diff --git a/index/ba/bar_codes/bar_codes-5.0.0.toml b/index/ba/bar_codes/bar_codes-5.0.0.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e04178c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index/ba/bar_codes/bar_codes-5.0.0.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+description = "Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media"
+name = "bar_codes"
+version = "5.0.0"
+authors = ["Gautier de Montmollin"]
+website = "https://ada-bar-codes.sourceforge.io/"
+licenses = "MIT"
+maintainers = ["fabien.chouteau@gmail.com"]
+maintainers-logins = ["zertovitch", "Fabien-Chouteau"]
+project-files = ["ada_bar_codes.gpr"]
+tags = ["bar", "code", "barcode", "bar-code",
+ "datamatrix", "data-matrix",
+ "qr", "qrcode", "qr-code",
+ "code128", "msi", "ean13", "upca",
+ "pbm", "pdf", "png", "svg"]
+executables = ["bar_codes_demo"]
+long-description = """
+Some features:
+* 1D bar codes supported: Code 128, EAN-13, MSI, UPC-A
+* 2D bar codes supported: Data Matrix, QR Codes
+* Task safe
+* Endian-neutral
+* Multi-platform, but native code build
+* Standalone (no dependency on other libraires, bindings, etc.; no extra component needed for running)
+* Unconditionally portable code: OS-, CPU-, compiler- independent code.
+* Pure Ada 2012: this package can be used in projects in Ada 2012 and later versions of the Ada language
+* Tests and demos included
+* *Free*, open-source
+The creation of a bar code is as simple as this small procedure:
+with Ada.Text_IO, Bar_Codes, Bar_Codes_Media;
+procedure Small_Demo is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ svg : File_Type;
+ Create (svg, Out_File, "qr_code.svg");
+ Put_Line
+ (svg,
+ Bar_Codes_Media.SVG_Bar_Code
+ (Bar_Codes.Code_QR_Low, 100.0, 100.0, "mm", "Hello"));
+ Close (svg);
+end Small_Demo;
+Build_Mode = ["Debug", "Fast"]
+url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ada-bar-codes/files/abc_005.zip"
+hashes = ["sha512:c211b27c745a38409ecdf858277e0456fbb41692ee4534f4ae05ae75f75d37407f66a89d394a18f99c59a11f83fd4319f5cc41fb7416016a96b9576deb7dcac5"]
diff --git a/index/li/libgnatdoc/libgnatdoc-24.0.0.toml b/index/li/libgnatdoc/libgnatdoc-24.0.0.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32d5e96ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index/li/libgnatdoc/libgnatdoc-24.0.0.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name = "libgnatdoc"
+description = "GNAT Documentation Generation Tool (as a library)"
+version = "24.0.0"
+tags = ["documentation", "tools"]
+authors = ["AdaCore"]
+maintainers = ["Vadim Godunko ", "Maxim Reznik "]
+maintainers-logins = ["godunko", "reznikmm", "chouteau"]
+licenses = "GPL-3.0-only WITH GCC-exception-3.1"
+website = "https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatdoc"
+project-files = ["gnat/libgnatdoc.gpr"]
+disabled = true
+markdown = "^24"
+libadalang = "^24"
+vss = "^24"
diff --git a/index/li/liblal_refactor/liblal_refactor-24.0.0.toml b/index/li/liblal_refactor/liblal_refactor-24.0.0.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f15063b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index/li/liblal_refactor/liblal_refactor-24.0.0.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+name = "liblal_refactor"
+description = "Source code refactoring utilities for the Ada "
+version = "24.0.0"
+tags = ["refactoring", "tools"]
+authors = ["AdaCore"]
+maintainers = ["Fabien Chouteau "]
+maintainers-logins = ["chouteau"]
+licenses = "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"
+website = "https://github.com/AdaCore/lal-refactor"
+project-files = ["gnat/lal_refactor.gpr"]
+disabled = true
+libadalang_tools = "^24"
+vss = "^24"
diff --git a/index/se/serverfaces/serverfaces-1.6.1.toml b/index/se/serverfaces/serverfaces-1.6.1.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8316ff56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index/se/serverfaces/serverfaces-1.6.1.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+description = "Web Server Faces JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344"
+tags = ["web", "servlet", "http", "json"]
+name = "serverfaces"
+version = "1.6.1"
+licenses = "Apache-2.0"
+authors = ["Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com"]
+maintainers = ["Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com"]
+maintainers-logins = ["stcarrez"]
+project-files = ["asf.gpr"]
+website = "https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/ada-asf"
+long-description = """
+[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/ada-asf/badges/build.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/ada-asf/summary)
+[![Test Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/ada-asf/badges/tests.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/ada-asf/xunits)
+[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/ada-asf/badge/?version=latest)](https://ada-asf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
+Ada Servlet allows to create web applications using the same pattern
+as the Java Servlet (See JSR 154, JSR 315).
