Sizes = (
+ 491s
+ 342s
+ 491s
+ 342s)
+ object TabItem4: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ IsSelected = True
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+ Text = 'COMPRADOR'
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+ object ListBox1: TListBox
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+ DefaultItemStyles.ItemStyle = ''
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+ object ListBoxItem1: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
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+ object EditVenc: TDateEdit
+ Date = 44330.000000000000000000
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
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+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem2: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 40.000000000000000000
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+ object EditValor: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = '5.00'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Valor'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem3: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 80.000000000000000000
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+ object EditPedido: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = '123456'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'N'#250'mero do Pedido'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem4: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 120.000000000000000000
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+ object EditDescri: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'Presta'#231#227'o de Servi'#231'o'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Descri'#231#227'o'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem5: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 160.000000000000000000
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+ object EditPgto: TComboBox
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Items.Strings = (
+ 'PIX'
+ ItemIndex = 2
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
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+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem6: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 200.000000000000000000
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+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object EditEmail: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'test@test.com'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Email'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem7: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 240.000000000000000000
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+ object EditNome: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'Test'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Nome'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem8: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 280.000000000000000000
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+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object EditSobre: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'User'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'SobreNome'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem9: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 320.000000000000000000
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+ Size.Height = 40.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object EditDoc: TComboBox
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Items.Strings = (
+ 'CPF'
+ 'CNPJ')
+ ItemIndex = 0
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem10: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 360.000000000000000000
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+ object EditDCN: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = '19119119100'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'N'#250'mero do Documento'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem11: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 400.000000000000000000
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+ object EditCep: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = '06663055'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Cep'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem12: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 440.000000000000000000
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+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object EditEnd: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'Rua Sebasti'#227'o Mamede'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Endere'#231'o'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem13: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 480.000000000000000000
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+ object EditNumero: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'Sem Numero'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'N'#250'mero'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem14: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 520.000000000000000000
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+ object EditBairro: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'Coahb 1'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Bairro'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem15: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 560.000000000000000000
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+ object EditCidade: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'Itapevi'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Cidade'
+ end
+ end
+ object ListBoxItem16: TListBoxItem
+ Selectable = False
+ Position.Y = 600.000000000000000000
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+ object EditEstado: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Text = 'SP'
+ Position.X = 50.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 4.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 50.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 386.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextPrompt = 'Estado'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object TabItem8: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ IsSelected = False
+ Size.Width = 246.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 49.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ StyleLookup = ''
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'CART'#195'O'
+ ExplicitSize.cx = 246.000000000000000000
+ ExplicitSize.cy = 49.000000000000000000
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object TabItem6: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ IsSelected = False
+ Size.Width = 81.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 49.000000000000000000
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+ StyleLookup = ''
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'EMISS'#195'O'
+ ExplicitSize.cx = 68.000000000000000000
+ ExplicitSize.cy = 49.000000000000000000
+ object Layout17: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Button2: TButton
+ Align = Client
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ OnClick = Button2Click
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout10: TLayout
+ Align = Client
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
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+ object QRCodeBitmap: TImage
+ MultiResBitmap = <
+ item
+ end>
+ Align = Center
+ Size.Width = 176.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 174.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout5: TLayout
+ Align = Bottom
+ Position.Y = 341.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Button1: TButton
+ Align = Client
+ Enabled = False
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Text = 'COPIA E COLA'
+ OnClick = Button1Click
+ end
+ end
+ object Edit6: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = Bottom
+ Position.Y = 309.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ end
+ object TabItem3: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ IsSelected = False
+ Size.Width = 81.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 49.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ StyleLookup = ''
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'CONSULTAR'
+ ExplicitSize.cx = 156.000000000000000000
+ ExplicitSize.cy = 49.000000000000000000
+ object Layout13: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 60.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 63.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Layout14: TLayout
+ Align = Client
+ Size.Width = 360.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 63.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Edit5: TEdit
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Position.X = 20.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 27.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Left = 20.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 20.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 320.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ object Label11: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ Margins.Left = 20.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 20.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 20.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 320.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 23.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout1: TLayout
+ Align = Right
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 360.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 121.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 63.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Button6: TButton
+ Align = Bottom
+ Margins.Top = 23.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 23.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 121.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 40.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Text = 'EXECUTAR'
+ OnClick = Button6Click
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object Label12: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 133.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 23.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'Status:'
+ end
+ object Label13: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 166.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 23.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'Creditado:'
+ end
+ object Label14: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 199.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 153.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ TextSettings.FontColor = xFFC90D0D
+ TextSettings.HorzAlign = Center
+ Text =
+ 'Para a consulta funcionar a chave Access Token tem que ser a de ' +
+ 'produ'#231#227'o.'
+ end
+ object Layout11: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object BoxTipo: TComboBox
+ Align = VertCenter
+ Items.Strings = (
+ ItemIndex = 0
+ Margins.Left = 100.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 100.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 100.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 9.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 291.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object TabItem5: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ IsSelected = False
+ Size.Width = 81.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 49.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ StyleLookup = ''
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'SALDO'
+ ExplicitSize.cx = 67.000000000000000000
+ ExplicitSize.cy = 49.000000000000000000
+ object Layout16: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Button8: TButton
+ Align = Contents
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ OnClick = Button8Click
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout8: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 60.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 69.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Label6: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 43.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 23.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'Saldo em conta '#233' de:'
+ end
+ object Label9: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 10.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 23.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'SALDO CONTA'
+ end
+ end
+ object Label15: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 139.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 153.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ TextSettings.FontColor = xFFC90D0D
+ TextSettings.HorzAlign = Center
+ Text =
+ 'Para a consulta funcionar a chave Access Token tem que ser a de ' +
+ 'produ'#231#227'o.'
+ end
+ end
+ object TabItem7: TTabItem
+ CustomIcon = <
+ item
+ end>
+ IsSelected = False
+ Size.Width = 86.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 49.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ StyleLookup = ''
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'SUA ID'
+ ExplicitSize.cx = 71.000000000000000000
+ ExplicitSize.cy = 49.000000000000000000
+ object Layout2: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Button5: TButton
+ Align = Client
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ OnClick = Button5Click
+ end
+ object Button9: TButton
+ Align = Left
+ Position.X = 73.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 73.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Text = '[]'
+ Visible = False
+ OnClick = Button9Click
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout3: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Position.Y = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Label16: TLabel
+ Align = VertCenter
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 12.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 26.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'UserID:'
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout4: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Position.Y = 100.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Label17: TLabel
+ Align = VertCenter
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 12.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 26.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'Usu'#225'rio:'
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout6: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Position.Y = 150.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Label18: TLabel
+ Align = VertCenter
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 12.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 26.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'Name:'
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout18: TLayout
+ Align = Top
+ Position.Y = 200.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Label19: TLabel
+ Align = VertCenter
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style, FontColor]
+ Margins.Left = 30.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 30.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 12.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 431.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 26.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 22.000000000000000000
+ Text = 'Email:'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout9: TLayout
+ Align = Bottom
+ Position.Y = 605.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Rectangle2: TRectangle
+ Align = Contents
+ Fill.Color = claBrown
+ Margins.Left = 5.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 5.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 5.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Bottom = 5.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 481.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 40.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Stroke.Kind = None
+ XRadius = 6.000000000000000000
+ YRadius = 6.000000000000000000
+ object Label7: TLabel
+ Align = VertCenter
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style]
+ Margins.Left = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Bottom = 2.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 20.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 461.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 17.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 14.000000000000000000
+ TextSettings.FontColor = claWhite
+ Text = '...'
