STM PLC Display Front-ent and Back-end communication between TouchGFX Layer View -> Presenter -> Model -> Main Communication
Embedded C / STM CUDE IDE, TouchGFX data transfer and input handle along with keypad implementation
This is an implementation of the following tasks as defined below:
As a user, who accesses this service through a user interface, ...
- A Keypad on the microcontroller display to input numbers.
- Input entered (@Param Movie) should be saved and loaded according to user.
- Data from sensor @Param Air_pressure should be read periodically after ever 500ms. The user interface is not part of this assignment, altough elements handles are imeplemented just as they would be if a user interface such as TouchGFX were to used.
This project is build over the following requirements:
-Embedded C -STM Cube IDE -TouchGFX UI -STM32F769i Board
########################################## Endpoints according to user requirement tasks:
- A Keypad on the microcontroller display to input numbers.
Keypad is implemented in the following header and body files respectively:
TouchGFX/gui/include/gui/luthansa_home_screen.hpp (header)
TouchGFX/gui/src/gui/luthansa_home_screen.cpp (body)
- Input entered (@Param Movie) should be saved and loaded according to user.
The communication between the view and the main file to write to the register is described as below:
Source Button handled -> View Method Called -> Presenter get method -> Model method to receive input from queue called -> Main StartDefaultTask reads/writes value from Queue and sets in defined struct
- Data from sensor @Param Air_pressure should be read periodically after ever 500ms.
The Air pressure is read from the sensor into the Data_Struct and read by the Main StartDefaultTask not at each tick (60ms) but after every half second (500ms) and periodically sent to the model controller using "extern Queue" as follows:
Main Tick read_air_pressure() - > Data written to Queue_hanlde - > Queue_hanlde declared as extern variable in model class - > ModelListerner used to call set air_pressure method periodically - > Screen Presenter calls View Update method - > View sets values either on Screen_SetUp or periodically on calls