Thursday, July 5th, 6pm at DevOpsGroup offices, Cardiff.
One again held at the offices of DevOpsGroup on the 22nd floor overlooking Cardiff, the Meetup was kicked off by Lewis with a brief introduction to CloudNativeWales and its Code of Conduct.
First to speak was Greg Simons, who discussed logging, the 11th factor in the Twelve-Factor App methodology. Greg presented a brief history of the 12 factor approach, which helped to clarify in which circumstances it's effective.
The remainder of the talk linked together tracing, monitoring, logging and storage, and discussed how to manage the trade-offs between the cost of aggregating, storing and moving this data in and out of your applications.
Dan presented a very entertaining and informative lightning talk on Blue/Green deployments. The primary focus of the talk was on describing the correct order of steps needed to perform effective Blue/Green deployments, and then presented Netflix's implementation of this, called Red/Black deployments.
Sam's talk (a version of which can be seen here - recommended!) cut through the buzzwords of the Cloud Native world and took the Meetup attendees on a whistle-stop tour through the history leading up to "Cloud Native", and explained what exactly it is and why it’s important. In addition to having vast experience in advising companies on how best to move to the Cloud, Sam also authored the O'Reilly book Building Microservices (already translated into six languages and with a second edition on the way). Sam drew upon these experiences and expertise to help us understand how (when it comes to Cloud Native) everything is related, everything is new, and everything is old all at the same time.
Raffle prize was a conference pass to Cloud Native London 2018
Around 40 attendees were present.
The post-Meetup drinks were again held at Tiny Rebel.
Details of the next Meetup can be found here in the lead-up to the event.