+ end
+ object Label10: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family]
+ Margins.Left = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 3.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 3.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 461.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 17.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 14.000000000000000000
+ TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
+ TextSettings.FontColor = claWhite
+ Text = 'Error:'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout12: TLayout
+ Align = Bottom
+ Position.Y = 440.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 115.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Memo2: TMemo
+ Touch.InteractiveGestures = [Pan, LongTap, DoubleTap]
+ DataDetectorTypes = []
+ TextSettings.WordWrap = True
+ Align = Client
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 115.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Viewport.Width = 483.000000000000000000
+ Viewport.Height = 107.000000000000000000
+ end
+ end
+ object Layout7: TLayout
+ Align = Bottom
+ Position.Y = 555.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 491.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 50.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ object Rectangle1: TRectangle
+ Align = Contents
+ Fill.Color = claBrown
+ Margins.Left = 5.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 5.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 5.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Bottom = 5.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 481.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 40.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ Stroke.Kind = None
+ XRadius = 6.000000000000000000
+ YRadius = 6.000000000000000000
+ object Label8: TLabel
+ Align = Top
+ StyledSettings = [Family]
+ Margins.Left = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Top = 3.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 3.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 461.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 17.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 14.000000000000000000
+ TextSettings.Font.StyleExt = {00070000000000000004000000}
+ TextSettings.FontColor = claWhite
+ Text = 'Status:'
+ end
+ object Label5: TLabel
+ Align = VertCenter
+ StyledSettings = [Family, Style]
+ Margins.Left = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Right = 10.000000000000000000
+ Margins.Bottom = 2.000000000000000000
+ Position.X = 10.000000000000000000
+ Position.Y = 20.000000000000000000
+ Size.Width = 461.000000000000000000
+ Size.Height = 17.000000000000000000
+ Size.PlatformDefault = False
+ TextSettings.Font.Size = 14.000000000000000000
+ TextSettings.FontColor = claWhite
+ Text = '...'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object GerenciaPago1: TGerenciaPago
+ Ativo = False
+ ConfigKey.SandBox = False
+ LancarDados.MeioPagar = Boleto
+ OnError = GerenciaPago1Error
+ OnStatus = GerenciaPago1Status
+ OnSaldo = GerenciaPago1Saldo
+ OnBoletoLink = GerenciaPago1BoletoLink
+ OnPixBase64 = GerenciaPago1PixBase64
+ OnPixCopiar = GerenciaPago1PixCopiar
+ Left = 216
+ Top = 504
+ end
diff --git a/Demo/main.pas b/Demo/main.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d985f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/main.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+unit main;
+ Winapi.ShellAPI, Winapi.Windows,
+ Posix.Stdlib,
+ System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes,
+ System.StrUtils, System.Variants, System.Math, System.Character,
+ System.NetEncoding, System.DateUtils,
+ GerenciaPago, {DBXJSON,} System.JSON,
+ FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.DApt.Intf,
+ Data.DB, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, FireDAC.Comp.Client, FireDAC.Stan.StorageBin,
+ FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Param,
+ FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs,
+ FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.Edit, FMX.Layouts, FMX.StdCtrls,
+ FMX.Memo.Types, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMXDelphiZXingQRCode,
+ FMX.Objects, FMX.TabControl, FMX.WebBrowser, FMX.ListBox,
+ FMX.DateTimeCtrls, FMX.Platform
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.Provider //TJSettings_Secure GPS
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.OS
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.App
+ ,Androidapi.JNIBridge
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText // JIntent
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes
+ ,Androidapi.Helpers
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.Location // Sensor de Localização
+ ,Androidapi.JNI.Telephony // Telefone Número
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ;
+ TForm2 = class(TForm)
+ Layout01: TLayout;
+ Layout02: TLayout;
+ Layout03: TLayout;
+ Layout04: TLayout;
+ Edit1: TEdit;
+ Edit2: TEdit;
+ Edit3: TEdit;
+ Edit4: TEdit;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ Label2: TLabel;
+ Label3: TLabel;
+ Label4: TLabel;
+ Layout7: TLayout;
+ Label5: TLabel;
+ Layout8: TLayout;
+ Label6: TLabel;
+ Layout9: TLayout;
+ Label7: TLabel;
+ Label8: TLabel;
+ Label9: TLabel;
+ Label10: TLabel;
+ Layout10: TLayout;
+ QRCodeBitmap: TImage;
+ Layout12: TLayout;
+ Memo2: TMemo;
+ TabControl1: TTabControl;
+ TabItem1: TTabItem;
+ TabItem2: TTabItem;
+ TabItem3: TTabItem;
+ Layout13: TLayout;
+ Label11: TLabel;
+ Edit5: TEdit;
+ Button6: TButton;
+ Layout14: TLayout;
+ Label12: TLabel;
+ Label13: TLabel;
+ Label14: TLabel;
+ TabItem5: TTabItem;
+ Layout16: TLayout;
+ Button8: TButton;
+ Label15: TLabel;
+ TabItem6: TTabItem;
+ Layout17: TLayout;
+ Button2: TButton;
+ Rectangle1: TRectangle;
+ Rectangle2: TRectangle;
+ GerenciaPago1: TGerenciaPago;
+ Layout05: TLayout;
+ CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
+ Button3: TButton;
+ Layout1: TLayout;
+ TabItem7: TTabItem;
+ Layout2: TLayout;
+ Button5: TButton;
+ Button9: TButton;
+ Layout3: TLayout;
+ Layout4: TLayout;
+ Layout6: TLayout;
+ Layout18: TLayout;
+ Label16: TLabel;
+ Label17: TLabel;
+ Label18: TLabel;
+ Label19: TLabel;
+ ListBox1: TListBox;
+ ListBoxItem1: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem2: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem3: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem4: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem5: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem6: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem7: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem8: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem9: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem10: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem11: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem12: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem13: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem14: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem15: TListBoxItem;
+ ListBoxItem16: TListBoxItem;
+ EditVenc: TDateEdit;
+ EditValor: TEdit;
+ EditPedido: TEdit;
+ EditDescri: TEdit;
+ EditPgto: TComboBox;
+ EditEmail: TEdit;
+ EditNome: TEdit;
+ EditSobre: TEdit;
+ EditDCN: TEdit;
+ EditCep: TEdit;
+ EditEnd: TEdit;
+ EditNumero: TEdit;
+ EditBairro: TEdit;
+ EditCidade: TEdit;
+ EditEstado: TEdit;
+ EditDoc: TComboBox;
+ Layout5: TLayout;
+ Button1: TButton;
+ Edit6: TEdit;
+ TabControl2: TTabControl;
+ TabItem4: TTabItem;
+ TabItem8: TTabItem;
+ Layout11: TLayout;
+ BoxTipo: TComboBox;
+ procedure GerenciaPago1Status(const Value: string);
+ procedure GerenciaPago1Saldo(const Value: Double);
+ procedure GerenciaPago1Error(const Value: string);
+ procedure GerenciaPago1BoletoLink(const Value: string);
+ procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button8Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button9Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure GerenciaPago1PixCopiar(const Value: string);
+ procedure GerenciaPago1PixBase64(const Value: WideString);
+ private
+ { Private declarations }
+ procedure QrCodeMobile(imgQRCode: TImage; texto: string);
+ procedure QRCodeWin(imgQRCode: TImage; texto: string);
+ procedure m( s: String );
+ public
+ { Public declarations }
+ end;
+ Form2: TForm2;
+{$R *.fmx}
+{function OpenURL(const URL: string; const DisplayError: Boolean = False): Boolean;
+ Intent: JIntent;
+// There may be an issue with the geo: prefix and URLEncode.
