- The Hotel Room Hacker
- Rowhammer - Hammering hardware with enough operations that the electricity overflows and flips the bit on a nearby row and changes a bit
- A Dive Into the World of DOS Viruses
- Android Trojan steals money from PayPal accounts
- Breaking the Virtual Memory Abstraction with Transient Out-of-Order Execution
- Buffer Overflow in an unmaintained school project that received a CVE
- Collection of side channel attacks
- Dirty Sock - Linux privilege escalation exploit via snapd (CVE-2019-7304)
- How to get root on Ubuntu 20.04 by pretending nobody's /home
- Magecart - Stealing information through card-skimming
- One click RCE on Telegram
- Portsmash
- Public SSH Keys Leaking Private Infra
- Recovering a full PEM private key when half is redacted
- ROCA (Return of Coppersmith's Attack)
- SIM Exploit
- SSRF Against AWS Interactive Tutorial
- Trojan Source Attacks - Rather than inserting logical bugs, adversaries can attack the encoding of source code files to inject vulnerabilities.
- VirtualBox Escape 0-Day