Before all, I'd be glad if you could share your new feature with everybody. So if you want to, you can fork it on github ( (see Developer’s Kit) and submit new features.
If you want to add a new preview builder to handle documents of type foo into jpeg (for example) here is how to proceed :
- Warning If you need to look at other builders to find out how to proceed, avoid looking at any of the Office to something. It is a particular case and could misslead you.
- Create a new class FooPreviewBuilder in a file in preview_generator/preview
- Make him inherit from the logical PreviewBuilder class * if it handles several pages it will be class FooPreviewBuilder(PreviewBuilder) * for single page it will be class FooPreviewBuilder(OnePagePreviewBuilder) * etc
- define your own build_jpeg_preview(...) (in the case we want to make foo into jpeg) based on the same principle as other build_{type}_preview(...)
- inputs must be a stream of bytes and optional informations like a number of pages, a size, ...
- output must also be a stream of bytes
- Maybe you'll need to redefine some methods like get_page_number() or exists_preview() in your FooPreviewBuilder class
- From scratch on a terminal :
- create your project directory (we will name it "the_project" but you can name it the way you want) : mkdir the_project
- cd the_project
- git clone
- building your environment :
- install python virtualenv builder : sudo apt install python3-venv
- build your virtual env (env will be called "myenv", you can name it the way you want): python3 -m venv myenv
- if it's not already, activate it : source myenv/bin/activate. (deactivate to deactivate)
- install dependencies : * apt-get install poppler-utils libfile-mimeinfo-perl libimage-exiftool-perl ghostscript libsecret-1-0 zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev * pip install -e ".[dev, all]" * install external apt dependencies for specific builder (see
When using subclass of generic abstract class, convention is to prefix it with name of the generic abstract class. For example:
Pytest is a motor for unit testing
- pip install -e '.[testing]'
- go into the "tests" directory : cd path/to/you/project/directory/tests
- run pytest
Run mypy checks:
mypy --ignore-missing-imports --disallow-untyped-defs .
Code formatting using black:
black -l 100 preview_generator tests
Sorting of import:
isort tests/**/*.py preview_generator/**/*.py
Flake8 check(unused import, variable and many other checks):
flake8 preview_generator tests
install preview_generator with dev dependencies (contains tests dependencies)
pip install -e '.[dev]'
install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
Launch test :
You now can commit and see if pre-commit is ok with your change.