+// will need to research
+ Intent := TJIntent.JavaClass.init(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW,
+ TJnet_Uri.JavaClass.parse(StringToJString(URL)));
+ try
+ TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivity(Intent);
+ exit(true);
+ except
+ on e: Exception do
+ begin
+ if DisplayError then ShowMessage('Error: ' + e.Message);
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+function getCamposJsonString(json,value:String): String;
+ LJSONObject: TJSONObject;
+ function TrataObjeto(jObj:TJSONObject):string;
+ var i:integer;
+ jPar: TJSONPair;
+ begin
+ result := '';
+ for i := 0 to jObj.Size - 1 do
+ begin
+ jPar := jObj.Get(i);
+ if jPar.JsonValue Is TJSONObject then
+ result := TrataObjeto((jPar.JsonValue As TJSONObject)) else
+ if sametext(trim(jPar.JsonString.Value),value) then
+ begin
+ Result := jPar.JsonValue.Value;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if result <> '' then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ try
+ LJSONObject := nil;
+ LJSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(json),0) as TJSONObject;
+ result := TrataObjeto(LJSONObject);
+ finally
+ LJSONObject.Free;
+ end;
+function StripNonJson(s: string): string;
+ ch: char;
+ inString: boolean;
+ Result := '';
+ inString := false;
+ for ch in s do
+ begin
+ if ch = '"' then
+ inString := not inString;
+ if TCharacter.IsWhiteSpace(ch) and not inString then
+ continue;
+ Result := Result + ch;
+ end;
+function JsonSinComillas(s: String): String;
+ result := StringReplace( s, '"','', [rfReplaceAll] );
+procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ GerenciaPago1.CopiaColaPix;
+procedure TForm2.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
+ with GerenciaPago1.LancarDados do begin
+ Vencimento := Editvenc.Text;
+ Valor := EditValor.Text;
+ PedidoNumero := EditPedido.Text;
+ Descricao := EditDescri.Text;
+ case EditPgto.ItemIndex of
+ 0: MeioPagar := TPgto.Boleto;
+ 1: MeioPagar := TPgto.Loterica;
+ 2: MeioPagar := TPgto.Pix;
+ end;
+ Email := EditEmail.Text;
+ Nome := EditNome.Text;
+ SobreNome := EditSobre.Text;
+ Doc := EditDoc.Selected.Text;
+ DocNumero := EditDCN.Text;
+ Cep := EditCep.Text;
+ Endereco := EditEnd.Text;
+ Numero := EditNumero.Text;
+ Bairro := EditBairro.Text;
+ Cidade := EditCidade.Text;
+ Estado := EditEstado.Text;
+ end;
+ GerenciaPago1.GerarBoleto;
+ if GerenciaPago1.LancarDados.MeioPagar = TPgto.Pix then
+ Button1.Enabled := True else
+ Button1.Enabled := False;
+ //m(GerenciaPago1.MemoRetono);
+ m(GerenciaPago1.RetornaID);
+procedure TForm2.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
+ if not GerenciaPago1.Ativo then
+ begin
+ with GerenciaPago1 do begin
+ Ativo := True;
+ ConfigKey.PublicKey := Edit1.Text;
+ ConfigKey.AccessToken := Edit2.Text;
+ ConfigKey.Cliente_id := Edit3.Text;
+ ConfigKey.Cliente_Secret := Edit4.Text;
+ ConfigKey.SandBox := CheckBox1.IsChecked;
+ end;
+ {lbStatus.Text := MP.lbStatus;
+ MemoCore.Lines.Text := MP.MemoRetono;
+ MemoError.Lines.Text := MP.MemoError;}
+ Button3.Text := 'Stop';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GerenciaPago1.Ativo := False;
+ Button3.Text := 'INICIAR';
+ end;
+procedure TForm2.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
+ GerenciaPago1.RetornaConta;
+ Label16.Text := 'UserID: ' + GerenciaPago1.DadosConta.ID;
+ Label17.Text := 'Usuário: ' + GerenciaPago1.DadosConta.nickname;
+ Label18.Text := 'Name: ' + GerenciaPago1.DadosConta.first_name+' '+GerenciaPago1.DadosConta.last_name;
+ Label19.Text := 'Email: ' + GerenciaPago1.DadosConta.email;
+function getData2(JsonString: String; User: String; Field: String): String;
+ JSonValue: TJSonValue;
+ JsonArray: TJSONArray;
+ ArrayElement: TJSonValue;
+ FoundValue: TJSonValue;
+ Result :='';
+ // create TJSonObject from string
+ JsonValue := TJSonObject.ParseJSONValue(JsonString);
+ // get the array
+ JsonArray := JsonValue as TJSONArray;
+ // iterate the array
+ for ArrayElement in JsonArray do begin
+ FoundValue := ArrayElement.FindValue(User);
+ if FoundValue <> nil then begin
+ Result := ArrayElement.GetValue(User + '.' + Field);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TForm2.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
+ case BoxTipo.ItemIndex of
+ 0: begin
+ GerenciaPago1.BuscarPedido(Edit5.Text);
+ Label12.Text := 'Status: '+ GerenciaPago1.RetConsulta.RetStatus;
+ Label13.Text := 'Creditado: '+ GerenciaPago1.RetConsulta.RetDataCredt;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ GerenciaPago1.CancelarPedido(Edit5.Text);
+ end;
+ end;
+ m( GerenciaPago1.MemoRetono );
+procedure TForm2.Button8Click(Sender: TObject);
+ GerenciaPago1.ConfigKey.PublicKey := Edit1.Text;
+ GerenciaPago1.ConfigKey.AccessToken := Edit2.Text;
+ GerenciaPago1.ConfigKey.Cliente_id := Edit3.Text;
+ GerenciaPago1.ConfigKey.Cliente_Secret := Edit4.Text;
+ GerenciaPago1.SaldoConta;
+procedure TForm2.Button9Click(Sender: TObject);
+ Base64 : WideString;
+ Json : TJSONObject;
+ {Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(Memo1.Text)),0));
+ Base64 := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('results').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Memo1.Lines.Clear;
+ Memo1.Lines.Add(Base64);
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(Memo1.Text)),0));
+ Base64 := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('point_of_interaction').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Base64 := getCamposJsonString(Base64, 'qr_code');
+ Memo2.Lines.Add(Base64);
+ Base64 := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('point_of_interaction').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Base64 := getCamposJsonString(Base64, 'qr_code_base64');
+ Base64 := getCamposJsonString(Memo1.Text, 'status');
+ Memo2.Lines.Add(Base64);}
+procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ TabControl1.TabIndex := 0;
+ TabControl1.OnChange(Sender);
+procedure TForm2.GerenciaPago1BoletoLink(const Value: string);
+{$IF Defined(ANDROID)}
+ Intent: JIntent;
+ {$IF Defined(ANDROID)}
+ Intent := TJIntent.Create;
+ Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW);
+ Intent.setData(StrToJURI(Value));
+ tandroidhelper.Activity.startActivity(Intent);
+ // SharedActivity.startActivity(Intent);
+ ShellExecute(0, 'OPEN', PChar(Value), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
+ {$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
+ SharedApplication.OpenURL(StrToNSUrl(Value));
+ {$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
+ _system(PAnsiChar('open ' + AnsiString(Value)));
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TForm2.GerenciaPago1Error(const Value: string);
+ Label7.Text := Value;
+procedure TForm2.GerenciaPago1PixBase64(const Value: WideString);
+ m(Value);
+procedure TForm2.GerenciaPago1PixCopiar(const Value: string);
+ Edit6.Text := Value;
+ QRCodeWin(QRCodeBitmap, Value);
+ {$ELSE}
+ QRCodeMobile(QRCodeBitmap, Value);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TForm2.GerenciaPago1Saldo(const Value: Double);
+ Label6.Text := 'Saldo em conta é de: '+Value.ToString;
+procedure TForm2.GerenciaPago1Status(const Value: string);
+ Label5.Text := Value;
+procedure TForm2.m(s: String);
+ //Memo2.Lines.Clear;
+ Memo2.Lines.Add(s);
+procedure TForm2.QrCodeMobile(imgQRCode: TImage; texto: string);
+ downsizeQuality: Integer = 2; // bigger value, better quality, slower rendering
+ QRCode: TDelphiZXingQRCode;
+ Row, Column: Integer;
+ pixelColor : TAlphaColor;
+ vBitMapData : TBitmapData;
+ pixelCount, y, x: Integer;
+ columnPixel, rowPixel: Integer;
+ function GetPixelCount(AWidth, AHeight: Single): Integer;
+ begin
+ if QRCode.Rows > 0 then
+ Result := Trunc(Min(AWidth, AHeight)) div QRCode.Rows
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ // Not a good idea to stretch the QR Code...