+The Ada Servlet library is used by the [Ada Server Faces](https://github.com/stcarrez/ada-asf)
+framework and [Ada Web Application](https://github.com/stcarrez/ada-awa)
+to provide server web requests.
+# Documentation
+* [Ada Server Faces Programmer's Guide](https://ada-asf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) [PDF](https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/ada-asf/blob/master/docs/asf-book.pdf)
+security = "^1.5.0"
+servletada = "^1.7.0"
+utilada = "^2.6.0"
+ASF_BUILD = ["distrib", "debug", "optimize", "profile", "coverage"]
+ASF_LIBRARY_TYPE = ["relocatable", "static", "static-pic"]
+disabled = true
+DYNAMO_BUNDLE_PATH.prepend = "${CRATE_ROOT}/bundles"
+commit = "272ec8846cc89eb69256fe7b148b7036634310d0"
+url = "git+https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/ada-asf.git"
diff --git a/index/se/serverfaces_unit/serverfaces_unit-1.6.1.toml b/index/se/serverfaces_unit/serverfaces_unit-1.6.1.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b2158a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index/se/serverfaces_unit/serverfaces_unit-1.6.1.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+description = "Web Server Faces JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344 (Testing framework)"
+tags = ["web", "servlet", "http", "framework", "facelet", "jsf", "testing"]
+name = "serverfaces_unit"
+version = "1.6.1"
+licenses = "Apache-2.0"
+authors = ["Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com"]
+maintainers = ["Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com"]
+maintainers-logins = ["stcarrez"]
+website = "https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/ada-asf"
+project-files = ["asf_unit.gpr"]
+long-description = """
+[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/ada-asf/badges/build.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/ada-asf/summary)
+[![Test Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/api/v1/projects/ada-asf/badges/tests.json)](https://porion.vacs.fr/porion/projects/view/ada-asf/xunits)
+[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/ada-asf/badge/?version=latest)](https://ada-asf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
+Ada Server Faces allows to create web applications using the same pattern
+as the Java Server Faces (See JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344).
+This library provides a unit test framework that helps in building unit tests
+on top of Ada Server Faces.
+# Documentation
+* [Ada Server Faces Programmer's Guide](https://ada-asf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) [PDF](https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/ada-asf/blob/master/docs/asf-book.pdf)
+security = "^1.5.0"
+serverfaces = "^1.6.0"
+servletada = "^1.7.0"
+utilada = "^2.6.0"
+utilada_unit = "^2.6.0"
+servletada_unit = "^1.7.0"
+ASF_BUILD = ["distrib", "debug", "optimize", "profile", "coverage"]
+ASF_LIBRARY_TYPE = ["relocatable", "static", "static-pic"]
+disabled = true
+commit = "272ec8846cc89eb69256fe7b148b7036634310d0"
+subdir = "./asfunit/"
+url = "git+https://gitlab.com/stcarrez/ada-asf.git"
diff --git a/index/ul/ulid/ulid-20240921.0.0.toml b/index/ul/ulid/ulid-20240921.0.0.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3811d042b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index/ul/ulid/ulid-20240921.0.0.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+name = "ulid"
+description = "Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier"
+long-description = '''
+In a nutshell, a ULID code (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) is
+a combination of a 48-bit time stamp (most significant part, with a millisecond accuracy),
+and a 80-bit random number (least significant part), totalling 128 bits, that is 16 bytes (octets).
+The ULID code generation is sort of UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) system, also know as GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).
+The characteristic of ULID numbers is that they can be compared and sorted by their timestamps.
+The package ULID provides a `Generate` function using the method described above, plus a `Generate_Monotonic` function that enables the production of a monotonically increasing sequence of ULID numbers within the same millisecond.
+The preferred (canonical) representation of a ULID is a certain version of the Base32 encoding (example of output: 01J80P3NJDN0Y5YX7D05421X0G).
+The ULID package also provides a function `Encode_as_8_4_4_4_12` that outputs a text representation in the usual UUID 8-4-4-4-12 format (like: 01920161-d64d-5a3e-589e-c45df155547b).
+Both formats are also recognized by the `Decode` function.
+version = "20240921.0.0"
+authors = ["Gautier de Montmollin"]
+maintainers = ["gdemont@hotmail.com"]
+maintainers-logins = ["zertovitch"]
+licenses = "MIT"
+website = "https://github.com/zertovitch/ulid"
+tags = ["ulid", "uuid", "guid", "identifier", "timestamp"]
+project-files = ["ulid.gpr"]
+executables = ["ulid_test"]
+gnat = "(>=11 & <2000) | >=2021"
+url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ulid-ada/files/ulid-2024-09-21.zip"
+hashes = ["sha512:b7822a403e879c6363551e2f13e6f44a9f78253ab1ec33138070213bca2fc0177c793968566d125845806acc6971ffff5408daafa454eb195a054534e1308dd3"]