diff --git a/{{cookiecutter.project_name}}/makefile b/{{cookiecutter.project_name}}/makefile index a6bc317..2a35172 100644 --- a/{{cookiecutter.project_name}}/makefile +++ b/{{cookiecutter.project_name}}/makefile @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ install: ## Install dependencies @$(MAKE) --quiet install-poetry {%- endif %} @$(MAKE) --quiet install-dependencies - {%- if cookiecutter.pre_commit_hooks == 'y' %} + {%- if cookiecutter.pre_commit_hooks != 'n' %} @$(MAKE) --quiet install-pre-commit {%- endif %} @$(MAKE) --quiet setup-environment-variables @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ install: ## Install dependencies @$(MAKE) --quiet add-repo-to-git @echo "Installed the '{{ cookiecutter.project_name }}' project!" @echo "You can now activate your virtual environment with 'source .venv/bin/activate'." - {%- if cookiecutter.pre_commit_hooks != 'y' %} + {%- if cookiecutter.pre_commit_hooks == 'n' %} @echo "If you want to use pre-commit hooks in the future, run 'make install-pre-commit'." {%- endif %} @echo "Note that this is a {{'Poetry' if cookiecutter.dependency_manager != 'pip' else 'pip'}} project. Use '{{'poetry add ' if cookiecutter.dependency_manager != 'pip' else 'pip install '}}' to install new dependencies and '{{'poetry remove ' if cookiecutter.dependency_manager != 'pip' else 'pip uninstall '}}' to remove them.{{' Freeze your dependencies into pyproject.toml with \'make freeze\'.' if cookiecutter.dependency_manager == 'pip'}}"