+ if imgQRCode.WrapMode = TImageWrapMode.iwStretch then
+ imgQRCode.WrapMode := TImageWrapMode.Fit;
+ QRCode := TDelphiZXingQRCode.Create;
+ try
+ QRCode.Data := ' ' + texto;
+ QRCode.Encoding := TQRCodeEncoding.qrAuto;
+ QRCode.QuietZone := 4;
+ pixelCount := GetPixelCount(imgQRCode.Width, imgQRCode.Height);
+ case imgQRCode.WrapMode of
+ TImageWrapMode.iwOriginal,
+ TImageWrapMode.iwTile,
+ TImageWrapMode.iwCenter:
+ begin
+ if pixelCount > 0 then
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Columns * pixelCount,
+ QRCode.Rows * pixelCount);
+ end;
+ TImageWrapMode.iwFit:
+ begin
+ if pixelCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Columns * pixelCount * downsizeQuality,
+ QRCode.Rows * pixelCount * downsizeQuality);
+ pixelCount := pixelCount * downsizeQuality;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //TImageWrapMode.iwStretch:
+ // raise Exception.Create('Not a good idea to stretch the QR Code');
+ end;
+ if imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene then
+ begin
+ try
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.Clear(TAlphaColors.White);
+ if pixelCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ if imgQRCode.Bitmap.Map(TMapAccess.maWrite, vBitMapData) then
+ begin
+ try
+ For Row := 0 to QRCode.Rows - 1 do
+ begin
+ for Column := 0 to QRCode.Columns - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (QRCode.IsBlack[Row, Column]) then
+ pixelColor := TAlphaColors.Black
+ else
+ pixelColor := TAlphaColors.White;
+ columnPixel := Column * pixelCount;
+ rowPixel := Row * pixelCount;
+ for x := 0 to pixelCount - 1 do
+ for y := 0 to pixelCount - 1 do
+ vBitMapData.SetPixel(columnPixel + x,
+ rowPixel + y, pixelColor);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.Unmap(vBitMapData);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ QRCode.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TForm2.QRCodeWin(imgQRCode: TImage; texto: string);
+ QRCode: TDelphiZXingQRCode;
+ Row, Column: Integer;
+ pixelColor : TAlphaColor;
+ vBitMapData : TBitmapData;
+ imgQRCode.DisableInterpolation := true;
+ imgQRCode.WrapMode := TImageWrapMode.iwStretch;
+ QRCode := TDelphiZXingQRCode.Create;
+ try
+ QRCode.Data := texto;
+ QRCode.Encoding := TQRCodeEncoding.qrAuto;
+ QRCode.QuietZone := 4;
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Rows, QRCode.Columns);
+ for Row := 0 to QRCode.Rows - 1 do
+ begin
+ for Column := 0 to QRCode.Columns - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (QRCode.IsBlack[Row, Column]) then
+ pixelColor := TAlphaColors.Black
+ else
+ pixelColor := TAlphaColors.White;
+ if imgQRCode.Bitmap.Map(TMapAccess.maWrite, vBitMapData) then
+ try
+ vBitMapData.SetPixel(Column, Row, pixelColor);
+ finally
+ imgQRCode.Bitmap.Unmap(vBitMapData);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ QRCode.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TForm2.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
+ Button2.Text := 'EMITIR '+EditPgto.Selected.Text;
diff --git a/Demo/main.vlb b/Demo/main.vlb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f4392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demo/main.vlb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
diff --git a/GerenciaPago.dcu b/GerenciaPago.dcu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3600088
Binary files /dev/null and b/GerenciaPago.dcu differ
diff --git a/GerenciaPago.pas b/GerenciaPago.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f8eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GerenciaPago.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+unit GerenciaPago;
+ DBXJSON, JSON, System.SysUtils, System.StrUtils, System.Classes,
+ FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.StdCtrls,
+ FMX.Platform,
+ RestClient_u, DateUtils, Character;
+ TOnStatus = procedure(const Value: string) of object;
+ TOnSaldo = procedure(const Value: Double) of object;
+ TOnError = procedure(const Value: String) of object;
+ TOnBoletoLink = procedure(const Value: String) of object;
+ TOnPixBase64 = procedure(const Value: WideString) of object;
+ TOnPixCopiar = procedure(const Value: String) of object;
+ TPgto = (Boleto = 0, Loterica = 1, Pix = 2);
+ TRetBusca = record
+ RetStatus, RetDataCredt: String;
+ end;
+ TConta = record
+ ID,
+ nickname,
+ first_name,
+ last_name,
+ email :String;
+ end;
+ TMPRestClient = Class ( TRestClient )
+ private
+ protected
+ constructor Create ; override ;
+ end;
+ TDados = class(tComponent)
+ private
+ Vinstallments,
+ Vdate_of_expiration,
+ Vtransaction_amount,
+ Vexternal_reference,
+ Vdescription,
+ Vemail,
+ Vfirst_name,
+ Vlast_name,
+ Vzip_code,
+ Vstreet_name,
+ Vstreet_number,
+ Vneighborhood,
+ Vcity,
+ Vfederal_unit : String;
+ vError : String;
+ Vpayment_method_id: TPgto;
+ published
+ property Parcelas : String read Vinstallments write Vinstallments ; // Número de poarcelas
+ property Vencimento : String read Vdate_of_expiration write Vdate_of_expiration ; // Vencimento
+ property Valor : String read Vtransaction_amount write Vtransaction_amount ; // Valor
+ property PedidoNumero : String read Vexternal_reference write Vexternal_reference ; // Numero do Pedido
+ property Descricao : String read Vdescription write Vdescription ; // Descricao do produto ou serviço
+ // Dados do Pagador
+ property Email : String read Vemail write Vemail ;
+ property Nome : String read Vfirst_name write Vfirst_name ;
+ property SobreNome : String read Vlast_name write Vlast_name ;
+ property Doc : String read Vtype write Vtype ;
+ property DocNumero : String read Vnumber write Vnumber ;
+ // Enderço do Pagador
+ property Cep : String read Vzip_code write Vzip_code ;
+ property Endereco : String read Vstreet_name write Vstreet_name ;
+ property Numero : String read Vstreet_number write Vstreet_number ;
+ property Bairro : String read Vneighborhood write Vneighborhood ;
+ property Cidade : String read Vcity write Vcity ;
+ property Estado : String read Vfederal_unit write Vfederal_unit ;
+ property MeioPagar : TPgto read Vpayment_method_id write Vpayment_method_id; // Meio de pagamento [Boleto, Pix, Cartao, Loterica]
+ end;
+ TConfig = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ FSandBox : Boolean;
+ FAccessToken : String;
+ FPublicKey : String;
+ FCliente_id : String;
+ FCliente_Secret : String;
+ procedure SetAccessToken(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetCliente_id(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetCliente_Secret(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetPublicKey(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetSandBox(const Value: Boolean);
+ published
+ property PublicKey : String read FPublicKey write SetPublicKey;
+ property AccessToken : String read FAccessToken write SetAccessToken;
+ property Cliente_id : String read FCliente_id write SetCliente_id;
+ property Cliente_Secret : String read FCliente_Secret write SetCliente_Secret;
+ property SandBox: Boolean read FSandBox write FSandBox;
+ end;
+ TGerenciaPago = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ // Verifica se o componente está ativo
+ FAtivo : Boolean;
+ req : TRequest;
+ Json : TJSONObject;
+ // Pega o status
+ FStatus : TOnStatus;
+ // Pega o saldo da conta
+ FSaldo : TOnSaldo;
+ // Infomações da Conta
+ FUser : TConta;
+ // Informações de error
+ FError : TOnError;
+ // Link do Boleto
+ FBoletoLink : TOnBoletoLink;
+ // Imagem do pix
+ FPixBase64 : TOnPixBase64;
+ // Copiar e colar pix
+ FPixCopiar : TOnPixCopiar;
+ // Retorna o status do pedido de cobrança
+ FRetBusca : TRetBusca;
+ TimerApagaStatus : TTimer;
+ sResposta : String;
+ FMemoRetorno : WideString;
+ vError : String;
+ CopiaCola : String;
+ FRetornaID : String;
+ procedure SetError(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetStatus(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetSaldo(const Value: Double);
+ procedure SetBoletoLink(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetMemo(const Value: WideString);
+ procedure SetPixBase64(const Value: WideString);
+ procedure SetPixCopiar(const Value: String);
+ protected
+ { Protected declarations }
+ FSubConfig : TConfig;
+ FSubDados : TDados;
+ public
+ { Public declarations }
+ constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy ;
+ // SandBoxURL
+ function SandBoxURL( s : String ) : String ;
+ // Informações da conta
+ procedure RetornaConta;
+ // Informações do saldo da conta
+ procedure SaldoConta;
+ // Retorna o status do pedido de cobrança
+ procedure BuscarPedido(s: String);
+ // Faz a emissão do boleto
+ procedure GerarBoleto();
+ // Retorna erro se ouver
+ procedure xError( s : String );
+ // Retorna a resposta
+ procedure m( s : WideString );
+ // Copia e Cola Pix
+ procedure CopiaColaPix;
+ // Verifica se esta ativo ou nao
+ function StatusAtivo:Boolean;
+ // Cancelar Pedido
+ function CancelarPedido(s: String): String;
+ published
+ { Published declarations }
+ // Informações da Conta
+ property Ativo : Boolean read FAtivo write FAtivo;
+ property ConfigKey : TConfig read FSubConfig;
+ property LancarDados : TDados read FSubDados;
+ property DadosConta : TConta read FUser write FUser;
+ property RetConsulta : TRetBusca read FRetBusca write FRetBusca;
+ property RetornaID : String read FRetornaID write FRetornaID;
+ property OnError : TOnError read FError write FError;
+ property OnStatus : TOnStatus read FStatus write FStatus;
+ property OnSaldo : TOnSaldo read FSaldo write FSaldo;
+ property OnBoletoLink : TOnBoletoLink read FBoletoLink write FBoletoLink;
+ property MemoRetono : WideString read FMemoRetorno write SetMemo ;
+ property OnPixBase64 : TOnPixBase64 read FPixBase64 write FPixBase64;
+ property OnPixCopiar : TOnPixCopiar read FPixCopiar write FPixCopiar;
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+{$R ./SGerenciaPago.dcr}
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('pagOnline', [TGerenciaPago]);
+function getCamposJsonString(json,value:String): String;
+ LJSONObject: TJSONObject;
+ function TrataObjeto(jObj:TJSONObject):string;
+ var i:integer;
+ jPar: TJSONPair;
+ begin
+ result := '';
+ for i := 0 to jObj.Size - 1 do
+ begin
+ jPar := jObj.Get(i);
+ if jPar.JsonValue Is TJSONObject then
+ result := TrataObjeto((jPar.JsonValue As TJSONObject)) else
+ if sametext(trim(jPar.JsonString.Value),value) then
+ begin
+ Result := jPar.JsonValue.Value;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if result <> '' then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ try
+ LJSONObject := nil;
+ LJSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(json),0) as TJSONObject;
+ result := TrataObjeto(LJSONObject);
+ finally
+ LJSONObject.Free;
+ end;
+function StripNonJson(s: string): string;
+ ch: char;
+ inString: boolean;
+ Result := '';
+ inString := false;
+ for ch in s do
+ begin
+ if ch = '"' then
+ inString := not inString;
+ if TCharacter.IsWhiteSpace(ch) and not inString then
+ continue;
+ Result := Result + ch;
+ end;
+function JsonSinComillas(s: String): String;
+ result := StringReplace( s, '"','', [rfReplaceAll] );
+procedure SaveToFile( sFileName: String ; sTexto : String );
+ f : textfile;
+ try
+ AssignFile( f, sFileName );
+ Rewrite( f );
+ Write(f, sTexto );
+ Flush(f);
+ CloseFile(f);
+ except
+ end;
+{ TGerenciaPago }
+procedure TConfig.SetAccessToken(const Value: String);
+ FAccessToken := Value;
+procedure TConfig.SetCliente_id(const Value: String);
+ FCliente_id := Value;
+procedure TConfig.SetCliente_Secret(const Value: String);
+ FCliente_Secret := Value;
+procedure TConfig.SetPublicKey(const Value: String);
+ FPublicKey := Value;
+procedure TConfig.SetSandBox(const Value: Boolean);
+ FSandBox := Value;
+{ TGerenciaPago }
+procedure TGerenciaPago.BuscarPedido(s: String);
+ vStatus : String;
+ i : Integer;
+ JSObj,jsonObject : TJSONObject;
+ JSArray : TJSONArray;
+ JSValue : TJSONValue;
+ if not StatusAtivo then exit;
+ SetStatus( 'Buscando Pagamento' );
+ req.Clear;
+ if s = '' then
+ begin
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments/search/?status=approved';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FSubConfig.FAccessToken);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments/search?id='+s; //external_reference
+ req.params.Add('&access_token='+FSubConfig.FAccessToken);
+ end;
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Get(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Pega o status do pedido
+ JSObj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(sResposta) as TJSONObject;
+ if(JSObj <> nil)then
+ begin
+ jsArray := JSObj.GetValue('results') as TJSONArray;
+ for i := 0 to jsArray .Count-1 do
+ begin
+ jsonObject := jsArray.Items[i] as TJSONObject;
+ case AnsiIndexStr(jsonObject.GetValue('status'),
+ ['pending', 'approved', 'in_process', 'rejected', 'cancelled', 'refunded', 'charged_back']) of
+ 0 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Pendente';
+ 1 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Aprovado';
+ 2 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Em Processo';
+ 3 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Rejeitado';
+ 4 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Cancelado';
+ 5 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Reembolso';
+ 6 : FRetBusca.RetStatus := 'Estorno Cartão';
+ end;
+ FRetBusca.RetDataCredt := DateToStr(ISO8601ToDate(jsonObject.GetValue('date_created')));
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetStatus( 'Buscando Pagamento '+FRetBusca.RetStatus+' '+FRetBusca.RetDataCredt );
+function TGerenciaPago.CancelarPedido(s: String): String;
+ req.Clear;
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments/'+s;
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FSubConfig.FAccessToken);
+ //Os cancelamentos podem ser realizados somente com status pending e in process
+ req.body.Add('{"status" : "cancelled"}');
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Put(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.CopiaColaPix;
+ Svc: IFMXClipboardService;
+ Image: TBitmap;
+ if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXClipboardService, Svc) then
+ Svc.SetClipboard(CopiaCola);
+constructor TGerenciaPago.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ req := TRequest.Create;
+ {TimerApagaStatus := TTimer.Create( Self );
+ TimerApagaStatus.Interval := 2*1000 ;
+ TimerApagaStatus.Enabled := False ;
+ TimerApagaStatus.OnTimer := TimerApagaStatusOnTimer;}
+ FSubConfig := TConfig.Create(Self);
+ FSubConfig.Name := 'ConfigKey';
+ FSubConfig.SetSubComponent(True);
+ FSubDados := TDados.Create(Self);
+ FSubDados.Name := 'LancarDados';
+ FSubDados.SetSubComponent(True);
+destructor TGerenciaPago.Destroy;
+ //TimerApagaStatus.Free;
+ req.Free;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.GerarBoleto;
+ Enviar : TStringList;
+ ano, mes, dia : word;
+ data : TDateTime;
+ vError, Link, Base64, Copiar : WideString;
+ try
+ if not StatusAtivo then exit;
+ with FSubDados do begin
+ Enviar := TStringList.Create;
+ Enviar.Add(
+ '{'+#10+
+ '"installments": 1,'+#10+ // NUMERO DE PACELAS
+ '"date_of_expiration": "'+ DateToISO8601(StrToDate(Vencimento), False)+'",'+#10+
+ '"transaction_amount": '+ StringReplace(Valor, ',', '.', [])+','+#10+ //
+ '"external_reference": "'+ PedidoNumero+'",'+#10+ //NUMERO DO PEDIDO DE SEU SITE PARA FUTURA CONCILIAÇÃO FINANCEIRA
+ '"description": "'+ Descricao+'",');
+ if Vpayment_method_id = Boleto then
+ Enviar.Add('"payment_method_id": "bolbradesco",'); // MEIO DE PAGAMENTO
+ if Vpayment_method_id = Loterica then
+ Enviar.Add('"payment_method_id": "pec",'); // MEIO DE PAGAMENTO
+ if Vpayment_method_id = Pix then
+ Enviar.Add('"payment_method_id": "pix",'); // MEIO DE PAGAMENTO
+ Enviar.Add(
+ '"payer": {'+#10+
+ '"email": "'+ Email+'",'+#10+
+ '"first_name": "'+ Nome+'",'+#10+
+ '"last_name": "'+ SobreNome+'",'+#10+
+ '"identification": {'+#10+
+ '"type": "'+ Doc+'",'+#10+ //TIPO DE DOCUMENTO, CPF OU CNPJ CASO BRASIL
+ '"number": "'+ DocNumero+'"'+#10+
+ '},'+#10+
+ '"address": {'+#10+
+ '"zip_code": "'+ Cep+'",'+#10+
+ '"street_name": "'+ Endereco+'",'+#10+
+ '"street_number": "'+ Numero+'",'+#10+
+ '"neighborhood": "'+ Bairro+'",'+#10+
+ '"city": "'+ Cidade+'",'+#10+
+ '"federal_unit": "'+ Estado+'"'+#10+
+ '}'+#10+
+ '}'+#10+
+ '}');
{if Vpayment_method_id in [Boleto, Loterica] then
+ if Valor.tointeger > 5 then
+ xError( 'Error: O valor minimo para boleto e letrica não pode ser menor que 5.00' );
+ exit;
+ end;}
SetStatus( 'Adicionando Pagamento Por Boleto' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments'; //advanced_payments
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FSubConfig.FAccessToken);
+ req.body.Add( Enviar.Text );
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Post(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ FRetornaID := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('id').JsonValue).ToString );
+ if Vpayment_method_id in [Boleto, Loterica] then
+ begin
+ Link := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('transaction_details').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Link := getCamposJsonString(Link, 'external_resource_url');
+ FBoletoLink( Link );
+ end;
+ if Vpayment_method_id = Pix then
+ begin
+ Copiar := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('point_of_interaction').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Copiar := getCamposJsonString(Copiar, 'qr_code');
+ FPixCopiar( Copiar );
+ CopiaCola := Copiar;
+ Base64 := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('point_of_interaction').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Base64 := getCamposJsonString(Base64, 'qr_code_base64');
+ FPixBase64( Base64 );
+ end;
+ SetStatus( 'Pagamento gerado e incluído com sucesso!' );
+ end;
+ Except
+ On E: Exception do
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.m(s: WideString);
+ FMemoRetorno := s;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.RetornaConta;
+ vError : String;
+ if not StatusAtivo then exit;
+ SetStatus( 'Buscando dados da conta' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/users/me';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+ FSubConfig.FAccessToken);
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Get(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ FUser.ID := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('id').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.nickname := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('nickname').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.first_name := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('first_name').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.last_name := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('last_name').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.email := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('email').JsonValue).ToString );
+ SetStatus( 'Dados da conta retornados corretamente!' );
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SaldoConta;
+ vError : String;
+ const
+ vID = '166957358';
+ if not StatusAtivo then exit;
+ SetStatus( 'Buscando saldo da conta!' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/users/'+vID+'/mercadopago_account/balance';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FSubConfig.FAccessToken);
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Get(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SetSaldo(StrToCurr(StringReplace(JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('total_amount').JsonValue).ToString), '.', ',', [] )));
+ SetStatus( 'Buscando saldo da conta!' );
+function TGerenciaPago.SandBoxURL(s: String): String;
+ if FSubConfig.FSandBox then
+ result := result+'/sandbox';
+ result := result + s;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetBoletoLink(const Value: String);
+ FBoletoLink(Value);
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetError(const Value: String);
+ FError(Value);
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetMemo(const Value: WideString);
+ FMemoRetorno := Value;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetPixBase64(const Value: WideString);
+ FPixBase64(Value);
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetPixCopiar(const Value: String);
+ FPixCopiar(Value);
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetSaldo(const Value: Double);
+ FSaldo(Value);
+procedure TGerenciaPago.SetStatus(const Value: String);
+ FStatus(Value);
+function TGerenciaPago.StatusAtivo: Boolean;
+ if not FAtivo then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: Componente não ativo!' );
+ Result := False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ xError( '' );
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+procedure TGerenciaPago.xError(s: String);
+ SetError(s);
+{ TMPRestClient }
+constructor TMPRestClient.Create;
+ inherited;
+ sURLDominio := 'https://api.mercadopago.com';
diff --git a/MercadoPago_u.pas b/MercadoPago_u.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fefe59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MercadoPago_u.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+unit MercadoPago_u;
+ DBXJSON, JSON, System.SysUtils, System.StrUtils, System.Classes,
+ FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.StdCtrls,
+ RestClient_u;
+ TMPRestClient = Class ( TRestClient )
+ private
+ protected
+ constructor Create ; override ;
+ End;
+ TRetBusca = record
+ RetStatus, RetDataCredt: String;
+ end;
+ TBoleto = record
+ BoletoRetorno : Boolean;
+ BoletoLink, BoletoBarra, BoletoID, BoletoVencimento : String;
+ end;
+ TMPUser = record
+ ID,
+ nickname,
+ first_name,
+ last_name,
+ email :String;
+ end;
+ TMPCobro = record
+ ID : String;
+ date_created,
+ status,
+ external_reference,
+ merchant_order_id,
+ reason,
+ currency_id,
+ payment_type,
+ json :String;
+ transaction_amount,
+ total_paid_amount,
+ shipping_cost :Real;
+ end;
+ TProcedureMPCobro = procedure ( x : TMPCobro ) of object ;
+ TMercadoPago = Class( TComponent )
+ private
+ sResposta : String ;
+ FMemoRetorno : WideString;
+ FMemoError : String;
+ FClient_ID : String;
+ FClient_Secret : String;
+ FSandBox : Boolean;
+ FUser : TMPUser;
+ FStatus : String;
+ FBoleto : TBoleto;
+ FContaSaldo : Double;
+ req : TRequest ;
+ Json : TJSONObject;
+ TimerApagaStatus: TTimer ;
+ FPublicKey : String;
+ FAccessToken : String;
+ FCollector_ID : String;
+ FStatusCon : TRetBusca;
+ Vdate_of_expiration,
+ Vtransaction_amount,
+ Vexternal_reference,
+ Vdescription,
+ Vpayment_method_id,
+ Vemail,
+ Vfirst_name,
+ Vlast_name,
+ Vzip_code,
+ Vstreet_name,
+ Vstreet_number,
+ Vneighborhood,
+ Vcity,
+ Vfederal_unit : String;
+ vError : String;
+ Rid,
+ Rpayments,
+ Rcurrency,
+ Ramount,
+ Rcoverage_applied,
+ Rcoverage_elegible,
+ Rdocumentation_required,
+ Rdocumentation_status,
+ Rdocumentation,
+ Rdate_documentation_deadline,
+ Rdate_created,
+ Rdate_last_updated,
+ Rlive_mode: String;
+ procedure TimerApagaStatusOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Status( s : String );
+ procedure m( s : WideString );
+ procedure xError( s : String );
+ procedure SetClient_ID(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetClient_Secret(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetMemo(const Value: WideString);
+ function sandboxurl( s : String ) : String ;
+ function JSONDateTimeToDelphiDateTime( s : String ) : TDateTime ;
+ procedure SetStatus(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetPublicKey(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetAccessToken(const Value: String);
+ function UriSaveName( s : String ) : String ;
+ public
+ constructor Create( sPublicKey, sAccessToken, sClientID, sClientSecret : String );
+ destructor Destroy ;
+ procedure get_user_me ;
+ function SaldoConta(s: String):String;
+ function CadBoleto(): String;
+ function GerarBoleto() : String;
+ function BuscarPedido(s: String): String;
+ function CancelarPedido(s: String): String;
+ function CadCliente(): String;
+ function GerarCliente(): String;
+ published
+ property lbStatus : String read FStatus write SetStatus ;
+ property MemoRetono : WideString read FMemoRetorno write SetMemo ;
+ property MemoError : String read FMemoError write FMemoError ;
+ property PublicKey : String read FPublicKey write SetPublicKey ;
+ property AccessToken : String read FAccessToken write SetAccessToken ;
+ property Client_ID : String read FClient_ID write SetClient_ID ;
+ property Collector_ID : String read FCollector_ID write FCollector_ID ;
+ property Client_Secret : String read FClient_Secret write SetClient_Secret ;
+ property User : TMPUser read FUser write FUser ;
+ property RetConsulta : TRetBusca read FStatusCon write FStatusCon ;
+ property Boleto : TBoleto read FBoleto write FBoleto ;
+ property ContaSaldo : Double read FContaSaldo write FContaSaldo ;
+ property SandBox : Boolean read FSandBox write FSandBox ;
+ property Bdate_of_expiration : String read Vdate_of_expiration write Vdate_of_expiration ;
+ property Btransaction_amount : String read Vtransaction_amount write Vtransaction_amount ;
+ property Bexternal_reference : String read Vexternal_reference write Vexternal_reference ;
+ property Bdescription : String read Vdescription write Vdescription ;
+ property Bpayment_method_id : String read Vpayment_method_id write Vpayment_method_id ;
+ property Bemail : String read Vemail write Vemail ;
+ property Bfirst_name : String read Vfirst_name write Vfirst_name ;
+ property Blast_name : String read Vlast_name write Vlast_name ;
+ property Btype : String read Vtype write Vtype ;
+ property Bnumber : String read Vnumber write Vnumber ;
+ property Bzip_code : String read Vzip_code write Vzip_code ;
+ property Bstreet_name : String read Vstreet_name write Vstreet_name ;
+ property Bstreet_number : String read Vstreet_number write Vstreet_number ;
+ property Bneighborhood : String read Vneighborhood write Vneighborhood ;
+ property Bcity : String read Vcity write Vcity ;
+ property Bfederal_unit : String read Vfederal_unit write Vfederal_unit ;
+ property id : String read Rid write Rid ;
+ property payments : String read Rpayments write Rpayments ;
+ property currency : String read Rcurrency write Rcurrency ;
+ property amount : String read Ramount write Ramount ;
+ property coverage_applied : String read Rcoverage_applied write Rcoverage_applied ;
+ property coverage_elegible : String read Rcoverage_elegible write Rcoverage_elegible ;
+ property documentation_required : String read Rdocumentation_required write Rdocumentation_required ;
+ property documentation_status : String read Rdocumentation_status write Rdocumentation_status ;
+ property documentation : String read Rdocumentation write Rdocumentation ;
+ property date_documentation_deadline : String read Rdate_documentation_deadline write Rdate_documentation_deadline ;
+ property date_created : String read Rdate_created write Rdate_created ;
+ property date_last_updated : String read Rdate_last_updated write Rdate_last_updated ;
+ property live_mode : String read Rlive_mode write Rlive_mode ;
+ end;
+uses DateUtils, Character ;
+function getCamposJsonString(json,value:String): String;
+ LJSONObject: TJSONObject;
+ function TrataObjeto(jObj:TJSONObject):string;
+ var i:integer;
+ jPar: TJSONPair;
+ begin
+ result := '';
+ for i := 0 to jObj.Size - 1 do
+ begin
+ jPar := jObj.Get(i);
+ if jPar.JsonValue Is TJSONObject then
+ result := TrataObjeto((jPar.JsonValue As TJSONObject)) else
+ if sametext(trim(jPar.JsonString.Value),value) then
+ begin
+ Result := jPar.JsonValue.Value;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if result <> '' then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ try
+ LJSONObject := nil;
+ LJSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(json),0) as TJSONObject;
+ result := TrataObjeto(LJSONObject);
+ finally
+ LJSONObject.Free;
+ end;
+function StripNonJson(s: string): string;
+ ch: char;
+ inString: boolean;
+ Result := '';
+ inString := false;
+ for ch in s do
+ begin
+ if ch = '"' then
+ inString := not inString;
+ if TCharacter.IsWhiteSpace(ch) and not inString then
+ continue;
+ Result := Result + ch;
+ end;
+function JsonSinComillas(s: String): String;
+ result := StringReplace( s, '"','', [rfReplaceAll] );
+procedure SaveToFile( sFileName: String ; sTexto : String );
+ f : textfile;
+ try
+ AssignFile( f, sFileName );
+ Rewrite( f );
+ Write(f, sTexto );
+ Flush(f);
+ CloseFile(f);
+ except
+ end;
+{ TMercadoPago }
+constructor TMercadoPago.Create(
+ sPublicKey,
+ sAccessToken,
+ sClientID,
+ sClientSecret : String );
+ req := TRequest.Create ;
+ TimerApagaStatus := TTimer.Create( Self );
+ TimerApagaStatus.Interval := 2*1000 ;
+ TimerApagaStatus.Enabled := False ;
+ TimerApagaStatus.OnTimer := TimerApagaStatusOnTimer ;
+ PublicKey := sPublicKey ;
+ AccessToken := sAccessToken ;
+ Client_ID := sClientID ;
+ Client_Secret := sClientSecret ;
+destructor TMercadoPago.Destroy;
+ TimerApagaStatus.Free ;
+ req.Free ;
+function TMercadoPago.CancelarPedido(s: String): String;
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments/'+s;
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ //Os cancelamentos podem ser realizados somente com status pending e in process
+ req.body.Add('{"status" : "cancelled"}');
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Put(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TMercadoPago.JSONDateTimeToDelphiDateTime(s: String): TDateTime;
+var ano, mes, dia, hora, min, seg : Word;
+ // 12345678901234567890
+ // 2018-08-02T14:02:33.000-04:00
+ s := JsonSinComillas( s );
+ ano := StrToInt( Copy( s, 1, 4 ));
+ mes := StrToInt( Copy( s, 6, 2 ));
+ dia := StrToInt( Copy( s, 9, 2 ));
+ hora := StrToInt( Copy( s,12, 2 ));
+ min := StrToInt( Copy( s,15, 2 ));
+ seg := StrToInt( Copy( s,18, 2 ));
+ Result := EncodeDateTime( ano, mes, dia, hora, min, seg, 0);
+procedure TMercadoPago.m(s: WideString);
+ FMemoRetorno := s;
+procedure TMercadoPago.xError(s: String);
+ FMemoError := s;
+function TMercadoPago.BuscarPedido(s: String): String;
+ vStatus : String;
+ Status( 'Buscando Pagamento' );
+ req.Clear;
+ if s = '' then
+ begin
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments/search';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments/search?id='+s; //external_reference
+ req.params.Add('&access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ end;
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Get(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+// raise Exception.Create(getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'status'));
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case AnsiIndexStr(getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'status'),
+ ['pending', 'approved', 'in_process', 'rejected', 'cancelled', 'refunded', 'charged_back']) of
+ 0 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Pendente';
+ 1 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Aprovado';
+ 2 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Em Processo';
+ 3 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Rejeitado';
+ 4 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Cancelado';
+ 5 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Reembolso';
+ 6 : FStatusCon.RetStatus := 'Estorno Cartão';
+ end;
+ Status( 'Buscando Pagamento '+FStatusCon.RetStatus );
+function TMercadoPago.CadCliente(): String;
+ Enviar : TStringList;
+ Enviar := TStringList.Create;
+ Enviar.Add(
+ '{'+#10+
+ ' "email": "bruno@gmail.com",'+#10+
+ ' "first_name": "Bruce",'+#10+
+ ' "last_name": "Wayne",'+#10+
+ ' "phone": {'+#10+
+ ' "area_code": "023",'+#10+
+ ' "number": "12345678"'+#10+
+ ' },'+#10+
+ ' "identification": {'+#10+
+ ' "type": "DNI",'+#10+
+ ' "number": "12345678"'+#10+
+ ' },'+#10+
+ ' "address": {'+#10+
+ ' "zip_code": "SG1 2AX",'+#10+
+ ' "street_name": "Old Knebworth Ln"'+#10+
+ ' },'+#10+
+ ' "description": "Lorem Ipsum"'+#10+
+ ' }');
+ Result := Enviar.Text;
+function TMercadoPago.GerarCliente(): String;
+ vError : String;
+ Status( 'Adicionar Cliente' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/v1/customers';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ req.body.Add( CadCliente );
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Post(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //FBoleto.BoletoLink := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('transaction_details').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Status( 'Cliente Adicionado com sucesso!' );
+function TMercadoPago.CadBoleto: String;
+ Enviar : TStringList;
+ Enviar := TStringList.Create;
+ Enviar.Add(
+ '{'+#10+
+ '"installments": 1,'+#10+ // NUMERO DE PACELAS
+ '"date_of_expiration": "'+ DateToISO8601(StrToDate(Bdate_of_expiration), False)+'",'+#10+
+ '"transaction_amount": "'+ Btransaction_amount+'",'+#10+
+ '"external_reference": "'+ Bexternal_reference+'",'+#10+ //NUMERO DO PEDIDO DE SEU SITE PARA FUTURA CONCILIAÇÃO FINANCEIRA
+ '"description": "'+ Bdescription+'",'+#10+
+ '"payment_method_id": "'+ Bpayment_method_id+'",'+#10+ // MEIO DE PAGAMENTO
+ '"payer": {'+#10+
+ '"email": "'+ Bemail+'",'+#10+
+ '"first_name": "'+ Bfirst_name+'",'+#10+
+ '"last_name": "'+ Blast_name+'",'+#10+
+ '"identification": {'+#10+
+ '"type": "'+ Btype+'",'+#10+ //TIPO DE DOCUMENTO, CPF OU CNPJ CASO BRASIL
+ '"number": "'+ Bnumber+'"'+#10+
+ '},'+#10+
+ '"address": {'+#10+
+ '"zip_code": "'+ Bzip_code+'",'+#10+
+ '"street_name": "'+ Bstreet_name+'",'+#10+
+ '"street_number": "'+ Bstreet_number+'",'+#10+
+ '"neighborhood": "'+ Bneighborhood+'",'+#10+
+ '"city": "'+ Bcity+'",'+#10+
+ '"federal_unit": "'+ Bfederal_unit+'"'+#10+
+ '}'+#10+
+ '}'+#10+
+ '}');
+ Result := Enviar.Text;
+function TMercadoPago.GerarBoleto: String;
+ ano, mes, dia : word;
+ data : TDateTime;
+ vError : String;
+ Status( 'Adicionando Pagamento Por Boleto' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/v1/payments'; //advanced_payments
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ req.body.Add( CadBoleto );
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Post(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ FBoleto.BoletoLink := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('transaction_details').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FBoleto.BoletoLink := getCamposJsonString(Boleto.BoletoLink, 'external_resource_url');
+ FBoleto.BoletoBarra := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('barcode').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FBoleto.BoletoBarra := getCamposJsonString(Boleto.BoletoBarra, 'content');
+ FBoleto.BoletoRetorno := StrToBool( TJSONObject(Json.Get('captured').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FBoleto.BoletoID := ( TJSONObject(Json.Get('id').JsonValue).ToString );
+ ano := StrToInt(Copy(TJSONObject(Json.Get('date_of_expiration').JsonValue).ToString,2,4));
+ mes := StrToInt(Copy(TJSONObject(Json.Get('date_of_expiration').JsonValue).ToString,7,2));
+ dia := StrToInt(Copy(TJSONObject(Json.Get('date_of_expiration').JsonValue).ToString,10,2));
+ data := EncodeDate(ano, mes, dia);
+ FBoleto.BoletoVencimento := ( FormatdateTime('yyyy/mm/dd', data));
+ Status( 'Pagamento gerado e incluído com sucesso!' );
+procedure TMercadoPago.get_user_me;
+ vError : String;
+ Status( 'Buscando dados da conta' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/users/me';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Get(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ FUser.ID := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('id').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.nickname := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('nickname').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.first_name := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('first_name').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.last_name := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('last_name').JsonValue).ToString );
+ FUser.email := JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('email').JsonValue).ToString );
+ Status( 'Datos da conta retornados corretamente!' );
+function TMercadoPago.SaldoConta(s: String): String;
+ vError : String;
+ const
+ vID = '166957358';
+ vToken = 'APP_USR-3067742096444572-042712-95042da85e0714597f6b707e6234d23c-166957358';
+ Status( 'Buscando saldo da conta!' );
+ req.Clear ;
+ req.uri := '/users/'+vID+'/mercadopago_account/balance';
+ req.params.Add('?access_token='+vToken);
+ //req.params.Add('&access_token='+FAccessToken);
+ try
+ sResposta := TMPRestClient.Get(req);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ xError( 'Error: '+E.ClassName + ': ' +E.Message );
+ end;
+ m( 'Resposta: '+sResposta );
+ Json := TJsonObject(TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(StripNonJson(sResposta)),0));
+ vError := getCamposJsonString(sResposta, 'error');
+ if vError <> '' then
+ begin
+ xError( 'Error: '+( TJSONObject(Json.Get('message').JsonValue).ToString ) );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ContaSaldo := StrToCurr(StringReplace(JsonSinComillas( TJSONObject(Json.Get('total_amount').JsonValue).ToString), '.', ',', [] ));
+ Status( 'Buscando saldo da conta!' );
+function TMercadoPago.sandboxurl(s: String): String;
+ if FSandBox then
+ result := result+'/sandbox';
+ result := result + s;
+procedure TMercadoPago.SetAccessToken(const Value: String);
+ FAccessToken := Value;
+ m( 'Access Token: '+Value );
+procedure TMercadoPago.SetClient_ID(const Value: String);
+ FClient_ID := Value;
+ m( 'ClientID: '+Value );
+procedure TMercadoPago.SetMemo(const Value: WideString);
+ FMemoRetorno := Value;
+ PublicKey := FPublicKey ;
+ AccessToken := FAccessToken ;
+ Client_ID := FClient_ID ; // Para ser visto no memorando
+ Client_Secret := FClient_Secret ;
+procedure TMercadoPago.SetPublicKey(const Value: String);
+ FPublicKey := Value;
+ m( 'PublicKey: '+Value);
+procedure TMercadoPago.SetStatus(const Value: String);
+ FStatus := Value;
+ //FStatus.Visible := False ;
+procedure TMercadoPago.Status(s: String);
+ FStatus := s ;
+procedure TMercadoPago.TimerApagaStatusOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ {if Assigned( FStatus ) then
+ FStatus.Visible := False ;}
+function TMercadoPago.UriSaveName(s: String): String;
+ s := RightStr( s, Length(s)-1 );
+ result := StringReplace( s, '\','',[rfReplaceAll]);
+procedure TMercadoPago.SetClient_Secret(const Value: String);
+ FClient_Secret := Value;
+ m( 'ClientSecret: '+Value );
+{ TMPRestClient }
+constructor TMPRestClient.Create;
+ inherited;
+ sURLDominio := 'https://api.mercadopago.com';
diff --git a/RestClient_u.dcu b/RestClient_u.dcu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7027ccb
Binary files /dev/null and b/RestClient_u.dcu differ
diff --git a/RestClient_u.pas b/RestClient_u.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dbb76f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RestClient_u.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+unit RestClient_u;
+ DBXJSON, JSON, System.Classes, System.SysUtils,
+ FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs,
+ System.Net.URLClient, System.Net.HttpClient,
+ System.Net.HttpClientComponent;
+ TRequest = class
+ uri : String;
+ vToken : String;
+ body : TStringList;
+ headers : TStringList;
+ params : TStringList;
+ public
+ procedure Clear ;
+ constructor Create ;
+ destructor Destroy ;
+ end;
+ TRestClient = Class ( TComponent )
+ private
+ NetHTTP : TNetHTTPClient;
+ function armarParametros( sl : TStringList ) : String ;
+ protected
+ constructor Create ; virtual ;
+ destructor Destroy ;
+ public
+ sURLDominio : String ;
+ class function Get( req : TRequest ) : String ;
+ class function Post( req : TRequest ) : String ;
+ class function Put( req : TRequest ) : String ;
+ End;
+uses StrUtils ;
+{ TRestClient }
+function TRestClient.armarParametros(sl: TStringList): String;
+var i : integer ;
+ result := '';
+ for I := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin
+ result := result+sl[i];
+ if i
+ {1BF34D6E-C398-4AE8-A8EA-F85DF4CA8A52}
+ SGerenciaPago.dpk
+ 19.0
+ True
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ 32787
+ Package
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ All
+ GerenciaPago
+ SGerenciaPago
+ None
+ android-support-v4.dex.jar;cloud-messaging.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-base.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-identifier.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-lite.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-base.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-basement.16.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-gass.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-identity.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-maps.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-base.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-sdk-api.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-stats.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tagmanager-v4-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tasks.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-wallet.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-analytics.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-common.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid-interop.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid.17.1.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-measurement-connector.17.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-messaging.17.5.0.dex.jar;fmx.dex.jar;google-play-billing.dex.jar;google-play-licensing.dex.jar
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ package=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);label=$(MSBuildProjectName);versionCode=1;versionName=1.0.0;persistent=False;restoreAnyVersion=False;installLocation=auto;largeHeap=False;theme=TitleBar;hardwareAccelerated=true;apiKey=
+ Debug
+ None
+ android-support-v4.dex.jar;cloud-messaging.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-base.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-identifier.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-lite.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-analytics.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-base.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-basement.16.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-gass.17.2.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-identity.16.0.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-maps.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-base.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-measurement-sdk-api.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-stats.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tagmanager-v4-impl.16.0.8.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-tasks.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-android-gms.play-services-wallet.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-analytics.16.4.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-common.16.1.0.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid-interop.16.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-iid.17.1.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-measurement-connector.17.0.1.dex.jar;com-google-firebase.firebase-messaging.17.5.0.dex.jar;fmx.dex.jar;google-play-billing.dex.jar;google-play-licensing.dex.jar
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ package=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);label=$(MSBuildProjectName);versionCode=1;versionName=1.0.0;persistent=False;restoreAnyVersion=False;installLocation=auto;largeHeap=False;theme=TitleBar;hardwareAccelerated=true;apiKey=
+ Debug
+ None
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ None
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ Debug
+ true
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ 1033
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ rtl;fmx;dbrtl;DbxCommonDriver;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ Debug
+ true
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ 1033
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ 0
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ Package
+ SGerenciaPago.dpk
+ True
+ True
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ True
+ True
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ SGerenciaPago.bpl
+ true
+ 1
+ 0
+ classes
+ 1
+ classes
+ 1
+ res\xml
+ 1
+ res\xml
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 0
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .dll;.bpl
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .bpl
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ 12
diff --git a/SGerenciaPago.dproj.local b/SGerenciaPago.dproj.local
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e7c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SGerenciaPago.dproj.local
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ 2021/02/07 11:14:55.000.131,=rtl.dcp
+ 2021/02/07 11:15:00.000.462,=I:\PagOnLine\GerenciaPago\GerenciaPago.pas
+ 2021/05/11 07:23:51.000.022,=I:\PagOnLine\GerenciaPago\RestClient_u.pas
+ 2021/05/11 07:24:21.000.973,=I:\PagOnLine\GerenciaPago\MercadoPago_u.pas
+ 2021/05/11 07:27:51.000.378,=fmx.dcp
+ 2021/05/11 07:27:51.000.432,=dbrtl.dcp
+ 2021/05/11 07:27:51.000.537,=DbxCommonDriver.dcp
diff --git a/SGerenciaPago.identcache b/SGerenciaPago.identcache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c80ac6
Binary files /dev/null and b/SGerenciaPago.identcache differ
diff --git a/SGerenciaPago.res b/SGerenciaPago.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d49ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/SGerenciaPago.res differ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f562648
Binary files /dev/null and b/TGERENCIAPAGO.bmp differ